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Everything posted by Peter

  1. What do you prefer? http://www.colincooke.com/coinpages/georgeii.html http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390467605933?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_500wt_1288 What is going on at CC?
  2. OK I love BU but an evenly nice toned piece is always sought by me. A BU with a carbon spot or a finger print I will look elsewhere.
  3. I highly rate the Coventry Village hotel which has a gym/swimming pool which the family enjoy.Lateroom's is a good deal and footie on the way home and a pocket full of gems
  4. I have tried all the fairs outside London.(Harrogate..boring ,Wakefield OK...York OK but my favourite is the Midland at the Motorbike museum.March,June,September,December are the bigger ones when there are extra dealers. I have never left there unhappy. no muggings on the tube plus a nice out of town location. .Well run ,fantastic facilities although a 250 mile round trip.I will be back
  5. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    If he just started it at 99p over 10 days he would have got a lot more watchers and most likely a better result.
  6. Peter


    Double post
  7. Peter


    With milled and varieties etc I think all keen collectors know the difficult ones.With the use of the internet it is much easier today. I'm looking to up grade a couple of 18C farthings and persistence from experience proves I will.
  8. The fields look although good but there is a small ding at 8 o'clock the strike is not the best.NEF would be on the money for me.
  9. I think we have a few members who will go for them all.
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1914-George-V-Silver-Half-Crown-Very-High-Grade-/110948295700?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item19d508a414#ht_500wt_1288 Now this is polished.
  11. Sorry, I thought your 8 were just referring to 1957 halfpennies. What are the 4 calm sea varieties? Freeman only has one. Calm sea varieties 7 points to bead 7 points to left of bead 7 points to space blunter 7 points to bead actually I have just consulted Mr Groom's book and there are 3 more 7 points to right of bead blunt 7 to left of bead blunt 7 to right of bead The initial 4 are mentioned in CCGB.
  12. 1953 1/4d freeman 660 to 663 (excluding proofs) 1957 1/2d freeman 477 plus freeman 476 (with 4 varieties of calm sea) My mistake there are 9 coins there...all currency.
  13. What, BOTH of them? 8 of the buggers
  14. I've been going through my 1953 farthings and looking at my 1957 1/2d's I must have them all....dam it. Time for some Sex Pistols and a slug of red.
  15. I'm pretty vacant but I don't care. Never mind the Boll*cks I'm going to listen to that whilst having a night cap and creating my own mosh pit in the living room. The cat and dog WILL join in.
  16. I'm pretty vacant but I don't care. Never mind the Boll*cks
  17. Hi Stewart Get ahead of the pack. Hammered is a loose cannon but milled is more defined.I'm still after a couple of common varieties like 1874 both G's over,1860 mule.I am doing well on the less common varieties.I've got all copper currency 1/4d's back to 1672 (apart from 1676 & 1718).It keeps me off the streets and a hobby I enjoy. When I look at the CC collection I realise I have a future addiction.I have my ups and downs in tracking coins I want but overall I enjoy it. Even my daughters know what I'm after and quickly spot some varieties.My youngest picked up on the 1856 (R/E or E/R) straight away.Serifs will be a problem. One series I have avoided is William 111 6d's. I still buy examples of Viking,Celtic,Saxon and other hammered.I also buy top quality milled.However both my daughters have an interest in common coins so I often buy these.They both have their own trays.
  18. Being born in the 60's "old coins" had to be pre 1901. It is frightening to think one of my great grandmothers was born in 1870. My relations and parents friends always gave me Victorian bronze as I loved old coins.
  19. I have sold on Ebay and the buyer has resold at a higher price after cleaning. Cleaning (not harsh is OK on ancient coins) Ebay has some strange buyers and when you see polished crap making a fortune If anything looks like it has been tampered with I will mention it.
  20. A variety in my eyes needs to be published in a respected book/reference/accepted by the coin media.It will then be sought. I must confess I have been adding unpublished varieties to my farthing collection and will continue.I have drawn a line though and targeted certain varieties. I do like the challenge.
  21. Agreed Thirded It is not a circulating coin.I have never seen a gaming token like that so most likely a trade token..
  22. Peter

    starting with food...

    http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&biw=1040&bih=602&tbm=isch&tbnid=jlY1Z1r6m1d7nM:&imgrefurl=http://www.celebrityhotshot.org/index.php%3Fsection%3Dpages%26item%3DCatherine-Bach&docid=8quWiUp0IfoOrM&imgurl=http://jameshannon.com/ChillerTheatre/images/Chiller2004-CatherineBachGlossy.jpg&w=458&h=640&ei=rz5QUMSRBIaJ0AXQpIHADQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=175&vpy=226&dur=9580&hovh=265&hovw=190&tx=97&ty=193&sig=105647590360271588211&page=1&tbnh=113&tbnw=77&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0,i:172 Ah Daisy Duke
  23. I shall try it on some really grubby coins. Nice result Dave.
  24. Peter

    starting with food...

    sod the salad.The speedo's are retired. The only crocs are the locals..OOOOH ARRRE.
  25. Peter

    starting with food...

    The pike was taken to a nearby lake and then skinned(only kidding) The trout are farmed and arrive about 1lb each. Don't want Pikeys on our trout water. We used a Datsun Cherry. Nowadays I prefer sitting on the beach with a couple of rods listening to the footie on the radio supping a pint and chilling. I also like to swim in the sea.Mrs Peter is never far away with a nice mug of tea and a bacon roll.It seems to work. ...I cook the fish/shrimps and supply the wine.Then we settle down for the X factor...North Norfolk I love you.