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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    hi help grade 1901 "proof " penny

    Yep Rob....I will stick to COIN collecting.
  2. Peter

    Fed up with the spam

    Chris PLEASE revisit your SPAM Policy. She does look a bit like my Wife's uglier sister. ...............NURSE.
  3. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I bet it was uncirculated in Outer Mongolia and parts of Sussex...no hang on by the look of it.....
  4. Peter

    British Farthings

    Even this will only be worth £20/30 in mint state. Don't forget there were 960 of these blighters to a £.
  5. For 20C issues the 1954 or 1952 proof will be up with the 1933. A rareity equivalent in the states would demand 20 fold.
  6. Thinking out loud...everyone will sit on the fence until someone with a resonable feedback/reputation puts a bid in then all hell will break loose. Snipe it Let me know ...& I may well watch out for his 17/18 C cu.
  7. A nice coin (possibly whizzed) and maybe a famed 1905 forgery. My own feelings are mixed. He collects or is buying UK silver and has good feedback. He hasn't feedback for selling. If you are keen silver collector surely this would be a pinnacle of your collection. South America cons are no different to UK cons.ie very little can be done. Caveat emptor. PS what is the going rate for a forgery?...collectable in their own right.
  8. Peter


    Hi Brian I think everyone who posts on here has Victorian coinage about them. Although the specialists are into varieties etc. I bet its cheaper than collect US coins of the same age. I can't belive how much some of the early IHC's go for.
  9. Peter

    Help Needed.

    A nice "tails" I would agree.
  10. Rob Thanks for the heads up. On proofs and patterns..I think I will stick to COINS.
  11. Peter

    Help Needed.

    Its a piece of stamped metal from a tacky restaurant where I feel the "joke" ran out in the 90's.
  12. Surely the BM would want everything Peck didn't cover ? and Rob....I'm going to double up on my lucky dips tonight.
  13. Peter

    Holiday time

    Cracking result and a chance to learn a bit of history. Have a good break.
  14. Peter

    Holiday time

    Just boring Euro's for currency. However the Spanish do seem to like coin fairs etc. and they have plenty of attractive historical coins (incl hammered) I don't know about Majorca but I found some nice coins in Alicante. Its always worth a snoop in likely areas. I did look at one dealers Uk folders and they were full of £ coins (not even 1988's) I swiftly moved on and ended up buying some 19th Century 2 pesata's
  15. Varieties could be a special book in itself....for the seasoned collector. It will probably drive the market up and lead to some interesting discoveries.
  16. If you registered and then posted a picture it would help. (condition and appearance is upmost) What is the dia ? (to establish the denomination).
  17. Peter

    GCSE Results

    Lucky old me...I've done that kind of thing on expenses.
  18. Peter

    GCSE Results

    Stressfull is when the wife discovers my credit card/bank statements and questions everything which doesn't mention Sainsburys.
  19. Colin Cooke had a nice Fine 1905 for £225 in his latest catalogue (Feb).......(its not on his web site yet) It was fairly dingless. Also a 1903 for £70
  20. Peter

    Coenwulf find

    I've suggested this system to my wife...she gave me one of those stares.
  21. It is rare but NOT unobtainable. Ebay has 000,s of punters who do their search on 1905 for the 2/6 1/- and even 2/-. I haven't got any of the trio above but should I stumble on a decent one it will be luck. I would rather get a quality 1903 2/6-. If you are collecting 2/6's nice pieces 1887 YH and earlier seem harder than catalogue prices suggest.
  22. Peter


    Walking is just too slow for me. I would hate to be 5 miles into a walk and still 5 miles away from a destination. I like cycling and most weekends (spring to autumn we go on pleasant cross country trips)....In East Anglia we have the advantage of it being fairly flat. The hostelry bit I like also.
  23. I would say GF. There are a few edge bumps (under the 19 looks bad) It will probably make £175 ish.
  24. Peter


    I also like Cheese and Onion
  25. Peter


    Johnny Walkers for me ...but a whole bottle leaves me..........quickly.