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Everything posted by Peter

  1. I've been saving pre 92 coppers for quite a while.I must have £20 face which are worth £30. Its really not worth the bother. When pre 47 silver was worth x 4 face it was.
  2. Peter

    My baby is born!

    Brilliant news Daughters are lovely...The trouble is they are 10 and 12 and have just joined my wife to shop like a pack of Wolves hunt.
  3. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just saw this and thought WOW. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1108-1891-GREAT-BRIT...1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. JamesRed How about offering forum members Vast discounts at your hotel...especially if we paid with a few different!!!coins....I'm a freelance QS (quantity surveyor) and would love a bit of net working. 70 hours per week PAAAAHHHH
  5. A polished Fair/ Fine ....Due the pollishing Fair value. Market value £2 Ebay sucker £10
  6. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Way below Fine. I would expect about 50% hairlines.. Coins of that grade I wouldn't even bother with as fillers
  7. Peter

    What's the coin market been doing?

    I bought from Cooke a NVF 1745 Lima 1/- for £15 in 2002...latest on sale £75 !!!! I would also suggest any respectable Cu 1/4d's are vastly underpriced and decent grade pre 1754 very difficult. There are so many from dealers and Ebayers overgrading...I can't believe some of the crap. I have spares of G I which I describe as Fair which Dealers rate as VF for issue . and others which I wouldn't even have the cheek to sell which go for F prices.
  8. It will do about £100+ no doubt.
  9. Nice one Immigrant workers at the mint no doubt.....How things change.
  10. Peter


    Hi Art Good to see you on the Darkside again. I do like the early US coppers and have managed to snare a few (benefits of working at RAF Lakenheath for a while with the US 48 Squadron) I got a 1875 IHC in VF for £1.50 which had been sold to a local Antiques centre.
  11. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Postage looks the catch http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1937-EDWARD-V111-COR...1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. This may help with your query An identical coin in VF http://www.abccoinsandtokens.com/CH.NS-2C1.00.html
  13. Peter


    Well done. Nice for the CV in a few years time.
  14. Art is a US copper Buff....arn't you Art? 20C British silver is bargain basement. BTW I like US copper.....recent BU stuff is cheap (1940's to date). I love the early large Cents and Indians. I also recently picked up a few Indian Head Cents for £1.50 each from a local antique centre.including 1875 in VF+ Early large cents are up there with George 1 1/2ds.
  15. I would suggest it is a Jetton (quite crude in manufacture)
  16. Anything under say £50 I will happily risk 1st class (as long as the package isn't obvious.) The only problems I've experienced have been with recorded....theiving scummy postman Pat and his flea bitten cat no doubt.
  17. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I really wonder how these people sleep at night. Why bother with a 50p coin? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1965-Churchill-Crown...1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. Scottishmoney This is not my speciality but I love farthings and worked in Lowestoft a few years back...it was a must. It seems a rare Town like its pottery. http://www.omnicoin.com/coin_view.aspx?id=917476
  19. Peter

    Old Money quiz

    I got 1,3,4,5,7 & 9....8 I would suspect some green weed would assist.
  20. Peter

    New RM issue

    What amazes me is the 10 years since she curled her toes....My collection isn't complete...my mortgage isn't paid off....I've raised 2 kids.....Blair is just about still about....i'm still married to Mrs Peter....I'm fatter.....Jesus still wants me for a sunbeam.....My blood pressure has increased to pill taking levels....I haven't had the remote chance of getting my paws on any new crumperto(see 5 & 6) BUT...I still love coins.
  21. Wasn't it Ashmore ?....or is it very late on a Sunday evening and Abbot Ale has minced my brain.
  22. She is bound to overstep the mark again so they probably will.
  23. Peter

    1957 1/2d 7 to gap

    I bought loads of Coin mags off Ebay about 18 months ago covering 1967 to the early 80's. I'm still piling through them putting post its on relevant articles. There were a lot of good articles on varieties etc. which today are still not appreciated. It is also interesting to see how some coins have soared in value...but with many static... I still subscribe to Coin News BUT in many respects it doesn't come close.
  24. I won't give you a link BUT london coins in their next auction have a mule. My collecting is so far laid back I will get my 1771 © et all ....I,m sure.