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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Looking For British Pennys

    Mrs Peter got a Kenneth Moore mug from me for Xmas. It has a sensor on the bottom and speaks when you pick it up.(like me ) How we laugh as she wax's my dolphin.
  2. Peter

    Derek Acorah (Most Haunted)

    I do enjoy these. Joe public does reassure me sometimes.
  3. Picking up a coin like that is a great feeling. But when you set standards it can be expensive.
  4. Peter

    I've Gone And Done It.

    The grade it got wouldn't worry me. If I saw it and the price was OK I would buy it. Cracking strike. By getting it graded you have added £20 to the cost. Spink is for BU.The whole scenario of TPG is a farce.(IMO)
  5. Yep The hunt is 100% for me on 1/4d's I now type collect and pick up loads of......whatever. Mrs Peter still gets me Cuban Cigar. I don't want it every day. She still bollocks me for smoking in the living room.....the bloody things last for 3hrs.. A large glass of white and she is....easier
  6. Oh but they do. It is a passion driven by our Mr Peck/Freeman and countless coin monthlies from days gone by. It must be 7/8 years since even Spink realised they had to up their game on buns.
  7. I've got a decent collection back to 1895 but the buns are a science. I have a few examples back to 1797 which have caught my eye.
  8. My laptop died last week. Rather than spend a fortune I will just go and buy an Argos special. Back up on boys on a £40 hard drive. Windows 8 could Pee me off.
  9. I've done the date run on 1/4d's from 1672 on copper, I don't have 1676 or 1693 but varieties keep me keen.
  10. My pooter died on me yesterday. Just packed in and the screen is blank. I haven't backed up for a while. It maybe a cheaper option to go to Argos and get a Toshiba ItB for £280. I've borrowed Mrs Peters laptop but she works from home and ....well I can't use it. We have 5 pooters in the house with only 2 working OK. When my TV messed up I wanted to search the internet for a massive screen....trouble is Mr TV repair man fixed it for £36. I'm stuck with 37 inches.
  11. Three scum bags ripped me off....profit gone The fourth one I called his bluff and had proof of delivery. Be very aware. I would much paint my balls red and sit up a tree and invite monkeys to a cherry eating contest.
  12. Sorry ROBS70 You are going to be in a money pit. Get yourself a metal detector and earn £20 a week. It is a hobby and you won't get rich.....Unless you find a stash...How many people do this. I have found grots,nails,bits of metal. When I first started selling on ebay the scum are out there. Always send recorded/signed for because the scum have ripped me off.
  13. You have to fall back on experience. There are no wholesalers just use your nous and try an auction. If you don't know your subject you will get burnt.
  14. Looks a pleasing coin. All to often the date is worn flat.
  15. Peter

    The Times

    If they ever do one up the River Lark I will be there. The last time was when King Edmund lost his head.
  16. Peter

    Some Coins I Have For Sale

    They look like pocket money coins.Sorry
  17. Peter

    Slabbed Coins

    It won't fit in a 2x2 and you would not like it on a wart for your nose.....used twice.......I think.
  18. Peter

    Slabbed Coins

    A bit worn on the on the edges but a great example.
  19. Peter

    Slabbed Coins

    i could put my c**k in a slab and it would make MS69...
  20. Peter

    Slabbed Coins

    Everyone needs a vibrator...as Mrs Peter will tell. I can't perform as a 21 year old.....I may take a bit longer.
  21. Peter

    Damaged "t"'s To Repair Letters

    Shamo There are no stupid questions. Welcome to the forum. You will learn a lot
  22. Peter

    Slabbed Coins

    I have bought some slabbed coins but I keep them away from my trays (obvious reason)I always buy the coin and not the grade. I can't fault PCGS or NGC on grading I have MS63 to 65 and all of them are spanking coins.
  23. Peter

    1983 Silver Piedfort £1 Wanted

    Astroids was 10p (No cream required) I would get myself killed on 99,990 by 7:05pm It went back to 0 at 100,000 My record was over 500,000 and I walked away with 10 lives left and a sore finger.
  24. Peter

    1983 Silver Piedfort £1 Wanted

    So young I think I was living in the pub at the time(where I met Mrs Peter)....beer was 33p a pint and we had £ notes.
  25. Well done Bob...I love to see coins I dream about.