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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Dave's soulmate
  2. Peter

    1879 sixpence

    Another example how this great forum works.
  3. They are rare but some of the pennie boys have them Pictures please.
  4. Peter

    Dickinson's real deal.PMSL

    Oh, we must have met some time in the past. Obvously I impressed her. We used to call it TS Elliot the TS obvious.
  5. Peter

    Dickinson's real deal.PMSL

    i'm currently watching said show and a young lad bought in a 1562 3d/6d....IT IS A BLOODY PEWTER REPLICA. However The experts valued it at £40 to £60. The lad sold it to the dealer for £40.
  6. Peter

    Dickinson's real deal.PMSL

    Ah she is well known in the antiques trade. Under her left breast she has Rob Pearce tattooed but nothing under her right tit.
  7. Peter

    Dickinson's real deal.PMSL

    Rob It was the lady with long dark hair. This should be Daily Mail worthy.....unless Mr Orange pops a couple of "Proper Lizzies" into my coffers. It was on Yesterday channel at 8am this morning....My cornflakes are still being removed from my keyboard. I was waiting for Mr Orange to own up to the replica coin. Now we have a provenance fill up your boots boys. I have started my own black cabinet. Being mainly a copper collector it seems a good idea.
  8. Peter

    CGS submission form query

    Greed will always be a factor. I've only got 6 slabbed coins and 4 of them were purchased from Colincooke.(None are CGS)
  9. Rob there are several methods if you use google.
  10. I do the Midland about 4x per year. Kids too old to take to the hotel(plus they avoid losing their social life) Last time we left them at home there were drugs and complaints from neighbours. Dog and two cats take preference for Mrs Peter so it is sad 250 mile round trip. I have several favourite dealers next time I will search out forum members.
  11. Bloody internet. Midland Fair is my place to be.
  12. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Nice piece of pewter. I'm off to bed with Kelly Brooke and miss Minogue....wake me up in October
  13. Prax Nice coin. What did you swap it for?
  14. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It is copper scrap and no more.
  15. Peter

    1717 Dump Farthing

    Better than sex copper. I was heading for a meeting in London. M11 was static so took a turn off for a quick evacuation. Relieved but found out later I was probably on CCTV.(Royal Mint ) I should of kept it quiet....My emails THAT DAY. Stoppage due to chemical spill Good mates etc. Why didn't I stop at Stansted?....but who would unless flying. Moral story here I don't do curry before an early start. I have also been locked in a BP garage loo's at 5am in Newmarket. Too much info I only work locally now with OCCASIONAL ventures out in bandit area,s I've done my time. An ice breaker for the Contract.
  16. Peter

    Is this Genuine?

    With the damage a £75 coin. A lot had abuse on the fine silver issue series.
  17. Could be the one John (Argentum coins sells through)?
  18. Peter

    1717 Dump Farthing

    Looks fine and a reasonable price. I've seen worse go for a lot more.
  19. Peter

    Potential Acquisition

    Some very nice 2/6's gents.
  20. Peter

    1908 PENNY

    There is a product called verdicare which can give good results.
  21. Daughters bought me KFC (last night) Mrs Peter is making a prawn curry tonight Mum has given me £100 and then my trusted laptop goes bonkers.(repairs over £150) Oh well I'm going to get a new one tomorrow (I do back up) (I do quite like Mrs Peters neat little laptop )
  22. Peter


    Aiden has been kicked off most forums. He used call himself Aiden work. A complete tw@t.