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Everything posted by Peter

  1. The 1869 1d is the holy grail for penny collectors.Anyone who has an UNC is unlikely to sell it.I bet there are quite a few stashed away. I bow to Pete's expertise on the 1d series and the market availability of buns.
  2. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Annes take on William and Mary
  3. I really can't see anything that would give me any joy there.You 1d boys are a breed apart.
  4. Why get your coins graded? If you don't know what you have.I would steer clear of collecting coins.Coins in plastic coffins are not for me.Each to their own.
  5. Peter

    Few recent finds

    Recovering history is a great pastime.Well done.
  6. Peter

    My Latest Acquisition

    Worth every penny to get a class coin.That is a keeper.
  7. Peter

    1937 Penny

    Rather nice....stored in a virgins silk knickers?
  8. Peter

    1937 Penny

    Not a boring thread Pete and opens good discussion.
  9. Peter

    1937 Penny

    Trouble is Pete a 1937 1d could never float my boat in any shape or form but you penny boys are a breed apart.Good on you.
  10. Peter

    CGS v LCGS

    I will hide under my rock (peter is the rock) I've never sent diddly to a TPG who know much less than I do...unbelievable why or how they exist....People need a pat on the back I suppose.I won't ever entertain these shysters...much rather put a coin up on Predecimal when at least you have some sharp eyed knowledge.Back to my chow main had a bit of a bonus this afternoon...the Gees came in I'm not just a coinie.
  11. George 1 copper rocks.After Charles it went to a horrid mess I do have a few William and Mary's but the George 1's hit the mark.I just can't get enough.
  12. Wash it 1st. Semra has left some coin rot spittal
  13. Peter

    Durham Penny ID

    That monkey needs a good spanking.Enjoy.
  14. Peter

    Durham Penny ID

    That coin would see me through Winter .............3 looks per day...fricken gorgeous.
  15. Peter

    Durham Penny ID

    He is not a bad lad for a Manc. BTW a fantastic coin.
  16. WR hints of reproductions.A picture would help.
  17. Gold fish...gods licence for premature ejaculation.Although wan*ing in the local park raises eyebrows.
  18. Peter

    Posting coins to Australia

    Best to buy a pair of trainers and remove the heel.Slip your coins in surrounded by white powder and Hey presto! Seriously just send them in a small package or even in a B/D card.
  19. Simples http://wybrit.com/Brit%20Tips/Brit%20Tip%2017.html
  20. Peter


    Reassuring that the seller has a grasp of basic English grammar innit.
  21. You are a Diva....my sisters married name is Penny Hull and Xmas presents have been along these lines.
  22. Peter

    Henry III AU50

    Either you like it or you don't.
  23. and here we have our ex boy in BLUE throwing around flying condoms (salmon fishing for the non hunting berry gathers)
  24. A must have... according to my rabble.I've not even played a DVD on it yet...you don't want to know Peter's speak on your tender Northern lugs.