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Everything posted by Peter

  1. Peter

    Unique Coin Of King Stephan

    Well done on your find. Better stop looking in case you find a hoard of them. Superb work that the Fitz can now record it for all.
  2. Peter

    Unique Coin Of King Stephan

    Detecting find? Hopefully a full attribution can be arrived at. Looks fantastic regardless.
  3. Peter

    George Coins

    Block the crap sellers. Gradually build up your list. Ebay were meant to limit sales to 100 listings per month.This doesn't seem to work. When you get stuff like this it is cringeworthy. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290953441637?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 trouble is punters occasionally actually buy this tat.
  4. The constipation makes my eyes water. I think a lot of the royals over the centuries would be prime for Jeremy Kyle and his DNA tests. They are also on benefits but just lack the tattoo's and piercings although Prince Albert did his bit.
  5. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The buyer obviously couldn't see passed the lustre. The seller does seems to have a dedicated following despite sometimes overgrading.
  6. The taxmans taken all my dough..... Looks like a blob of doings.Not a nr.
  7. Peter

    Coin Camera With Database

    Mine has arrived. Old faithful Acer should be back on the road later this week for a test run. Looks fine for ripping Ebay listings and the less important coins in my collection (do I really need fantastic images of my George V1 1/4d's?) Stamps,banknotes,ciggie cards and a (few images from my Jazz Mags ) I have high hopes for. For just over £40 delivered from HK I don't begrudge the seller.It can only be improved on.
  8. Peter

    Veil Head Date Widths Again

    Ah Those were the days. Coin news / coin yearbook please take note.
  9. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I believe it is quite a difficult date. ef plus a smidgen in my view though.
  10. Must be something in the air.I'm using my youngest daughter's laptop because I dropped mine this morning and smashed the screen. I know what is wrong and will fix it. My eldest's 2 month old HP has also packed up.(guarantee) Richard old bean Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and buy a new bit of kit. I should imagine yours is growing whiskers. You have full back up and I'm sure you can run your preferred windows and explorer on a new bit of kit. Hughes are doing a basic Toshiba for less than £250.
  11. Reminds me of one time I was checking on what my son was looking at on the computer. Turns out he was looking at youtube.com - he must have had a difficult time finding what he wanted to look at because he couldn't spell "breast" right and spelt it as "brest". I wasn't mad because of what he wanted to look at but he has never lived down not being able to spell a part of the feminine anatomy correctly. Now he is getting ready for college and I still bring up that incident from 7-8 years ago. That's great! I was too busy trying to spell baksyde myself! LATEST NEWS Stuart comes out live on predecimal.
  12. Peter

    Rough Vic Farthing 1850?

    and definitely not a 1860.
  13. Peter

    Brunel £2

    If it is the only one I doubt it will ever create a head of steam (excuse the pun ) Bearing in mind it is a 2006 coin it could be unique. Value...£??
  14. Lunch at Browns Liverpool Street Coin fair,cars and a curry in Brick Lane. Now that would be too much for my old ticker. . I'm on fence repair duty tomorrow
  15. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I know it is a famous rare coin but after reading topcarps spiel is this a realistic price?
  16. Peter

    Just An Idea

    Buy some books For hammered a nice little easy reading book...England's striking history.£7 or £8 Get a 2nd hand copy of Coincrafts 2000 book (1997 is OK) £10? plus loads of postage I trust you have Spink. Look at forums. Copper/bronze collections are available to view on Colin Cookes site. I like Wildwinds.com (When I can dream a little) Narrow your sights.Rome wasn't built in a day. Find a series that is in your budget and interests you. Knowledge is the key. Keep good records / reference everything. It is so easy to get a back load. Research and treat yourself occasionally for that dream coin.
  17. Text speak and slang is banned in the house.(Swearing must have a very good reason...sometimes there is). My youngest daughter had a parcel delivered yesterday and I wouldn't let her have it until she had tidied the mess she had created in every room she had visited. She thought long and hard and then called me a VAGINA.
  18. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    With Ebay there has never been a better time to block PITA buyers and ignore "selected" sellers.
  19. Peter


    There are many more collectors today chasing fewer coins. Prior to the decimalisation surge that started in the 60's with key dates it would seem the collecting scene was generally a pastime of the set with more disposable income.(call it what you like). Prior to technology of the internet and cheaper illustrated catalogues the collector bought from lists. I soon recognised the differences between dealers grading. Today a seller will get away with whatever he can.A buyer likes to hear or be assured of a higher grade so he thinks he has a bargain. It is a challenge for all of us I'm sure.
  20. Blimey, that was cheap Sure was! Mind you, a mid-morning end... Plus it was listed in coin supplies rather than publications. Although a search for Peck would of found it.
  21. It's his birthday today....I checked his profile. Talk about from the heart. I'm lost for words and that doesn't often happen.
  22. Peck He is a member of the forum but has never posted. On the forum yesterday it showed it was his birthday. I looked at his member profile and it was quite sad.
  23. Peter

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I was aware of the white fivers but the coins are new to me.