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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    We are looking at a polished GF here. There has been a spate of better Key date brass but this isn't one. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1946-GEORGE-V1-BRASS...1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Peter

    threepence coin

    As a coin it has no interest to a collector and little value as jewellery...now if it was dated 1937 with Edward V111 !!!!!!
  3. Not so Merry for me. I've been in bed since Sunday with the Flu and the bird is still in the fridge. However I'm starting to feel a little better or is it that the malt taking effect.
  4. A solid NEF and in my book collectable.
  5. Obviously Coin Monthly disappeared into the realms of Coin News. The latter I can't take over a prolonged period....I've cancelled again. Its hard to put a finger on it but its crap. I've actually brought about 100+ coin monthlies from the 60's/70,s & 80's and these provide a good read.
  6. I have a gorgeous 1694 1/4 with perfect swedish copper. The eye appeal is such that I haven't seen better. I also have got Colins 1855 incuse ex Johnstone & aquired by Colin in 1976.The best example? I have been thinking of getting this slabbed....but I still haven't.
  7. Apologies Gents but when I said currency back to 1672 I should of said copper or bronze including all exergue/edge varients. I also don't have the fabled "1676" (the recent offering from Mr Freeman didn't convince me) & I haven't the 1693 copper issue (or even seen one) I only have one tin and that is a water worn James 11. I also don't count Anne as currency. The last coin arrived today and I'm chuffed to say the least. Now its down to varieties and maybe a few upgrades. Colin I have three small hand wriitten lists..the oldest one is dated 17/10/1990 It had the recent prices of Coins offered for sale by Cooke and FS for example a 1851 in GVF was £13.50 & £19.00 with the respective dealers. At that point I was after 1698 (both types) 1717,22,30,32,34,71 1842,44,49,51,52,55,56,59 & 63 The majority of these dates are rare and the prices I paid for these coins are safely hidden from Mrs Peters eyes (although I did pick up some bargains)
  8. Coin monthly even went Bi monthly for a while in the late seventies....basically for the adverts etc. If you wanted to produce a sucessfull mag based on content without dealers lists it would be difficult. I actually bought coins advertised in coin monthly. Its all internet nowadays with a sneek around the fairs. To be honest the last coin I bought from a list sight unseen must be over5 years ago. Coin news RIP
  9. Seconded Teq. I've just completed all currency 1/4ds to 1672. My own opinion on varieties mind I've got loads of varieties to complete (& your 1858's have got me rethinking)..and there is plenty more work to do. I also upgrade when I can but I know I will never complete my collection to 100%. There are still so many coins out there..a filler is a filler...some I wouldn't consider.... an encrusted Both G's over I will wait on. I loved your recent 1842 a great find. A while back on US Ebay a seller had a 2 G's over calling it an EF 1874 H (at best NVF) it was going for about $10 I whammed $350 and went to bed dreaming of a $11 bargain. Nope...Fionafreeserve got it for about $400. However I did pick up my 1698 exurge in N/Fine for $15 and my 1698 ledgend for $150 (described as ef ) parts are but my opinion is GF (better than Cooke collection though).....Not on Ebay but on my own intensive everyday search of the Net, My varieties requirement would refloat Northern Rock. Please anyone PM me for a few trades( Ive amassed a few dates 20 1915's!...a bit rare I reckon) I need rare and common varieties but have a few rare ones to swop. Trouble is every say 17?? 1/4 d I have is different so I always want to keep the old one.......Cheeeeze is that the time.
  10. I can vouch for Chris's integrity and honesty. I've seen what hoards of dealers can do for the less well informed at coin fairs.
  11. Peter

    help to identify jetton / token

    OK I was about 100 years out http://sccwww1.southampton.gov.uk/archaeol...m=A.2000.84.956
  12. Peter

    help to identify jetton / token

    From the style I would suggest 14 C France.
  13. Peter

    Check Your Change 2008 Edition.

    I just keep squirreling away 1988 £1 coins and pre 1992 copper
  14. I also started off with Rotographic "Check your change" Blue,Red,Green and Yellow books (and I've still got them)...I was only a young lad.....but Victorian coins could still be retrieved from currency. The yellow book was pre Victoria (I actually never got anything pre 1860) I had family and friends on the look out for anything old or nice & put a reasonably high grade collection of coppers together FOC.I used to know mintages off by heart (and still do..sad) So Rotographic started me off also.
  15. Peter

    need help

    Are you saying that you would like to buy pre 2005 Rotographic coin books ?
  16. I think you may be mixing up Scottishmonies & hellows coins. Scottishmonies is a beauty whereas......
  17. Coins should never be cleaned. However a little light work with a water softened cocktail stick can remove some crud. Be very careful if the metal is soft (copper or gold). Apart from that a rinse in warm soapy water and pat dry with a cotton cloth is all I can recommend.
  18. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    and look at this beauty http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ELIZABETH-II-1967-ON...1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The price of brass http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=017 I was going to point this out to the buyer but on checking his feedback he had paid over £40 for another one and then bought a few for £3..crazy Ebay
  20. I left a 1856 R/E in EF in a dealers tray as I was on the hunt for a nice 1846. I got my 1846 for a bargain so I went back to the dealer who informed me he had just sold it for £25 (he wasn't aware of the R/E variety....DOH) I now keep my blinkers off and if one of my wants fits the bill I don't hesitate. Its a pity I hadn't checked out Andy's site although Mr Ingram usually only photographs his expensive coins (I've never bought from him due to this)
  21. Hi Geordie Obviously you are aware of Wildwinds.com ? I find this site unique when researching.
  22. No disrespect Fidgy but I've thrown away better coins. Buy the best you can afford and don't get carried away by Ebay. NEVER buy 20C farthings from Ebay...check out the dealers 1st I always find a day out at a coin fair puts things into perspective.
  23. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not so much as a laugh....Can you see what Ebay is doing to normal 10p coins. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GREAT-BRITAIN-PENNY-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  24. Great work and now earmarked for a bit of study over the forthcoming dark evenings.
  25. Hi Chris Whitmore produce a catalogue of mainly tokens and medallions.(they only do a few coins so they don't really compete with Predecimal) I have just noticed they had for sale in a recent catalogue 20 different books on the subject. It would be a good starting point as they are the experts. Contact 01684 540651 Email Teynhaml@aol.com Regards Peter