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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is pathetic.I would give away 25 for that price including a couple of H's
  2. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    and some comes with graffiti, chop marks etc... Two examples - 1st a WuZhu (probably Eastern Han 40-75 AD) marked Liu (six) on reverse. 2nd a small milled cash coin of Emperor De Zong 1906-08 with chop marks on reverse. I like the Viking chop marks and pork chops braised in red wine with a few fresh herbs.
  3. Peter

    UK Coin collection for sale

    can't see a lot of interest from the forum.Modern series don't often appeal to collectors.
  4. Ebay can be OK if you get through the crap. We all complain but I love it.
  5. Just know what you collect and the market price.I have had trays pulled off me by dealers.I do love the Midland fair.There are bargains out there.
  6. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    I don't know much about Chinese history but what was the purchasing power of a single coin? Surely it couldn't have been much since they were brass/bronze but were they an early form of representative money? Where you could cash them in and get X amount of silver or gold? Also, was there a point of the square hole in them or was it just decoration/counterfeit protection? The hole was there to put on a string.I think. The only stuff I buy from Asia is..everything (apart from Dr Marten boots and Dyson cleaners)....even our bloody walnuts are from China.
  7. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    Decent washers there.better than some of the worn bun pennies that go for £20k
  8. Peter

    2012 coins

    Next year they won't be rare.
  9. Hi again I'm sure it will turn up as they can't be spent.(well some of the 1988 set can be) I do like the 1970 proof set. If you ever sell this split the coins up.They sell well. I have 2 daughters who both have a date run of pennies from 1895 to 1967 although my eldest is taking an unhealthy interest in my coins and has started to help me photograph them. Keep looking for your collection and take John up on his offer.
  10. The 3 has been over punched with a 9
  11. No disrespect but it is worth about 6d
  12. Peter

    Anyone heard from Geordie?

    You and Bob (RCL) are the oldest gits on here. Long you may live here :D
  13. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ebay There are many dodgy dealers/con men. Rather than the Latin.Buyer beware. Equally coins are pulled from major auction houses after doubts. Just know your subject.
  14. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Looks about as genuine as Katie Prices lady bumps! Some men like silicon John.....................Around the bath and window frames I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole (the only thing that fills Katie Price properly )
  15. Keep an eye on the forum.There are no stupid questions and you won't get slated. There is no easy answer to storage.I have the lot from 2x2 flips,albums,aluminium cases,Linder trays,Coin cabinets and a recent addition of a safe.(Drilled into 300mm concrete with resin anchors...it ain't going anywhere). As a newbie just buy a few publications and pick our brains...advice is free. I'm also a member at coin talk,coin community,coinpeople but the knowledge is here with many authors and dealers.
  16. Ah, one of my favourite patterns in Peck I assume this one is from your collection, Rob? Yes, it's ex-Boulton. You can't get better provenance than that! About 5 years ago in the Circular, there were a couple pages of mint state Soho patterns. All were ex-Boulton. The only halfpenny that was sold was one where I had the ex-Selig piece. So I took all the halfpennies bar one with spots and then wandered around grinning like a Cheshire Cat for a few days. Funnily enough, I only found out because I had phoned to find out where my copy of the Circular was because I hadn't received one. Sometimes you get lucky and to have passed up the opportunity would have been reprehensible. Quite chuffed. Sometimes you get lucky but you make your own luck. I know the feeling of a good day. When I subscribed to Coin Monthly the day of receipt I would be on the phone for anything I fancied in the adverts. Ebay BIN has also been quite good on newly listed.
  17. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    A tad??? Only seen such overpriced crap on eBay until now!!! I can remember in the good old Ebay days they were worried about being raped.We must all remember that a coin correctly pictured will reach it's zenith or what the market will pay on a particular day.I start everything at 99p.When you see prats listing £5 coins with the comment of no reserve (£50) I just ignore. I spend too much time on searching Ebay but I still find some gems....and you must admit it is handy. I bought a smashing gunmetal shilling for £25 the seller was not happy but said he had sold a bloody puffin coin for twice that...swings and roundabouts.That is why my trips to the Midland put everything into perspective.To all newbies use your dealers.You could wipe out farthings 1956 to 1920 in UNC for a fraction of Ebay costs.I now mainly search for varieties being tempted on a few others...sometimes. 'Ere, what you got against the 1919 then? I always thought that was one of the commonest Geo V farthings! Peck I was rounding.Before 1920 you get into the realms of 1918 (bright/dark) 1914,15 varieties etc (someone rattled your cage today?)
  18. Peter

    2012 coins

    Mrs Peter and my daughters have recently been doing their best to assist....bloody prom dress then shoes,hand bag and the rest.
  19. She is a bit of a Hench...as my daughters say Sack of spuds
  20. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    There are some sellers that think every coin is an error or state it is.There are some sellers who are oblivious to what they have got and that includes BNTA members. Know your subject.Simples
  21. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    A tad??? Only seen such overpriced crap on eBay until now!!! I can remember in the good old Ebay days they were worried about being raped.We must all remember that a coin correctly pictured will reach it's zenith or what the market will pay on a particular day.I start everything at 99p.When you see prats listing £5 coins with the comment of no reserve (£50) I just ignore. I spend too much time on searching Ebay but I still find some gems....and you must admit it is handy. I bought a smashing gunmetal shilling for £25 the seller was not happy but said he had sold a bloody puffin coin for twice that...swings and roundabouts.That is why my trips to the Midland put everything into perspective.To all newbies use your dealers.You could wipe out farthings 1956 to 1920 in UNC for a fraction of Ebay costs.I now mainly search for varieties being tempted on a few others...sometimes.
  22. Peter

    Cataloguing my collection....

    Save this info to a spare hard drive.My business accounts nearly went AWOL with out this 5 minute exercise
  23. Peter

    Cataloguing my collection....

    You might want to add "source" and other comments such as provenance,mintage,rarity, You can always add other columns as you see fit.
  24. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    How on earth do 8 bidders bid 22 times for a worn brasso treated coin. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1797-George-III-Cartwheel-Twopence-/221063037403?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item33786241db#ht_500wt_1287