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Everything posted by Peter

  1. OUCH! There really isn't much to go on. I would just call them clipped/cut Edward pennies. 1272-1377 The centre one could be an Edward 11 class 15a but the face seems too thin !
  2. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    If its a speaking coin then it is rare....probably AngloDeutsch. The last 3 coins would be woth more with a hole drilled in them to become washers. You see some stuff that people bid on and you have to ask why?
  3. Peter

    Variety listing

    Rob I would like to see the addendum to Pecks work (from the 1967 Journal) ! Varieties were very popular in the monthly (and some fortnightly) coin magazines from the late 60's.....there was a lot of study. This information is out there and just needs processing. There is always room for specialist publications ie..George 11 currency farthing varieties... but for Spink or any other publisher to try and encompass everything into a yearly catalogue would be a folly. I think Chris is going the right way about it in CCGB with notification of a variety so the collector can carry out his own research. Of course I would love to see CCGB go back to the 1st milled coinage...but this would be a more specialist market for which I would imagine "slightly" more than £5 a chuck will be required. Going back to Colin Cookes website ,I agree its not complete...but his farthing catalogues contain far more information.eg catalogue 37 (about 6 years old) has 8 listed varities for the 1721 1/4d. They say there is a book in everyone....no excuse's we all have access to the computer,net and forums such as this.
  4. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At least shilling is spelt correctly and the KN obviously refers to knochwurst. Ja ?
  5. Peter

    Anything else?

    I always look at the colons (ME dots are further apart) Chards site actually has good close up pictures.
  6. I can remember the joys of owning a British Leyland product (Morris Marina 1.8 Super coupe delux)....thank god I got a company car when it started using oil and petrol in equal proportions.
  7. Peter

    1675 farthing

    There is one on Colin Cookes web site (with an image) It states it is rare. It sold for £250 in AVF.
  8. Peter

    Chardcoins on Ebay

    Appalling feedback considering a negative is hard to get !!!!! There is no shortage of gold/bullion dealers.
  9. From memory my Standard House contents insurance covers to 45K with a max £500 per item (this hardly touches latest technology TV's and the like.)....like wise I'm probably under insured....but there again it would have to be a direct hit with a missile to lose everything....a burgler is hardly going to run off down the road with my sofa on his back and then come back for a 42" Plasma TV. I'm also unsure wether the £500 is per coin (or collection)....what I do know is that if you start listing jewellery etc premiums rocket. For excessivly rare coins I would have to opt for a bank vault....but this would take a lot of pleasure out of owning and handling the coins. The whole scenario is down to individual choice and what you are personally happy with.
  10. Hi Gary It seems to me the only people who benefit out of insurance are the brokers and insurance companies...plenty of money and flash cars. With coins,prevention is the 1st thing to look at. You can buy a reletivly cheap safe which can be bolted to a floor for less than the yearly premiums on a collection worth just a few thousand. Keep your prized possessions in this. I keep my coins portable.....and NEVER store them all in the same place (I did loose my shillings for about a month ) Obviously if your collection is worth 10's of thousands (like Chris's) insurance premiums wouldn't be a problem. I do tend to think insurance companies prey on the fear factor. It is also important on the area you live and accomodation type. The only insurance I bother with is Cars and House (life insurance is thru work). At the end of the day its all down to your peace of mind and personal preferences....I will just add up the yearly premiums I'm saving and buy more coins.
  11. He is a Rotographic Collector....I would guess. I've been buying/bought catalogues since the late 60's....they are up the loft or I've given them away. They all make interesting reading to see which coins have in real terms appreciated or depreciated.
  12. I can't think of any currency coin from the 60's being worth any more than a few pence. Especially after being played with.
  13. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Ashmore ? I'm no expert on CNUT. How really can you tell ? If Asmore quite collectable in its own right....it will be nice to watch this to see which big guns bid..if any....watch that Geordie chap slip in with a £5 bid after putting us off the scent.
  14. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    These KN coins seem to be popular (he must of accidently pictured the wrong coin).....the bloke even has an Ebay coin store. Item 8350764549.
  15. It could be two types. On the edge Secundo or Tertio. The value can only be established with condition. A nice coin with ALL lettering,date and features maybe £20 to £40. Uncirculted £2000. A worn coin will only fetch £5 to £10.
  16. Peter

    Anastasius Gold Solidus

    I watched it. Nice coin but nowhere near yours.
  17. Thanks for the "Heads up" Part of the joy of collecting is the hunt.
  18. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Wow....its even got a die flaw in as much as the KN doesn't show. I wonder if he has the Heaton aswell?
  19. Peter


    I have several bits of George V which can be deemed weak strikes but obviously GEF/UNC. However,as so few KN coins were minted it should not be worn die's. Saying that the KN's in general seem to exibit area's of early wearing ie Brittannia's shield is flat on moderatly circulated specimens. Either way its a nice coin which I would love. It was bought cheaply and sold on the high side. Regardless of what the Vendor says there was sufficient evidence of the coin pictured (caveat emptor) and a good day at the office. I can imagine looking at a coin like this at the Midland coin fair which is lit by a 40 watt bulb every 10 metres.
  20. Its a diamond jubilee medallion. It was produced in large nrs in various metals for Victoria's 60th year on the throne (in 1897). Poor girl must of been constipated....thats probably why she looks so grumpy in her veiled head.
  21. Peter


    Those damn Wreaths are Rare & Expensive....What is your collection like Chris ? .....Just putting the finishing touches to my "34 " die. & please does anyone know where I can buy a sandblaster?
  22. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Awesome coin
  23. Peter

    1861 Halfpenny

    I discussed the possibility of a new book/paper on 1/2d's with Colin Cooke about a year ago. He was keen on using Dr Nicholsons collection as a base.