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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Complete Newbie

    Welcome to the forum It must be nice to be named Rich. I would suggest you read up on your subject,search the net,look at Ebay and auctions before you dip your toe. I can't say it will be an investment although you may get lucky. We all use different storage methods it is down to your own preference at the end of the day.I have a cabinet,trays,albums,flips.aluminium cases ETC. One piece of advice is buy the best you can afford. Just enjoy it.
  2. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Still going strong, Peter! 17 days since I smoked properly, and 13 since my last puff (which wasn't strictly tobacco, but I'm not risking smoking that either this early on....too risky). Money seems to be behaving very strangely - appears to arrive in my pocket and stay there. It's never done that before... Excellent Declan I still treat myself to a Cuban or a camberwell
  3. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Declan How is the non smoking thing going? in my youth days we used Smartie tubes as a roach.
  4. Mine just go in the coin room/dining room I've got a few bits of nasty sharp pointie bits also.I'm also 6ft and 15 stone and my dog loves a leg.
  5. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I was tempted but I passed on this one.
  6. Peter

    Tgp - Good And The Bad

    Don't mention Ipswich. I'm in a deep depression following 3 defeats.
  7. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I must have over 100 musket balls.All fired by Charles 1 no doubt
  8. Peter

    Tgp - Good And The Bad

    Only in the US....Howdy Doody
  9. Stewie Bugger off I put my hours in. BTW can I come for a sailing I will bring my MG and Wifeie thing.The daughters are extra
  10. Peter


    What are these people on me and Mr Peter are so good for each other . For goodness sake.
  11. Don't get auction fever whether on Ebay or DNW. Don't buy without knowing what you are getting.Simples
  12. I still get a few Ebay beauties. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Farthing-1887-/261368367931?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=sR1Lb0wNZxTcZk7FJ8g%252BP6Cqdmw%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc This arrived and is UNC.
  13. Peter

    For All You Cat Fanciers

    Lucky it wasn't me as I would be tickling its Kidneys
  14. Peter

    Tgp - Good And The Bad

    1000 coins submitted. So they have bought 1000 coins that they know diddly about. I have a name for a knobhead like this and it isn't becoming.
  15. I think Matt.Trev 50 years a collector has been helping Chris.
  16. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Matt.Trev is not the full shilling.
  17. I think Chris might give another Bugger
  18. My father worked at an agricultural centre and Saturday mornings I would run to his works and was trusted to search the till and safe.(he was the boss) I got so many French pennies,silver and buns. The journey home in a Hillman Avenger via the fishmongers where we bought bloaters for tea. Last season I bought a load of sprats and apart from every local cat I had my daughters and wife tucking in.
  19. Peter

    How Much Is A Recent Rarity Worth?

    It is strange that people buy this. I would much rather have a bit of G11 furniture and use it. I have my g11 holster pistol....bought from a coin fair....love it. My father gave me his stamp albums before he died they meant a lot to him.I have no interest
  20. Sorely tempted. I'm sure the Friday will be the better of the 2 days.
  21. Rob It keeps you keen and Mrs Rob happy. I try and talk to Mrs Peter during Eastenders and she tells me to be quiet...works every time.
  22. Birthday greetings Gents. Colin...BIG 40? I can just remember mine
  23. Peter

    How Much Is A Recent Rarity Worth?

    Interesting point but how many 50p collectors have ever spent more than a few £ on their quarry. If I had a gold one the value to me would be BV. I would never probably look at it again.