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About krasnaya_vityaz

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    I am addicted to £SD

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  • Location
    East of Eden's Gate
  • Interests
    Russian aviation, steam locomotion, travelling, family and coins, but of course.

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  1. krasnaya_vityaz

    British Museum

    I don't think the die on the 1754 1/2d matches the coin, the 5 in the date has a higher serif in the numeral than on the die. Nitpicking I know. But I would think the BM would get it right.
  2. krasnaya_vityaz

    Negative ebay feedback!

    I got a retaliatory negative from a buyer, they did not ever pay - but claimed to pay. What was ironic and rather interesting was that when I notified eBay of the non paying bidder issue, their account got suspended and to get it unsuspended they would have to have paid me etc. I refused. At that point since the jerk negged me I let them sit in suspension for 30 days and not get to bid on more junque.
  3. krasnaya_vityaz

    Token? Replica?

    Here is an authentic touch piece from the reign of James VIII
  4. krasnaya_vityaz

    The World Cup

    Lets go Portugal, crush France and then Italy.
  5. krasnaya_vityaz

    What do you think?

    I'll have a cold Baltika beer awaiting your arrival
  6. krasnaya_vityaz

    What do you think?

    I rather think the old biddy will like to live a good long life much like her maternal link, and will live well into 2028 or so so that Princess Chuckycam can be 81 whence she ascends the throne. Then you might want to disinfect whatever monetary instrument comes thou way, as whom only ponders where it have been.
  7. krasnaya_vityaz

    Please identify the coin

    Often times the silver plating on these was rather thin. It flaked off not long after the piece was made, basically it served the purpose for the maker or immediate possessor of said piece and they didn't have to worry about it afterwards. In my estimation this piece was not cast as you suggest, but probably die struck then plated. As such it is more fascinating, as it involved more effort than taking a host coin and creating a mould from it then casting more coins. The lettering and design elements of the coin are too sharp to suggest it having been cast. As this involved more effort, it was more professionally executed and is subsequently more interesting in a study of such pieces.
  8. krasnaya_vityaz

    What do you think?

    One matter of consideration, at least for the British public, is the mere fact that the British Pound has never been called in for example in 1000 to 1 exchanges that practically every other country in Europe have had to endure. In essence, whilst the Sterling have indeed lost some of its lustre from the past, it has retained enough of a value to not have been rendered insignificant by inflation as currencies such as the French Franc, Italian Lire, German Mark etc. have in the past. One matter of consideration, at least for the British public, is the mere fact that the British Pound has never been called in for example in 1000 to 1 exchanges that practically every other country in Europe have had to endure. In essence, whilst the Sterling have indeed lost some of its lustre from the past, it has retained enough of a value to not have been rendered insignificant by inflation as currencies such as the French Franc, Italian Lire, German Mark etc. have in the past.
  9. krasnaya_vityaz

    I'm back.

    There goes the neighbourhood!
  10. krasnaya_vityaz

    Please identify the coin

    The bronze base of something that was once plated with silver and passed off as a halfcrown, in otherwords, a rather fascinating study in counterfieting in history
  11. krasnaya_vityaz

    Very Sad :(

    Holy cow, have you ever driven in Russia? What with dodging potholes, other drivers, lorries all over etc, that is too risky a venture for me.
  12. krasnaya_vityaz

    Member's Photographs

    That is the lassie from the Provincial Bank of Ireland £5 from the 1970's
  13. krasnaya_vityaz

    Very Sad :(

    Notice in the header portion of the auction, mention of inquiring of the seller for postage cost to the United States, is is possible that Royal Mail will deliver to the United States, this 1972 Classic ?
  14. krasnaya_vityaz

    New Moderator

    Oh no, run, don't walk
  15. krasnaya_vityaz

    Queen Ann Shilling

    The serifs on the lettering suggest they are the regular English/British issue and not the recoinage for Scotland issue.