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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I concur. The only other obvious offender is resources, i.e you have something I want. But that is often a diversionary tactic to deflect the political situation at home or a catalyst to start an internal conflict coupled to political differences. Or they are French
  2. Agreed, and thanks for counting them! Seem to only get some decent ones on Sundays! That is probably you have eaten a good Sunday roast and drunk a bucket of Vino The coin glasses come out . I never sell on a Sunday because too many coins go through per minute.I've seen top dealers slaughtered. I now sell Tuesday to Thursday after 7pm and before 9pm....but hey mine are all real coins
  3. The catalogue is far easier on the eye than some. They are quite local to me but the choice of copper isn't the best. I do love flintlock and percussion pistols.Quite honestly I prefer the Midland and seat of the pants bartering.I won't name any dealers but a couple know Bu**er all about copper and I always look at their latest trays. Never had a bad day there. I would love to see Ebay reduce the nr of coins listed to 10 per week from the same seller with a minimum listing fee of £1. Out of 56,000 British coins listed approx 50,000 are complete TAT.
  4. To get your foot in the door it helps if the application is written in English. The number of letters I've received over the years asking if I had any job vacancies, but where the letter approximated to a random selection of English(?) words, beggars belief. If applicants can't be bothered to write in English, it doesn't matter how good their maths is because I wouldn't bother replying. Customers, particularly foreign ones, will almost invariably use good English and so replying in tones akin to the French policeman in 'Allo 'Allo isn't very helpful to an employer. Therein lies the real legacy of the education system in this country over the past few decades whereby people are allowed to write without correction of spelling or grammar. I can't believe this Rob.I was poised to reply in a similar vein If der bitches (my teenage daughters) write or use text speak I chastise them.It's all good,random and the use of foul language when not required I just will not accept.(I do swear as much as a blind cobbler)but it must be for a good reason.Mrs Peter reversing out of our garage whilst messing around with my youngest and crashing into my car.Double damage..I did swear a bit....all her fault but she can't blame me for buying coins as and when I see fit. The 3 R's are so important.I was a consultant for a very clever Mechanical/Electrical Project Manager who just could not pen a letter.I used to vet them all.Any jobs going I will give you a very competitive rate.
  5. There are only a few collectors of modern coins and varieties.To me it is worth 10p. If you have been after this for a long time you must have some idea on rarity. Personally,any coins in circulation of which varieties appear,I would getting bags of them from banks and picking out the plums.
  6. Peter

    1876 penny no H

    On mintage figures and current rarity I'm quite happy to go along with Freemans R scale. Good for him his surveys were on such a massive scale and spawned today's Penny addicts.
  7. Peter

    what else do you collect?

    I have a glass topped coffee table in the conservatory which is sectioned off and contains fossils,insects in amber,medals,musket balls & curio's.Not really a collection.
  8. I think the 2 Scott's went to the same school and probably bunked off their English lessons.
  9. Peter


    Nice but not as nice as mine that I picked up off the Bay.... Woderick can stuff his tweed trousers where the sun don't shine. I wonder how many quality coins are bought off widows for a pittance. Get your pictures,descriptions sorted boys.
  10. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I've offered him 3p for scrap value
  11. Peter


    i have a 1919 and a 1931 pennys That's maundy pennies, just checking. I have a strange BU 1919 penny where some idiot has carved kn into the left side of the exurge a pound will buy it
  12. Peter


    Try a bit of hot soapy water and a softened wood(soaked in water tooth pick) Pat dry. Acetone (nail varnish remover will remove crud). Experiment a bit...but start with the rubbish coins first. You could do nothing and send them to a dealer in Cornwall and they will automatically come back 1 or 2 grades higher.
  13. Peter

    US members

    Bobs house will be empty.He suns himself in Florida quite a bit (or anywhere that there is a good coin fair)
  14. Peter

