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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    new to the forum

    You are welcome.. my collection is being reduced...I have hundreds of coins and notes tucked away but now its being reduced..I was always a date collector but now just keeping choice (apart from farthings ;)BTW a certain German supermarket are doing aluminium coin case's with 5 trays for £8.99...I'm tempted
  2. Peter

    seen on ebay

    It is like gaming tokens...I've seen some go for over £50...I bought a job lot for a fiver (12 tokens).
  3. Good luck Clive we went past the mountain on our honeymoon...I'm type 2 diabetic and keep drinking wine and eating chinease which I suffer the next day.Well done for going for it...I've turned down the offer of a top restaurant tonight in the favour of eggs,toast and a bit of fruit.. ...and no wine. I've lost 3 stone and have got a dog to walk around the village..maybe it was a wake up call...
  4. Peter

    RBS card for purchases

    I just use Peter123...safe as houses
  5. Peter


    I was working in Norwich a few years ago and people with insurance were an easy deal...take it as read.I will never tell people of my £1,000,000 collection
  6. Peter

    184* crowns

    I prefer milky pillows...oops the wife has been seeing what a pervie site predecimal has become
  7. That's going a bit far Peter! A genuine VF 18KN should fetch £25 or so - there must be MANY collectors who want "above average" but can't afford EF or higher, and would cheerfully pay that. And I'd say the VF 1893 should at least be a few quid too. I think you're being too pessimistic. If you're not, then I will happily pay 99p to buy a GVF 1918KN off you Trouble is most KN's are from circulation and worth less than £1....I have also sold 1946 & 1949 3ds at 99p....back in the 70's they were worth more.
  8. Peter


    I've had house insurance since 1987 and never made a claim....The only reason was the mortgage...Given a choice I wouldn't bother to feed some ruddy faced geek.
  9. Peter

    184* crowns

    Organ stops....
  10. both coins will be pence unless mint or nearly mint,,,I've sold many KN's at 99p
  11. Peter


    In the eighties we were on a rugby tour based on the West Coast of Scotland...they locked us in There might be a few half English roses up there...we all did our bit I still get the xmas card and a big grin she is now probally a 20 stone munter ....I could and would of married her...then I met Mrs Irish Peter
  12. Peter

    184* crowns

    I get so exited I get Camera shake That is why my eldest does the pictures and dips into my paypal account at least once a week.
  13. I have about 12 slabbed coins but in my trays I've just written a note"better one in the slab box" the slab box consists of 1/4's farthings,3ds & florins...it would cost a fortune to have all slabs (any tips on breaking slabs appreciated). CGS slabbed a £90 coin and then wanted £150 for it...It had edge damage which was hidden by the slabbing...hence the majority of my coins will remain raw.
  14. I concur..... I will steer queer...jibber jibber....eyes rolling...looks like..no I must not.
  15. Peter


    Jake the springer goes potty with anyone within 200yds of the house but when away we just seclude anything nice..plus the neighbours on both sides kill at 20 yards.AHH Suffolk.
  16. Peter


    I will take my chance as we have a mental springer who guards us..when on hols I spread everything and I'cant face a bank.
  17. Peter


    I/WE halve already paid ...young again..I get so upset...I fear for my daughters although I will pay for them and also scum bags.
  18. Peter


    I dont't care for insurance....many will...but when on holiday we just split the coins over the house...plus my other bits...I will be buying quality G11 Furniture soon to keep the tax man at bay.....We have a great contact at bargain prices...we recently got a a huge bill for inheritance tax....NEVER again.
  19. 1 second that...have a nip of Chivas and put your feet up.
  20. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At the risk of stating the obvious, they are also missing most detail. Presumably there's 200 euros worth of haircut for a start. I can't get my head round this fascination (and money spent) on blocked dies and random dot flaws. When I see a washer going for 23k it makes you wonder...I'm glad I don't hanker after buns
  21. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It was a member of this forum........and I know who I got outbid as well but not suprisingly! Forgot you guys looked on the german ebay too! I confess... 'Twas I .... so much for hiding the bidders ID... LOL!!! Good on you I have picked a few goodies (and Turkeys) upon instinct...that is the name of the game I sold an inferior specimen for $195 a few months ago.... This specimen will replace an example that I currently have.... I will know for sure once it arrives...... I've picked a few nice examples on instinct(and a few Turkeys) fingers x for you.
  22. Yes I know the problem. As a kid, I nagged folk to save their bun pennies from change; a side effect living in the then thriving port of Liverpool, I got given a lot of foreign pennies too - they all need completing Australian pennies probably won't ever be completed, but Ireland penny and Argentine 2c done, but still 4 missing from the complete run of French bronze 10c, and ..................... david My uncle was a breadman and then a milkman who sourced a lot of my buns and unc pennies...however when our next door neighbour gave me a 1869 1/2 d I was made up.I also swapped a load of Foley(Shelly) china for pre 47 silver with a fellow QS many years ago...from a very early age I had many contacts pulling out better circulating coins for me...that is why I have 1,000's now
  23. The more info the better....I've bought books (& was given a load of old ones by an auctineer friend)....I can usually find what I need from my library Get the book before the coin.
  24. Spot on! I completed the date set of bronze pennies 40 years ago, culled from circulation and mainly in lousy condition. Upgrading and looking for varieties within the date series keeps me interested, and yes, I know damn well I'm never going to complete Freeman, let alone Gouby David I'm coming up to a major collecting junction of my own any day now. I collect all dates and denominations including farthings and I've just bought, but not yet received, the last one that I need. Basically, I collect circulating coins, not patterns or other exotics and I've been looking for one date of farthing for quite some time now. At the DNW auction the other day, I finally laid my hands on a 1684 James II farthing, which means I can now say that I have the whole set from 1956 back to 1672. The issue is do I now think about the varieties, of which I already have some, or just say that's it, farthings are done. I'm not sure yet as I am just savouring slipping the final farthing into place!!!!! I've completed the copper farthing date run but I'm upgrading where I can and adding varieties...I've given up on 1693 & 1718 unless my numbers come in.