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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Pete Join the "Died in wool" of type/whateveryerfancy gang. Paulus and myself have. My main focus is/was farthings but last knockings are elusive/too expensive. Find a series,research and enjoy...get your wallet out. Have you ever considered 1/2d's ? A handsome coin and you can nip back to 1672 for your coppers. (Keep away from tin) What about 1ds 1797 to 1860 (Georges and Williams good value)
  2. Peter

    CGS "membership" Fee

    Strike a light Paul that is a fantastic 1d (I've said it ) I'm sitting here with both feet raised above my torso.Both my ankles have swelled but....going to see a Porsche later today.However the 1d could tick another off my bucket list.
  3. Can I smell a Cu token resurgence on the Forum ? Some of Brandons (BRG) are magnificent and a few UK based members have picked up some beauties.There is something for everyone to get a connection and the history ticks boxes. A series which the Alibaba's haven't touched. I started with Bury / Suffolk tokens and now have broadened my interest. My sister's married name is Penny Hull so Penny Hull or Half Penny Hull tokens have made nice presents. Trouble is I've bought examples for a few £ and sent them to her.Then I see a lesser example listed for £150....DAMN .....errr Sis you know those tokens I sent you....can I have them back?
  4. Peter

    unique coin

    phil2uk It maybe a nice error but the market isn't there/here or anywhere. A nice keepsake but that is all. Harsh but fair
  5. Peter

    unique coin

    i voted BRexit to ged rid of these Noigerian fraudsters. If Spinks want it let them sell it. Chiswick mainly do Bargain Hunt.
  6. Bloody awful news.There are some seriously deluded scum in our mist.
  7. Hi Stewie Hope every things OK with you. Best regards matey.
  8. Peter


    Too hot for my Dawg and my tomatoes have wilted but 17hrs of daylight is ace.
  9. I have a few tokens,mainly where I can associate with the area I live or a significant other. My appetite has been whetted hence enter Peter stage right.
  10. Peter


    Bloody right in tech I'm miles off the pace...Well chaps, now you have my address you can all send me some goodies. Anyone not complying will be tracked down "Old Skool"
  11. My daughter was quoted £1200 for repairs to her Astra engine. I checked the internet/Vauxhall forums and discovered similar/identical problems.Not so easy fix but got it done for less than £400. I lent her Mrs Peters old car whilst hers was being fixed which she duly wrote off. Nothing seems to be straight forward but hey...money is for spending.
  12. Richard...The turbo and bits should be readily available from a scrapper...Check with your garage as well. Could save you a few shillings.
  13. Richard,I had a turbo go on a company car years ago,The turbo was replaced but it was never the same.Soon the bu**er blew up completely. If properly maintained it should outlast the engine. I firmly believe the garage who serviced the car were useless. After one service they left the sump plug not tightened and I lost my oil on the M11.
  14. Peter

    Charles I, Unite, Tower mint

    Looks like it was suspended at one time in its life. May well be rejected by auction houses. Gold will be seen thru "gold tinted" glasses so you never know but less than £1K.
  15. Peter


    Agent Freya your job is done. Hat off to Freya
  16. Peter

    Magna Carta £2 (not in the BU sets)

    801 years love it. The fake is worth watching out for.
  17. Peter

    1841 half crown help please

    Adam that is a beautiful example and has a lot going for it. I would expect it will appreciate because there will be a lot of slobbering H/C boys (as the Mancs say "Mad for it")
  18. Watch Vicky go at Baldwins and DNW flashing his mighty $....Plenty of Bronze competition with Chris's new book.
  19. Worth the wait Nons. Super coins.
  20. Peter

    New to coin Collecting Help Needed

    I've got to laugh. I can actually remember buying my 1901 1/4d for 10p in the 70's whilst on holiday with my parents in Bournemouth. I also bought a Cartwheel 1d and a Geo 1 1721 farthing at the same time (all my holiday money spent in one go ) The 1901 is one coin I will never update as it had no spots (unlike me at the time) and holds council in my farthing conglomerate.
  21. Bugg*r I want a PCGS one. Oh well,I shall put in a bid and if I win it Pete can have it as a gift.
  22. Peter

    Half crown 1905

    I find it difficult to question its authenticity.
  23. Peter


    Hat off....In Hat please Pete. I'm rubbing the Blarney Stone to get Rory.
  24. Peter


    I personally can't see a problem with laminating but I question why they are deteriorating. I have coin tickets (card discs) over 100 yrs old and apart from a bit of foxing they are fine. I would imagine coin authenticity certificates are modern (coins/tokens sold by SOME of the rip off organisations) which are worth diddly in the 1st instance. As Matteo95 suggests examples would assist with further advice.