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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    I will pay YOU

    Good old Mr Paisley at Colincooke
  2. Peter

    Recent aquisitions

    A great looking piece of gold. Lets have some more.
  3. Peter

    Any early advice?

    Take your time but working backwards seems a great idea. You will learn one mans NEF is another mans UNC. Go to a fair and see for yourself. With a bit of experience you can chip away at a few pre 47's
  4. Peter

    Mrs Peter

    I'm still up.I loved her so much
  5. Peter

    Mrs Peter

    She was a blonde beauty. I first met when her she was 19 and I was 24. I can't believe she has gone.
  6. John (Chingford) sent me a spare copy a couple of years ago. A nice read.
  7. Peter

    Clubs and societies

    I agree my collection stays at home without insurance but I do have a dog and a gun plus a few bits of extras.
  8. Peter

    Time for a proper hello

    whiskey My taste is still for Jamesons...that hits the mark although I'm only allowed a bottle on my birthday,Xmas and on holiday when I also have a few Cuban cigars. The rest of the year is fairly dry.
  9. Peter

    Time for a proper hello

    Welcome Dan I would suggest a trip to the Midland coin fair (NEC motor bike museum 2nd Sunday every month) You will get blisters on your tongue .
  10. Rob I thought you were the brains behind this?
  11. Peter

    1960 Crown

    It is a £10 coin compared to a £3 coin so mistakes are deminimus.
  12. Predecimal sponsers a penn where we keep our Northern Monkies. They are mostly harmless. Toss them a few coin monthlies and they chew the fat. A couple of them profess to being dealers....mad on it man.
  13. Notlob and being a Suffolk bouy are you talking about the epic win over the Northern monkies in the playoffs?
  14. Peter

    Clubs and societies

    There are no clubs near me. When at home time is precious and the internet does me fine.
  15. Peter

    Help identifying some Roman Coins

    Be aware they are ham fisted Yanks. UK coins are here including hammered. Otherwise I wanna MS 69 cent from 1990.........
  16. Peter

    Help identifying some Roman Coins

    Try Coincommunity.com I use many sites and these boys are good (not for UK mind)
  17. Peter

    Survey of CGS vs PCGS / NGC Grades

    Freaking hell grade what you see. TPG are not wanted this side of the pond. Why oh why oh why.
  18. Peter

    1859 Penny

    I find the spelling errors on William III easier to spot I find it harder to find one without spelling errors.
  19. Peter

    Trip to UK

    The 2nd picture would be my dream Sainsbury's trip.
  20. Peter

    Trip to UK

    There are many micro breweries springing up everywhere. A peddle to the pub is an Abbot ale must.
  21. Clive Are you still in Cambridge? I'm like a kid in a sweet shop and still haven't decided what I want to see at the Fitzwiiliam. I think I can spring this one as Mrs Peter and the Misses Peter's fancy a shopping trip lunch ETC. A small price to pay for a family hug and karma.
  22. Peter

    Pain in the a**e Indian gentleman(?)

    Head to head John and Rob. May the winner please display the golden horse cart.
  23. At least EF IMO Nice coin.