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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Hi Picker The coins you have shown appear to be low grade and probably melt value. As you are aware foreign silver varies in purity.(It can be checked in the Krause catalogues). My local meltman gives me £3.50 for a pre 47 halfcrown and £6.80 for pre 20.US silver @ 80% he pro rata's. Individual coins which you believe can exceed melt (GVF)or key dates you can sell individually on Ebay.(It's a hassle but my kids do it for a bit of pocket money) One good thing about this melting thing is getting rid of all the chaff.
  2. I take it that your wifey is very intelligent.
  3. Peter

    Useful links (members posts)

    That is a superb resource. Disitations must be so easy for today's students. I might treat myself over the Xmas holidays to a couple of days.Hopefully every school and library will take a full subscription.
  4. No Bob Gary Speed was a brilliant role model for any budding footballer (he was also manager of Wales) He was only on TV yesterday.A shock to say the least and a big shame.
  5. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I think this seller has accidently put an E in front of Fine and started the auction with the decimal point 2 places out from where it should be http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/QUEEN-VICTORIA-1875-FARTHING-/150708231069?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item2316e91b9d
  6. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another beauty with our Brittania in a wheelchair and George looking great One for SEUK I reckon. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/George-III-1775-copper-halfpenny-under-weight-/140648007624?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item20bf4647c8
  7. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Now come on Gents...who can resist this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/KING-CHARLES-11-BRITISH-FARTHING-COIN-/180759434473?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item2a161a14e9 The mystery is who would ever want to buy things like this?
  8. I don't know the die pairing but do know it has recieved the "brasso" treatment at some time.It also has the dreaded green lurgi... No disrespect inferred but I've thrown better away.
  9. It is a dodgy area to collect and easily counterfeit. One for the brave boys who can afford to lose £1k
  10. Some fakes are obvious but the recent Henry V111 groats identified by Tom and Seuk's crown are quite convincing.(I note the seller of a groat has pulled the sale after I contacted him...I believe he was genuine and not a scammer). The Northumberland shilling was subject of a recent thread and should I be in the market for one I would do my homework. Seuk's crown is more worrying being only an average grade and will fool many. I bought a 1775 evasion 1/4d recently from an antique fair.During the conversation with the dealer I mentioned it was a better example of an evasion.He was quite offended and insisted it was real.He really didn't have a clue and if I had a 10lb cod handy he would of got it square in the chops.....imagine him getting his hands on a load of good fakes.
  11. Just bid your maximum price you would be happy to pay for the coin.Disregard pricing books.If you have an interest in a coin and you have done your homework you will know far more than some poor bod at Spink or the auction house.
  12. Human nature, money and greed are the perfect incredients for a bit of
  13. My pal is a fine art auctioneer.Loosen his toungue with a couple of pints....and yes it is a can of worms.Lovejoy is one of the more honest types.
  14. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This has a lady facing the wrong way...could well of been designed by Picasso during his blue period. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Early-Milled-Milled-One-Penny-Coin-1662-1837-/260892952213?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3cbe6e8695
  15. Good to see you back. I hope everyones health is on the mend. We thought you had retired to the banks of the river Tay.
  16. There should be a slight weight difference.Have you got accurate scales?
  17. Peter

    ENTIRE early milled coin collection for sale!

    Now you are down to 21 coins can you please post some pictures...thanks
  18. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This has to be a wind up or dodgy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1754-KING-GEORGE-11-BRITISH-FARTHING-COIN-/250929208494?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3a6c8bdcae This sort of "thing" needs a hole drilled through it and put under a dripping tap.
  19. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    double post its a bit early.
  20. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Obviously the seller is English, he canna spell rightly much Oche eyi he cannai
  21. Peter

    16th C Hammered Coin Clamp

    I'm sure Tom will have some more info for you.The siege pieces etc were struck on many shapes and were of crude manufacture.Any bit of silver was utilised.The Scarborough siege pieces I actually made in GCSE metalwork 30 years ago...so watch out for these
  22. I bought my 1st house in 1987 and boy was it hard to get a mortgage of 3x salary (plus I put down a 10% deposit).Money wasn't easy to get hold of.If you have no money you should act accordingly and restrain from going into a debt spiral and live within your means. The coalition have years of labour ruin to sort out and no one really has a 100% soloution.Read your Daily Mail
  23. Declan Invest in a double decker and we will rent a floor off you Because I haven't been busy for the past 18 months I've invested in a 3 way ladder and expanded by tool collection 5 fold.I'm often seen lurking near DIY outlets and builders merchants. We've had a rethink on the ratrace and I've taken a few steps back.I went self employed 7 years ago to ease up but for the first 5 years a weeks holiday and no sickness plus working most weekends was order of the day. Crisis...what crisis...tomorrow I have to do about 2 hrs work and make a few calls.Walk the dog,make my wife lunch,confirm a purchase for a few coins and put a couple more shelves up in the study. I'm beyond worrying about savings and pensions and have even just got hold of an allotment and have never been happier.
  24. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This should fill that gap in your collection http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Coins-British-hammered-Elizabeth-grout-/110772911201?pt=UK_Coins_BritishHammered_RL&hash=item19ca947c61
  25. Peter

    Coins for sale

    Looks like I was right with a tenner If you list them (like you have) with a couple of pictures you might get £15 to £25 off ebay...and carboot anything goes. Good luck. ps the 1922 looks once brassoed