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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. Sylvester

    2005 Crowns

    You answered you're own question. £5 coins are 'crown sized', but not technically crowns. The Mint calls them that, but the mint is wrong. They are £5 coins. Calling them crowns is contensious because it leads to confusion between the two very different denominations. The last Crown was minted in 1981.
  2. Sylvester

    New Beginnings

    I think you've either got a good fake or a mint set escapee. The latter is know but it hasn't happened to me yet! The 1988 £1 coins are the scarcest of them all, and they are the only ones with the single shield design. They're personally my fave, i try not to spend them if i can help it. Not that they're worth more than any of the others but i like them. I'd hang onto the fake then you can compare all future £1 coins to it.
  3. Sylvester

    New Beginnings

    Ah our beloved Sponk! What does it say on the edge of that £1 coin from 1997 by the way? DECUS ET TUTAMEN? As for the 1999 one that as far as i am aware should be the Scottish design. Edge inscription should be NEMO ME IMPUNE LA... I can never spell the last word, but it should be something like that and not; PLEIDOL WYF IM GWLAD, Or DECUS ET TUTAMEN. Forgive any of my spelling errors there. Have you found any 1988 £1 coins yet though?
  4. Sylvester

    New Beginnings

    Key dates, there's a page on key dates? As you can tell, i just have the forum bookmarked and i never actually look at the rest of the site!
  5. Sylvester

    New Beginnings

    One of the 1997 £1 coins is fake. It should be three lions for 1997. If you look you'll notice that there should be no coins dated 1972 in circulation. What you can expect to find; 1p = 1971, 1973-2004 (all dates) 2p = 1971, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 1985-1998 (two versions of 1998 [or was it 99?], one's magnetic, one is not), 1999-2004 (all dates) 5p = 1990-1992, 1994-2004 10p = 1992, 1994-2004 20p = 1982-1985, 1987-2003 (i haven't seen an 04s). 50p = 1997-2004 £1 = 1983-1997, 2000-2003 (i haven't seen any 04s) £2 = 1997-2003 (i haven't seen any 04s) Other denominations exist, pre-97 £2 coins, £5 coins and 25p (Crowns, 1972, 77, 80 and 81) but they don't tend to circulate.
  6. Sylvester

    New Beginnings

    Welcome! I'm another young collector... i'll say nothing about my financial status, what's left of it.
  7. Well i'm no good as a rep so i'll turn you down here. They talk me into buying things... i'm a natural buyer. But i was gonna go to the York coinshop and offer him one and give him your addy if he wanted more.
  8. Sylvester

    Right, I need a favour!

    I've advertised over at CU forums but no one replied to the thread. I tried!
  9. Sylvester

    Copy Coins on eBay

    I'm impressed at some of the big wigs you've got on there. Eric Tillery and Ira Stein. Actually i don't really like Ira all that much but he's a big name on RCC.
  10. Sylvester

    Copy Coins on eBay

    Great idea. Promptly signed as 259.
  11. Sylvester

    Some really ridiculous eBay listings

    Yes i've seen that done before. I've seen Morgan Dollars sold for $4, with a postage of $250. It certainly happens, and Ebay gets alot less of the cut.
  12. Sylvester

    Right, I need a favour!

    I'll advertise it on Coin Universe forums, Wybrit and Co's hiding place. Have you tried Waterstones or Ottakers?
  13. Sylvester


    I never had any homework ever till year 7... then it hit. But actually looking back on it, it was dead easy compared to what i got put through in Yr11! Which was a piece of cake compared to A2. Infact chaps i can honestly say A2 was the hardest year of academic work i've ever had to do. Uni is easier. The third year takes some getting used to but i think i'm adjusted. Still pales in comparision to A2 though...
  14. Sylvester


    I thought the same...
  15. Even if he is known as Sylvestius there!!! That too!
  16. You'll find Sylvester is well known where ever he goes...
  17. Is it just me or do you have subjects you can just do but you actually really hate that subject? For me it was English, it was never a subject i had any issues with at School, it just happened... but my i hated it. And for subjects with best grades... ha Resistant Materials Technology (aka Woodwork) ah it was my only A at GCSE. The irony...
  18. Sylvester

    A pdf pages 1-53

    I'd purposely do it in inches then to cause a stir.
  19. Sylvester

    Words cannot describe...

    That is bloody beautiful... By heck.
  20. Sylvester

    A pdf pages 1-53

    I had a quick look, but the acrobat reader slows my computer to a crawl and i'm not patient enough to wait for all the pages to download, so i only saw the first two or three. Looks pretty decent, i'll have to have a better look when i'm at Uni where there's a decent connection. Could you convert a few select pages of the Early Milled book to pdf, just so we can have a look at how the tabular format works layed out? If it's clear enough...
  21. Sylvester

    For the younger ones...

    Too right! Alot of people forget compensation can work both ways! You can sue them for their poor paving and a few years later when you paint your garage door lime green they can sue you for mental damages caused by the obscene colour...
  22. Sylvester

    For the younger ones...

    I personally hate this compensation culture we live in. Even if i did get damage definately from chalk dust i still wouldn't sue them because why should i? It was the way it was back in the day...
  23. Sylvester

    For the younger ones...

    I actually prefer blackboards. Interesting (or not) story. When i went to the junior school every room had blackboards except for one which had the fabled whiteboards. Now we were all kinda deeply impressed cos we'd never come across a whiteboard before, this would have been in about 1991. It was a novetly to us. Secondary school was kind more black than white when i started, but the other way around when i left. They were actively eliminating them. Now the pens squeak and whiteboards reflect light alot easier than their black counterparts making them much harder to read if the classroom is badly layed out, i.e where light can reflect off of it no matter what time of day. The amount of times i've been sat right at the front and i still couldn't see the blasted thing. Very rarely had problems with the blackboards though, so despite the dust i prefer them. Strangely i find it to be science departments (the progressive areas supposedly!) that are usually the last to lose them. As they were at both school and college.
  24. Sylvester

    For the younger ones...

    It'd be pretty unusual these days that, firstly because they can't cane anymore unfortunately and secondly because blackboards are getting quite scarce.