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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    CGS valued it at £6 and even that's strong! How many do they want? I will let them make 100% profit.
  2. Very nice Dave.A decent strike with extras. Crack it out of the slab?
  3. Nice coin Dave (obverse)I hope the reverse isn't a rat
  4. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Why are people slabbing a coin worth £1? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1915-GEORGE-V-FARTHING-CGS-VF45-/190750929742?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item2c69a4334e
  5. I'm not that old but Ashmore was operating and also a coins digest of 1969 was full of fake reports.
  6. How true Rob. Welcome Tac Read up on a series that fascinates you.Look at Ebay,auctions,dealers lists and make a reasoned decision. Visit a coin fair. The internet is a great learning resource but I still like a good book. I've been into coins for 40 years and my mistakes are minimal but I still make them. My main passion is early copper(post 1672) there are chancers on Ebay who list key dates at stupid prices.Some times I slip a similar coin in on a 3 day listing undercutting the listings.I get bites. Keep your money in your wallet until you know your subject. My last tip is buy what you REALLY like the chances are others will like it too.
  7. Peter

    What should I get?

    Nice R's The obverse is really nice.A weaker strike on obverse EF details I would snap up both for £100
  8. Nice cuff links though.Better than 1967 6d's.
  9. Peter

    What should I get?

    We are all Gents on here so if you put a link to the you can have first dibs
  10. Peter

    What should I get?

    They both are far to cheap for the grades you suggest. Post some pictures.
  11. Looks like a Roman 1 maybe a wearing die.
  12. Peter


    Right Where do I start. The coins are worn or polished,Nice pieces of history but nothing over 5p
  13. Peter

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    These are good I have a bag full....and I mean a BAG FULL. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/30X-21mm-Jeweler-Loupe-Jewelry-Glass-Loop-LED-Magnifying-Magnifier-Withdrawing-/270998609241?pt=UK_Jewellery_Watches_JewelleryBoxes_Supplies_CA&hash=item3f18c69d59
  14. I saw her having a crap between two cars just off Commercial Road this morning.
  15. Buy this at least is half decent http://www.ebay.ca/itm/390467040950?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_500wt_1156
  16. Enjoy the last 10 minutes of your birthday.
  17. Peter

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    I hadn't read Clives's reply. I bought a load of microscopes and loupes from HK at less than £1 each.These sell on Ebay for £11. I've sold a couple and covered my cost and now have a lifetime supply
  18. Peter

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    An English seller. I haven't properly searched http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GOLD-JEWELERS-LOUPE-30x21mm-EYE-MAGNIFYING-GLASS-IN-UK-/300634043699?pt=UK_Jewellery_Watches_JewelleryBoxes_Supplies_CA&hash=item45ff2f7533
  19. Peter

    Triplet Jewellers Eye Loupe 30 x 21mm

    Bit expensive.Buy these 50p gadgets from the far east.
  20. I left a load of bids on Ebay toddled of to the Midland fair (leaving at 7am )Got home at 4pm with an empty wallet Checked into Ebay and had won a load.Serious shuffling of funds required.
  21. Peter

    engraved coins

    Welcome back Mongo. Peeps come and go.
  22. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Does anyone buy this junk? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GEORGE-VI-MILLED-NICKLE-BRASS-THREEPENCE-COIN-014809-/350439842334?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item5197d7a21e
  23. http://s1079.beta.photobucket.com/user/p78eter/media/Horse-Stuck-in-Fence.jpg.html