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Chris H

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  1. Chris H

    Coin Capsules

    I have started putting some of my better coins into capsules, I had limited sizes and tries one for size. It was a bit tight, and now the coin is stuck inside. Does anyone have any ideas how I can get the coin back out without doing any damage to the coin? I would prefer not breaking the capsule just incase it does any damage to the coin. I know this may be the last resort, but I put it to the experts to offer any alternatives.
  2. Thanks for the advice guys, I thought it was going to be so simple.......Wake up and think again!!!. Some of the books look promising, however it is not a field I want to get too specialised in. I was really looking for something to cover general (popular) world token issues. I am quite sure the examples I have will be of no great interest, and therefore probably not worth too much investment in too many specific books. If anyone knows of something a little more general, please shout, alternatively I will trace each example through individual web seaches. Thanks again for the advice and points of contact, they will no doubt be of great use in the future. Chris
  3. Thanks for the response. I have done a search for Krause and world tokens, but still get no positive results. Do you know the exact name of the book or even an ISBN ref. (I'm sure you have it on the tip of your tongue!!). Any information would help, and thanks again for taking the time. Chris
  4. Good day to all members! I am a new collector, and to build a start for my collection I purchased some cheap circulated coins, the bag contained some tokens ie Bell Fruit, PEP, School tokens, hungarian telephone tokes etc. Can anyone recommend a good reference book that will help me to correctly identify them and offer additional information. I have all the "World of Coins" catalogues and really am seeking something similar for tokens and/or Commemorative Medals. I have searched website after website but cannot find anything suitable. Although, not my intended purchase, it would be nice to find out a bit more about them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. This coin is slightly different, do you think it is still a token? How do I establish its value?
  6. I have a coin / token with a buste of William IV facing right dated 1831, on the back is two branches crossing at the base, with decorative "100" in centre. Hopefully I will get a picture attached. Can anyone assist as I have looked in so many books and websites but I have no idea what it is.