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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Anastasius Gold Solidus

    I recently obtained an Alexander Severus Denarius from Ebay. The coin was as featured on Wildwinds.com and I could place it back to Ancient Auction house in Florida to 2003 The seller was critical of the amount of fraud happening with ancients/Ebay. He mentioned there was a Coin forgery discussion group in the US and advised me to join as I was moving my attention to more expensive pieces (away from the base metals). Apparently the Bulgarians are churning out fakes. I looked at Vales website...some nice pieces. Lovely gold though...and with Sear's pedigree...thats one even the most hardened dealer would take to his grave.
  2. Peter

    Anastasius Gold Solidus

    What is the coins pedigree ? Is it for sale? Trade discount at the London fair no doubt.
  3. Peter

    1861 Halfpenny

    Absolutely Gary
  4. MMMMMMM a lady with COINS.....scrummy.
  5. A minefield....and here I was thinking coins were a subject I could never get diddled at.....lucky I don't collect these types although I'm extremly concerned with ancients(Bulgarian,Chinese copies et all)
  6. Peter

    1861 Halfpenny

    Hi Gary Nothing in Peck....if there was,Freeman and Gouby would have listed it.
  7. Back in the early 80's I was dipped in ACID Not recommended....now being a numissssssssssmatically inclined Malt whiskey HEAD .
  8. On your 5th reprint maybe the Error version will become collectable.
  9. Chris I went on the net to listen to your chat at about 3:55pm to find the show being wrapped up...What is all this 4pm start? This is about the 5th time I've missed it. DOH
  10. I would hazard a guess that Charlie 111 originated in China..a "real" 8 reales would fetch up to £1,000 in that condition. It looks like a cross between Charlie 111 & 1V.....It is portraying to be Mexican or Spanish. I've also stopped my subscription to Coin News....after reading many old Coin monthlies which I picked up off Ebay....Coin News no longer seems relevant...shame really but it is not half as interesting. The bargain tins are something else.....especially the more expensive ones and a lot of fun.
  11. Peter


    Ouch...Who is going to tell Brianscoins.
  12. Rob If you can't get a view of the books you are welcome to loan mine. They may or may not be of use. I'm trying to piece together information on 13 C French hammered and know how frustrating it can get...you really are on your own.
  13. Hi Rob This is obviously a specialist subject for you but alas I have very little interest in proofs or patterns. Montagu references were used in Seaby's 1949 guide which appears attempted to rationlize Montequ's work. Montequ has a distinct style of writing where he refers pieces being in Mr W Brice or Mr Caldecott's Cabinet etc. It is more like an essay than a definitve list. I'm sure for someone like you who has studied this series the required information jumps out....but I feel I'm just going around in circles. Sorry I cannot be of further help. I would be willing to trade the book for an Anne 1/4d (I know patterns... ) or a 1717 1/4d (either reverse)
  14. Peter


    Collectors Coins Great Britain available on this site for a £5 gives the mintages. Token publishings coin yearbook for about a £10 does the same.
  15. There are about 20 pages on George 111 Droz Fecit patterns in Montague's Copper coins of England (I've got the 1893 version) It is tough reading but a lot of information is there. I thought about scanning the pages for you but it would cause damage to the book so I'm not risking it. I bought the book to enhance my Peck and this is one area where it appears it does. I have just found in Seabys 1949 edition of Copper coins and tokens of the British Isles pattern Droz 1/2d's K532 to K569 (47 types) although some Pingo and Hancock aswell.
  16. In case you were guessing.
  17. I just got 4 1988 £1's in my change. Only kidding Syl
  18. The Guernsey 8 doubles is equivalent to our predecimal 1d. On the "date" side below the wreath you will see a small H. This donates it was minted at Heaton(Birmingham). Now for the value...in 2004 it catalogued at 40p in fine (all lettering and design readable with no damage) to £7 if mint fresh. Hope this helps.
  19. The vote was for the 1860 Young head and not bun version....I've never seen one. The 1827 often appears on Ebay and is only rare because they were shipped over to the convicts Ohh I mean Aussies.
  20. It sounds like a silver 3d and quite common. It will catalogue at about £5 in fine and £15 in veryfine.
  21. I started my 10 year old daughter (when she was 9) on Edward V11 & George V pennies min VF(apart from KN'S & ME 26 & 33) She now only needs a 1926 ME & 33.....I won't leave a space for the 33. It got me hooked into the Eddies looking for varieties.....on our quest(it was me buying them) I up-graded a couple of my dates and added varieties. I actually got a blazing BU 1936 and a 1912H in EF+ for a couple of £.(She has got my old ones now). She has learnt to do cataloguing,some grading and will identify coins by reference to my books...when we can prise her away from sudoku and dance mat
  22. Peter


    I think you can answer your own question. Is your cabinet being built for slabs or coins? Slabbing is just to clinical for my numistmatic pleasures I should doubt you will ever sell it....it would be difficult to upgrade without melting your bank account. PS at $50 a bargain.
  23. A Sweatie spending enough to get £ in his change......whatever next.
  24. Peter


    Variety is the spice of life. Although a trip to the Midland Coin Fair (after birthdays/Xmas) is one of the best Sundays in my opinion. I've also managed to source a couple of coins from the US and Canada where knowledge is the key and they use Krause. Not ebay !!!!!! My experiences with EBAY AND Dealers overall is very good.