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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Did you get a reply? No reply. I even linked him/her to 2 other examples.
  2. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I did send a message to this lowlife scammer. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Elizabeth-I-coin-/261341062028?ViewItem=&ssPageName=ADME%3AX%3AAAQ%3AGB%3A1123&item=261341062028&nma=true&si=0fbhkzO3NwF5V2j8bzXnoQaLEPA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  3. Peter

    Changing Attitudes

    I have Colin Cookes/Dr Johnson's incuse. It does need a loupe.
  4. We tried leopard print satin sheets.Talk about passion killers. Going around the bed like Torvill & Dean.
  5. Back to the laptop in bed You want to get yourself a goblin teas made.
  6. Peter

    St Andrew's Day

    Not a too bad part of England....but a bit chilly and wet.
  7. Peter

    London Coins Today

    I have many hobbies/interests. My coins suit me when I want to relax in the lounge with my laptop,phone switched off,TV in the background with the dog at my feet. I can buy coins,browse forums and generally enjoy myself. I haven't ever got into modern games consoles (my last one was a Sega mega drive in the early 90's) Both my daughters have taken a slight interest in coins but seem to be on facebook or twitter all night. When I go to coin fairs Mrs Peter has commented on the average age of collectors,predominance of couduroy trousers and leather soled brogues. She says I look out of place in my high waisters,brutus shirt and platforms. There are a few young lads crowded around the dealers cheap tins but the cost of anything half decent must discourage many. Even the entrance money!!!! At least Ebay helps the youngsters to get a few coins cheaply. I was blooded with the Farthing Specialist who also sold coins that youngsters could afford and took time to occasionally write a covering letter. A few youngsters that have visited this forum I have sent old Coin year books,coins,loupes etc to. I know of other members who have done a similar thing (including tickets for the London coin fair) These youngsters have just disappeared. About 10 years ago my daughter took approx 50 veiled head 1d's to school.They went down a storm and feedback from the teachers was excellent. Consider this in the late 60's a coin from 1920 seemed old. That would be a late 60's coin now. I happen to sneer at late 60's coins. Stamps on the surface of it seem to be having a much worse time. I also believe potential collectors are immersed in the antique TV programmes. I can't see how this can change in the near future.
  8. Plenty for the hammered penny collector though. Only 1 Clive? The forum never seemed to get exited about the Spink auction.(compared to Noble,DHW & LC) Anyone know who got the Ahhhmmm 1917 L Sovereign?
  9. any pre 1880 French copper/bell metal/bronze? I like my Louis XV1 cu (2 sols,12 denier).as well.
  10. A strange time to finish an auction. Looked a nice pattern though but not my scene.
  11. Peter


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291024990552?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT What about these?
  12. Peter


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121227677505?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT these are modern and cheap and can be spent.
  13. Peter


    £200 Worth looking out for then.
  14. With a chesty cough but nice dandruff free hair
  15. Smiths did do foreign Unc sets. I still have a couple I'm surprised you don't see these on ebay....I would be tempted.
  16. Hi Welcome to the forum. Your album is the same as my 1st album. I haven't a clue where mine is. Your coins are typical from circulation and only worth a couple of £ if that. I can't see how nickel silver coins could be valuable. You do have a 1889 crown which is sterling silver and will make anything up to £20 in that condition on ebay. I'm sure the memories are more important. My album was bought for me when I was apparently about 5 and I was born in the early 60's. I believe it was a Smiths special.
  17. I once went out with an American Lady from Edinburgh Indiana, she's now a Major in the Army (seriously) So Scottish-American Relations are just dandy my friends.I Shall not say anymore on the rest Oh and happy thanksgiving to my American friends ****************************************************************************************************** Azda, Edinburg, Indiana is about 30 miles South of Indianapolis, where I live. There is a small Army Base there, where troops are prepped for overseas duty. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. Regards, Bob I hope you enjoyed your oyster sauce. It is just Monday morning here.
  18. Peter

    Silver Hammered Coins

    I'm not permanently based in one location and so the coins are occasionally posted from around the UK. I bet you bought Declans bus. PS check under the floorboards.
  19. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Another slab. How the heck can this 1905 1/- be more than NVF? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1905-GREAT-BRITAIN-KE-VII-SILVER-SHILLING-KM-800-KEY-DATE-LOW-488K-MINTAGE-/271312348077?pt=US_World_Coins&hash=item3f2b79e3ad
  20. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    This is one ugly coin.Slabbing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1936-WASHINGTON-QUARTER-NGC-MS67-CAC-RAINBOW-2ND-FINEST-REGISTY-2-HIGHER-/400618247704?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276&clk_rvr_id=554908857729
  21. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Oh what a waste http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/A-SUPERB-LUSTROUS-GEORGE-IV-1826-FARTHING-1-4d-LUCIDO-8-COINS-/251384555943?pt=UK_Coins_BritishMilled_RL&hash=item3a87afe9a7 This could of been a cracking coin if some idiot hadn't bashed and polished it. (Roman 1)
  22. As I said Tony...hang on in there. The "Crown elite" was just a term in that we have many experts on this forum and you can bet your bottom $ one of us has an example or knows someone who has. What is your specialist area?
  23. Hi Tony Welcome Interesting coin and sounds desirable. How did you obtain it? If you are a new to coins has someone sold you an early Xmas turkey? I concur with Red's comments. BTW of this thread you may find the Crown elite being flushed out. Hang on in there but we don't usually get newbies owning such coins and being aware of what they have.