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Everything posted by krasnaya_vityaz

  1. krasnaya_vityaz

    My New Largest UK Coin - Token

    Sweden manufactured the copper blanks for the Scottish Bawbee and Bodle coinages in the late 17th century also. Funny how Britain imported Swedish copper, then the USA imported copper blanks from Britain during the early 19th century, which accounts for the scarcity of USA cents during the War of 1812.
  2. krasnaya_vityaz

    My New Largest UK Coin - Token

    No wonder Sweden lost its primacy in the Baltic during the Great Northern War: Swedish Plate Money
  3. krasnaya_vityaz

    My New Largest UK Coin - Token

    The tuppence of 1797 was my previous largest UK piece, now this is. It is about 1/2 again larger than the tuppence. I have heard somewhere on another forum that the Birmingham Workhouse had the Soho Mint prepare dies for a Sixpence in bronze also, but it ended up being a silver token instead of a bronze one. There are purportedly a very few examples which were struck in the large bronze composition.
  4. krasnaya_vityaz

    This made me snigger.

    Must be something internal in the cranium cavity of the seller, for I am here and I know not which he is vainly attempting to convey neither.
  5. The devices of the piece are too high, it is too rounded etc. Actually it appears to have been made in the last 20 years or so, and probably as some promotion or something.
  6. krasnaya_vityaz

    My New Largest UK Coin - Token

    It is about 48 mm in diametre, and about 75 grammes in weight, old Avoirdupois weight, just under 3 ozs weight.
  7. This seller has a few lots, mostly gold that I am perusing. Because of the volume of sovereigns I am looking to purchase, I would like to find a safe seller. Have any members dealt with this seller and can share their experiences?
  8. krasnaya_vityaz

    Just in case anyone wants one...

    My heart and wallet yearn for a Jaguar, convertible.
  9. Whatever you do, avoid buying coins. The advice you received above is the best around, buy books, supplies etc and let the collector decide what coins they want to buy. All of us collectors have gotten coin gifts at one time or another, and they often were purchased for too much money, or were of little interests to our collecting tastes.
  10. krasnaya_vityaz

    Just in case anyone wants one...

    Did you notice your high bidder is a negative feedbag kind of bloke? Too bad you can't have cancelled his bid before the auction ended.
  11. krasnaya_vityaz

    Siberian Coins Webpage Update

    Ñèáèðñêèå Ìîíåòû – Siberian Coins
  12. From all the garbage for sale on eBay, rather loosely in my humble opin. There are princess of wales notes, fakes of Churchill 9/- notes etc. Lots and lots and lots of junque.
  13. krasnaya_vityaz

    Just in case anyone wants one...

    I don't know where I am sometimes But I only know I would like to be living on the Costa Del Sol, or in Algarves in Iberia right now.
  14. krasnaya_vityaz


    We just had our first outbid, and I am responsible
  15. krasnaya_vityaz

    Just in case anyone wants one...

    Actually my 11 year old daughter would love to have it, for a 23 yr old car with a 5 speed and only 35K miles, that is not a bad price. Ta bad it is in the UK and we are here. Otherwise I would buy it, and drive it for the next 10 years gingerly and then let her have it as her show car.
  16. krasnaya_vityaz

    Chardcoins on Ebay

    Which is why I inquired. There are some large dealers on eBay that have less than stellar reputations in the numismatic community that have higher feedback than chardcoins.
  17. krasnaya_vityaz

    Chardcoins on Ebay

    Actually I am watching a large young head sovereign lot, the price seems to me to be okay, but I am concerned about the feedback, and having to have the coins shipped out of the UK.
  18. The best insurance is to not let anyone local know you collect, in fact the very fewest people that know you collect coins the better. I have known people that bragged about their collection to only regret it later whence their home was burglarised. I have three safe deposit boxes in three different banks. The only valuable coins in my house are the virtual ones on CD-ROMs
  19. krasnaya_vityaz

    tired of ebay

    What do the facts you state about yourself have to do with your auction site? Nothing else stands out, but that you claim to drive a better car than my noisy Lada piece of junk. Perhaps if your auction site drives out Meg, you can purchase a Bentley or a Rolls. Until then I wish you luck.
  20. krasnaya_vityaz

    Anastasius Gold Solidus

    I really really really need to buy some ancient gold sometime. I only have bronze and silver. I desire most something gold from Syracuse or an Alexander lifetime Stater.
  21. krasnaya_vityaz

    Anastasius Gold Solidus

    Gees ohpees, I clicked on the link expecting a picture, not a narrative and a request for a pic, ah the nerve o' yah. Yes indeed a picture would be nice.
  22. krasnaya_vityaz


    I notice a tendency especially with 17th century and earlier coins to *upgrade* them by at least two grades to seemingly account for age etc. Kind of makes you want to send a Harrier after them with a nice Phoenix missile.
  23. Then I have to ask you, is it the size of the pre 1990 5P or the post 1990 5P?
  24. krasnaya_vityaz

    What's hot and what's not?

    Here is the low grade example: http://cgi.ebay.com/Scotland-Francis-and-M...1QQcmdZViewItem
  25. krasnaya_vityaz

    What's hot and what's not?

    I have seen one or two very nice ones, and recently a beater piece that may have been on flEaBaY.