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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Exactly Declan My investments are all below the taxman.Just recently Mrs Peter has suggested we sell all and disappear to North Norfolk. At 51 it seems a gamble.But worth a think...I have a great homemade shrimp net and 4 beachcaster rods.
  2. At one time I could claim my pension at 65 it is now 68.Where has my £15k + gone and why hasn't anyone complained?
  3. Great to see the new issue is out. Ordered mine last night from Amazon...absolute bargain
  4. I covered my Brutus with Olive oil and had a pipe smoking sailor "chase me" He was trying to put a knife in my back.
  5. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another bit of brass makes 3 figures. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1798-george-iii-guinea-/170972196649?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&nma=true&si=jrE%2BIR7OxT5SjHE7s58DSi%2FmqJE%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  6. As I said OK GVF but max VF money due to the edge knocks.
  7. Come on Stuart. Don't wipe Pat give her a tickle first.
  8. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There are a couple of user names from Cornwall who have been named and shamed...plus their shill buddies.
  9. Peter

    Birthday Boys

    Happy birthday gents (are you twins? )
  10. I went and spent £150 on a pair of reading glasses then found they were not as good as my warehouse shop +1.25 £1.95 pair.
  11. It only goes back to 1797 but lists more varieties than Spink,it is much easier to use,the pricing is more accurate and less than £5 delivered on Amazon.Basically there is far more information than any other publication covering this period with Peck,Freeman,ESC references. It sits within reach of my "coin armchair station"
  12. Fantastic coin Bob. You must be eating bread and water for the next few months. I think the tone is glorious
  13. AAARG...The dreaded Westminster collection.Basically worthless. The key is the predecimal stuff...and I will wager it will be rubbish. It is up to you at the end of the day and a £170 punt might pay off.
  14. It all depends on the pre decimal.I would take a stab at the other (junk?) at £50. To part with £350 for a collection which includes a biscuit tin I would worry.
  15. I think VF money nails it due to the rim knocks at 10 o'clock on the reverse. A pleasing type a
  16. Yes, Davies is the "bible" since 1816, though Dave's book is really good for 20thC. For pre-1816 milled you would need to add English Silver Coinage since 1672 (ESC - Raynor) though that does need updating in the light of more recent varieties discovered. Stage right...Mr Pearce
  17. I think you maybe disappointed
  18. I wish this wouldn't happen.It just sets me another interest/goal/task.
  19. Peter

    Old Britsh Coins

    Seems reasonable for a "cash for gold" set up...there are rip off boys out there. However any scrap goes to proper set ups without the overheads.
  20. Personally I would keep the 2 halves together.The crack would of knocked its value.2 halves from a rare coin IMO is just as desirable.
  21. Be afraid of any cleaning.If in doubt don't do it. I bought a decent tarnished 1937 crown cheaply.I gave it my best then I've gave it to Mrs PETER who put it through a wash/dry then the mangle and now I have a lump of 50% silver bullion.
  22. Rather than dip the whole coin a cotton bud with a drop of dip and a soaked cocktail stick can get you improvements.This is for silver only. I've tried pure acetone and olive oil and have a few good % bad outcomes.