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Everything posted by Peter

  1. i've just noted your picture and the coins appear to be F or less
  2. Nothing there is really a key date although the 1869 is fairly rare. Have a look at Chris's coins for a guide on grades if they are truly GEF you will get in excess of £100 although the cleaned/damaged coins will not sell for much....down to circulated F coins their value will drop to about £20. As long as you can get decent images they will sell.
  3. and another.......... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ELIZABETH-1ST-THREEPENE-1562-COPY-64-/270576290597?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_Coins_BritishHammered_RL&hash=item3eff9a8b25
  4. Hi Kev This is another one of those peskie replicas. They are always catching people out. Sorry to disappoint you. http://www.omnicoin.com/coin/962111
  5. Personally I wouldn't take them for nothing.....recent coins with a problem....no thanks
  6. Hi Alan There is one here for £275 I know just how you feel...I've bought a few "must haves" recently. Good luck Peter http://www.ringramcoins.com/antique_coins_catalogue.shtml
  7. Peter

    1918KN & 1919KN in EF

    I gain more pleasure from quality non key date coins. My penny collection includes all the dates but I have a beautiful 1915,1932,1934 & 1938 which I drool over...my 1933 is only GF so I might put it on Ebay
  8. Hi The reverse looks nice but I detect cleaning on the obverse with all those tiny hairlines.It would appear the coin has been whizzed (an American term for unscrupulus cleaning) Correctly graded it would be less than EF but the value of the cleaning has probably brought it down by a grade & a half....I would doubt any reputable grading company would slab it. Still it is an attractive coin.
  9. Peter


    Count me in Huss
  10. I used to collect everything but now just concentrate on quality....hence I'm selling a lot of my collection.The one area i won't sell is my early copper although I will shift a few duplicates/poor examples. Pre 1792 French currency is appealing together with pre 11C hammered.....I'm just keeping good examples of all denominations and periods. I wish I had concentrated on Gold a few years back when you could pick up sov's for £60 equally Colin Cooke was selling a hoard of Cnut pennies in VF+ for £60 a pop. I did make a few star buys though
  11. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Now this looks interesting....an earlier listing. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170448567874
  12. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I'm tempted.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1754-GEORGE-II-FARTHING-COIN-VERY-SCARCE-COIN_W0QQitemZ170460120742QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL?hash=item27b03706a6
  13. Hi They appear correctly described. They look to have had a hard life and expect they will sell for £7 to £12 each...I've sold better and worse in that price range.
  14. He has gone...apologies for the back sack and crack imagaries Lets move on and discuss coins
  15. Not meaning to gang up against JAG but if he seriously thinks he is more intelligent than my grey hair sprouted out of my left bollock....I think we have a challenge.
  16. I'm selling old stuff some making diddly squat and some doing well...I just go with the flow.Thats Ebay Quality is at the top range I'm sure..in 1970 1960 crowns were going for £4 mine just sold for £3 equally 1972 proof crown sold for just over a fiver...book price £30.The market isn't stable. Quality is what you want but plenty VF coins can be had for a bargain It won't stop me selling because I just need the space.
  17. Hi Billie We would need to see a picture to ascertain the condition and date...However if the platt and ear are worn it is low grade. The coin is sterling silver (92.5% silver) so it has bullion value....the value would be only a few £ at best. Never mind it must have sentimental value PS What happened to the boyfriend?
  18. Hi Billie We would need to see a picture to ascertain the condition and date...However if the platt and ear are worn it is low grade. The coin is sterling silver (92.5% silver) so it has bullion value....the value would be only a few £ at best. Never mind it must have sentimental value PS What happened to the boyfriend?
  19. Hi I think Peckchris has been a bit too generous. It would appear the 1748 halfpenny has met Mr Brasso which considerably lowers the value....perhaps F value which is about £15. The 1849 1d is a rare coin but yours grades at considerably less than F....be brave and start it off at 0.99p it will find its level.
  20. Peter

    coin help

    Silver pennies were halved and quartered but during the reign of Edward 1 tiny round farthings were produced for the 1st time.
  21. Peter

    coin help

    If its 13mm it won't be a groat....more likely an Edward 1 farthing
  22. Probably more hassle in selling them than they are worth ie transport / post costs etc. I started saving pre 1992 copper as these were worth more than face value....but now I've just bagged them up and put the £ into the Kids post office accounts. I've got sacks of predecimal coins & US cents in the loft.....I wish a charity would come round and take them away.
  23. Peter

    Newbie Advice

    Its a polished GF
  24. Peter

    Newbie Advice

    Welcome to the forum You got burnt on Ebay...unless you are experienced I would't attempt to buy anything over £20. If you want to buy use trustworthy dealers and be prepared to bargain. All those glossy mint companies will rip you off...avoid (that includes the Royal Mint) These modern issues are seriuosly overpriced. You are playing a dangerous game regarding investment....buy a few books and read up on the subject. The 20p mules started off at £20/30 then after the press picked them up they reached £300 and now have dropped to £50/60. I expect them to drop further....they are not so rare. My tip for the future is Rolf Harris limited edition prints on canvas even I don't collect and pretend I'm investing.
  25. Peter

    If money was no object

    If money was no object I probably wouldn't collect.