    US members

    Generic Lad and Whybrit are 2 others. Gary...also being a Suffolk N good collector...if you want a house sitter/someone to guard your coins let me know. That BU will suddenly look like a GF on your return.[
  15. I was putting the 1988's away.Then I got the complete 1988 BU set and another BU £ for a pittance so spent the circulated ones.There are over 7 million so they are not rare.
  16. Peter

    buy gold now

    Surely the problem with the Euro is worth cashing in on.It is not only Greece going pop. Holidays abroad are likely to be down due to belt tightening and The Olympics...think of the common holiday destinations that rely on British......Greece,Spain,Italy,Portugal etc.Sterling is likely to be affected by the Euro crisis so $ up.
  17. Peter

    chinese counterfeits

    Absolutely agree on Solovair - fantastic boots from Northampton. Top on My girls were after coloured DM's...I refused.Solovairs marketing are either useless or unambitious.The European/North American market is/are crying out for these.
  18. Peter

    Hello All

    Welcome CFOX Realise there is no easy way to invest.The Bullion train left 4 years ago. If there was an easy route to riches we would be getting on with it and not hanging around forums. Peck is right about knowledge...don't even think about buying until you have the books. Ebay is a minefield and any good dealer will be selling at a profit (until you can outsmart the dealer). Buy a few from dealers (internet/forum members and get a feel.) It ain't easy but I enjoy it and pee less up against the wall.
  19. Peter

    Squeaky bum time

    From an uneducated idiot who won't charge.Buy authentic quality pre 19C furniture (and use carefully)Avoid gold because it is so obvious. Coins..just buy the finest. Work out how long you are likely to live and enjoy now and fret later if you are still grasping breathes...just buy more malt,cuban cigars and take a subscription to H&E.
  20. Peter

    1876 penny no H

    Peter if you want them I will gladly send you all I have at absolutely no charge (yes, I know I can spend the 2p and 1p). Who said I was a heartless git? Oh, yes, it was my ex (well all of them actually) Trouble is John you would put canny cheap steamed off stamps on the packet so I would have to pay the extra charge and take the Lada up to the sorting office and get mugged by the tented Eastern European buddies for the wheels.
  21. Peter

    Squeaky bum time

    If all the banks called in the debt now it would be meltdown. Don't live beyond your means,buy only what you can afford,minimise your debt. When I see new cars advertised at £50 per week and not at its real price I just laugh. FFS something has to give.I'm currently buying all the brand new cars and holiday homes advertised from council house estates.(only kidding...or am I?)
  22. Peter

    Squeaky bum time

    Peck Just get on the gravy train.Don't blame a capitalist system.What I hate is envy/jealousy I went to Shite schools run by leftie do gooders. I was a year late to be able to take the 11+ and ended up in a class of 40 based in a corridor at my middle school.It was a wasted 2 years and held back from learning. There were slow and fast learners in the class and EVERYONE suffered. I have 2 daughters,one is very bright the other is indifferent but compassionate both have merits and demerits.I wouldn't change them for all the copper in Robs collection My wife and close friends are Public school.There are a few of us compi made good. OK I never want to see labour tripe in power again.We are not all equal and that is a fact. I could go on but my 1/4d's are calling out.
  23. Peter

    1876 penny no H

    Nice questions and at least a reply. A 1953 in less than UNC is RARE How many were spent at the tuck shop? I have bought a few 1953 plastic sets (all under £6)...worth splitting and selling to the Ebay mugs. John...keep your 1971 decimal sets. The 1970 proof sets are also worth splitting for the uneducated masses.
  24. Peter

    Squeaky bum time

    Flat rate VAT can be paid on smaller traders...doesn't help with coins.Basically I pay x% on my accountants figures and charge 20% for my services.The balance can usually pay for your accountant. .There is also a fine line between employed and freelance risk taker.IR35 .The benefits of freelance Ltd are VAT Corperation tax at 21% and employing your wife as a director and paying yourself a minimum wage. There are so many loopholes that I doubt anyone capable of earning a reasonable sum can't sort him/herself out. The government employs thickies in the main....nothing new there