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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Sold to Gary schindler...does anyone know him or had dealings with him. He might like to read this thread.
  2. I would add that cut coins are very cheap compared to full flan. Some of the rarer types (Johns,Richards etc) can be picked up for just a few £'s.
  3. Peter

    The New Check Your Change 2007

    That just sums up Ebay. To some extent its no different to walking around a coin fair and seeing similar coins drastically varying in price.
  4. Peter

    Syphate Coins

    I reckon you have a Victorian brass "Syphate" gaming counter.
  5. Peter

    Spink 2007

    Life without my Peck....not a cover to cover read but I use it so often. Whereas Freeman....I still get it from the library...occasionally...although I'm tempted by the re issue at £35.
  6. Some mug has bid on it ...I've binned better Ch11 1/4ds. I actually wouldn't have the cheek to sell something so poor.
  7. The attached item in my own opinion is VG pourus & cleaned. It will be interesting to see how CGS grade pre 1724 copper. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1674-Charles-II-Fart...1QQcmdZViewItem
  8. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Oops...brass alert I've emailed the seller...but the bidding looks dodgy too. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1788-GEORGE-III-SPAD...1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Moneysavingexpert.com is the one I was thinking of. An excellent site.
  10. Was this tip from moneysaving.com (I think) with Martin Lewis? There is a lot of good advice there.
  11. In the condition its in its worth about £5. If you Ebayed it specifying WW incuse you may get a bit more. A bargain in my eyes for a beautiful item over 150 years old.
  12. Peter

    Spink 2007

    I pre ordered and got it before Xmas. My previous edition was 2004 and most likely my next edition will be 2010. On other forums you will see threads of Spink 2007 errors. I'll live with it but its far from my numismatic bible. BTW a nice coin on the front cover....nearly as nice as mine.
  13. A bit of fun for you all Merry Xmas. http://www.unix.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/deal.swf
  14. I'm getting bombed here. However Mein Luftkissenfahrzueug ist voler A'ale. & Mon aeroglisseur est plein d'anguilles.
  15. Always dangerous grading early farthings.(say pre 1724). I actually don't like buying them blind on a dealers grade Even the premier farthing site I don't agree with some of the grades offered. This particular coin is a beauty and I would give it GVF or CGS 58. It is up there with the best.
  16. Keep posting here...its fairly topical and up to date.
  17. Peter

    Firefox VS IE

    Being an Oldie and not aufait with everey technical advancement...it seems to me that the only people who have problems are the people seeking the latest technology. I'm siting back with BT Broadband,google,AVG,& eon for electricity...no problem. Others I'm hearing terrible stories.
  18. Well said Tom. We all have our favourites and I'm sure we could all bore each other....having said that indepth studies of my hobby are always welcome. The education is most greatly received. Beautiful (if unobtainable for me)coins Jeff.
  19. Peter

    Firefox VS IE

    My wife is like that.
  20. Its been a Hoppy new year. My New Year resolution is to buy only the best I can afford....trouble is who can resist a bargain(after spending £1000 on duplicates at the recent Midland Coin fair).
  21. Once a library of images with respective grades is available it will be interesting to see where your own pieces fit in. I can see the cream pieces commanding a premium. I have been toying with the idea of submitting a couple of coins. It will however mean I will need to locate duplicates for my proper collection.
  22. Your "coin" is a French medieval jetton. There are many different types. They sometimes circulated as currency but were mainly used as counters. If you google the foregoing you will probably find a very similar example.
  23. Peter

    Availability of sceattas etc

    Detectorists are in my opinion a great source of rare and "other means" financially unobtainable coins. A particular detectorist with about 40 years experience has shown me a few pieces. If his collection was released on the market...Newcastle farthings et all the market would shudder. Plus the finds are all from inert sandy soil where even the copper Charles 11 1/4d's are fantastic. I have also bought a few pieces and thus don't faithfully follow auctions. I've also bought a detector....but it is evident you have to put the time and research in. My point is...there are market rocking quantities of quality coins sitting out there with the owners smugly sitting on coins (unbeknown) to the market. They have looked in Spink but have no wish to sell.
  24. To make sure you are not trying to rip me off please send me all your pre 1724 copper in GVF + or should I say 70+. I will send the cheques in early February...there is plenty of time for others to join in and try to win.
  25. Its best to use them in the cascade machines when you can win quality Chinese toys. Thinking back to the amusment arcades I remember fondly getting some change and picking out Victoria or key date coins. After decimalisation I remember there was a 2p coin grab machine which took 1/2ds. I remember winning lots of crappy toys. I still love the arcades....its the 1988 £1 coins or obvious forgeries I look out for now. A nudge is what you are given on a fruit machine to bring in a winning line. The machines are all computer set up...however there are cheats (which do work)