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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    And for my next trip.

    We had a cat who slept on my head...I did have a nice thatch and always been a hot head. Our current cat is a 9 year old feral...he likes dog food and our dog is a bit poofie and wimpers when the cat eats his food. When we first married we had a cat who followed us to the pub...he was a tight pussie and never bought a round.
  2. Peter

    Which G3 HC to keep?

    Get rid of both and buy farthings...oh maybe not
  3. Peter

    And for my next trip.

    I would like to show my pussie....demob and will be in North Norfolk this afternoon and kid free. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=meow+mix+cat&tbm=isch&imgil=i0LPVhKRMvtlfM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTMdypCQamqtAHMpZ98Dl1EUGDAtC2nX8nfYpobVVzP7FFrx_Ot%253B605%253B732%253BYYK4k9vGcv5xKM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fbotcrawl.com%25252Fa-cat-and-a-bag-of-meow-mix%25252F&source=iu&usg=__rhiDLnJTlsnva1EPZuWbEE9Bbv8%3D&sa=X&ei=LHWZU9HuIYWM7Aa6oIH4AQ&ved=0CCIQ9QEwAA&biw=985&bih=615#facrc=_&imgrc=i0LPVhKRMvtlfM%253A%3BYYK4k9vGcv5xKM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbotcrawl.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F08%252FCat-Meow-Mix-Head.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbotcrawl.com%252Fa-cat-and-a-bag-of-meow-mix%252F%3B605%3B732 I love the 1st picture
  4. Peter

    And for my next trip.

    I booted it on a 2 mile length of a DC in Devon and the unmarked police car pulled me over...I had spent 2 hrs following caravans.He gave me a ticking off ...I was doing over 125mph...apparently. I now stick to speed limits. My Mg and risk of head gasket failure has lightened my right foot.
  5. Peter

    And for my next trip.

    Maybe it is me but I've had a couple of Vectra's including a nutter 150 hp Diesel.A great car, It would do over 50 mpg and was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  6. I had one of those which sold for Pence..funny old world. I bought a gun money shilling from a dealer who sold a bloody Puffin coin for x 3. I still sweep Euro and US sites...which haven't got a clue....my other hunting ground is the Midland. Trouble is I take the family and Dinner and Breckie plus they insist on a hotel with pool. The Lada only does 22mpg
  7. Peter


    I'm still kicking my botty to send Paulus some foreign silver for a steak night...the way silver is going it will be a Mac****** with large fries. We (Mrs Peter,Jake the Springer )are off to North Norfolk at the end of the week(back for the World Cup) MG and picknick / rug sorted...I like to pretend to be rich....get rid of daughters and Mrs Peter (I would be) who keeps the local garage body shop busy.Last year Jake sunk so much seawater (More than Mrs Peters wine) and we ended up with a £1000 vets bill.
  8. Peter


    They are sought after in the US to put on the petrol tanks of those awful Harleys.Give me a slippery Sam or a nice RD400 proper bikes.
  9. Peter

    Midland Coin Fair - Suitable For Beginners?

    I got mine in ef for £15 spuds.Obviously not a farthing buff (also a large date 1875). Watch out for the dodgy guys in the far room
  10. Peter


    The British/North American sites were gut butting but also the German/Italian sites. We all get on well(apart from football) Next time toss a two headed coin.
  11. I avoid London like the plague. Just me after working/commuting for 15 years.
  12. Peter


    I believe I owe a lot to a lot of people. A Contract I worked on a few years back was a Flying Fortress site.I walked in the wood near by where US crew had left graffiti on trees.Empty bottles of booze also. Rougham....bloody thank you boys. Our wonderful council are now going to put a model B52 on a close roundabout. About time too.
  13. You know what it is and grade. Slabbing would be futile. On the question of selling it would probably do OK in DNW or London Coins auction. I think it is a nice affordable coin.
  14. As long as he wasn't a fluffer.
  15. Peter


    In 1995 we toured Normandy.A humbling but rewarding break. I would like to go to some WW1 sites. We were in Arras in the 90's and I remember a restaurant which had a sign saying English and Canadians especially welcome.
  16. Ozjohn That certainly looks better. Nice coin . When you started off it wasn't nice.
  17. http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=178198&whichpage=1 This is an interesting thread from Coin community regarding an 1915 shilling. Tom(Richard) and I are saying what we see. Any input/comments?
  18. Peter

    Stranger Than Strange

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/glasgow_and_west/7095134.stm Seems quite popular On yer bike.
  19. Post some pictures of the best graded coins. We can take it from there.
  20. Peter

    1935 Threepence

    ebay needs to be monitored over a longish period and I should imagine a significant proportion of the forum have at least 1.
  21. Peter

    1935 Threepence

    Clearly a new die was employed. I will have to go and check mine.If everyone does this like wise and monitor Ebay maybe the rarer type can be established.
  22. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I assume that the bidders took the starting price of £280 to be reasonable, so that £50 over is therefore not excessive. If it had started at £180 and gone up to £230 there would be nothing to explain as it would be close to Spink book. Yes, you're right Rob - I hadn't checked the Spink price. Guess I just think of these as readily available in high grades, let's see where it ends up! - if close to £400 that is excessive as far as I'm concerned, and would suggest someone paying for the number? CCGB 2014 price is £150 in BU.So the bidders are buying the slab and its grade.MADNESS.
  23. Peter

    Looking For Books

    http://www.coincommunity.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=178548&SearchTerms=google,books These are free google books
  24. I don't know the Euro % turnouts but the general election will be won by the party that produce the most spin. My money goes on the Tories. Milliband and Clegg are not the strongest of characters & Farage looks a one day wonder. Interesting times ahead.
  25. Peter

    1862 Half Sovereign

    There are a couple on ebay. £1500 and over £2000.The £1500 is in worse condition than Justin's.