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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    It's alright JMD, one of them came through (admittedly wrong, cos it was two of yours put together, but i've just taken one of them and i think it's gonna be right!
  2. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    Right i've got it, and i'm now working on the resized cover, hopefully this will be acceptable!
  3. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    i got it but i just got a blank page, can you copy it to paint and send it as a bmp file?
  4. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    Excellent! Will do... I've just got the Gothic Florin image ready again... I'll get this to you by tonight Chris and that should be another worry off of your mind.
  5. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    In word there are rulers at the side of the page... usually in inches (make sure it's in inches and not PIXELS!) You can also have it in cm's if it's in cm's then the measures will be... 14.3cm wide by 21cms long. Now there is a way of making sure that it is in those but i forget how, another method might be to change the page set up to A5 portrait and just draw a box round the edge of the page (if you follow my meaning). That would also be correct.
  6. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    HELP!!! Right can someone with access to Microsoft word go on word and draw a box to the dimensions of 5 inches and 10/16ths wide by 7" and 13/16ths long? Copy and paste it to paint and then email the box outline to me? Then i'll know how big the area i have got to fill is! I will not be defeated. But if no-ones does this for me then i will not be able to do the cover at all, so please help!
  7. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    Arrgh! So yes it is too small, needed to go 2 inches widthways (don't know how much down cos Wordpad doesn't have a side bar ruler). Which means it's almost impossible to gauge on Paintbrush cos it requires one to scroll down and you can see the whole thing on one page. Now i resized it so far as i could and it's almost right but the resolution suffered as i expected. I did have another plan but the lack of a side ruler on wordpad will probably foil me. If i could find a way of inserting a box to the right dimensions on wordpad and then copy that to paint then start the whole thing again from scratch i may be feesible. It's a longshot though.
  8. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    And if my printer worked i would have printed one off and adjusted the sizes accordingly!
  9. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    Chris have you opened it in Word? Open in Paintbrush copy and paste it to word. I did it to Word pad and from the looks of it it might not be too far off you know. You see if you open it in word you can look at the ruler on the top of the page and down the side and it will give you an idea of the size. If my word was still working i would have done it already.
  10. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    I can't actually design the smaller one any bigger from the off because it would be off of the page (anyone who is familiar with paint will know what i'm on about). Can anyone else blow the image up?
  11. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    i've tried zipping it won't do that either. Can you blow up the small one i sent?
  12. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    the small version is 505KB i think. The larger version was 2.24 MB! (hotmail's limit was 2MB... so they removed it everytime cos it was over my limit). Sent the small version.
  13. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    It was quite big (huge probably), but i've had another inspiring idea. 1) Have you got paintbrush picture or some other software package that can blow up the cover. Cos i can send you the smaller copy i have by email (it should work) and i'll let you have a go at enlarging it. I just kinda dragged the corners and sides of it in paintbush till it didn't fit on the page. I should be able to send you a bitmap image of it in the small style. I'll give it a go for nothing. Hopefully you can enlarge it (then we'll have to see if it is good), now PB picture doesn't ashow the size of it (it may be almost big enough already). One way to find out is to copy and paste it to microsoft word, unfortunately my word is on the blink so i have not been able to do this.
  14. Sylvester

    Your cover ideas please.

    My disc drive is out of action... I can put it on CD though and ship that to you, i'm going to the Post Office tomoz. I've been trying to send it but my email will just not let me attach it cos it's too big. I'm not all that convinced on how good it is either. (I mean pixel quality wise and all). JMD did a good one but has promptly vanished. So if all else fails could someone do a back up one now just incase the one i had done is not suitable or possible (bad resolution or whatever). At least if we have a reliable back up to fall back on then should any last minute emergency's arise we are more prepared. I'll burn my copy of the one i did onto a disc and post it off to you tomorrow Chris.
  15. i just can't make out the mintmark! Is it WS?
  16. H R on both sides, i guess it's about 18-20mm in diametre (give or take with the irregularities of hammered coins). There obverse legend reads right for the halfcrown as DG is on the same side as Henric. Presumably it is an example of the Second through to Posthumous coinage. If it's a second coinage example it is of the last variety with a pheon mintmark. I'm getting drawn towards the Posthumous issue though, duno maybe it's the style or something?
  17. i'll try and upload the pics...
  18. Hello Carol could you re-email me on this (i accidentally deleted your email, i still have the pics, but no address to respond to). I'm sure it's a halfcrown, i've narrowed it down somewhat as to a type. Think is i can't make out the mintmark (i need this to finally work out which issue it is from). Could you make the pictures any bigger? (The mintmark should be on both sides, there should be one before the H in Henric...) I think we are looking at about £100 or more, probably £130 or as much as £170.
  19. Sylvester

    Collection for sale

    I like the work of the Roettier's and of John Croker.
  20. Sylvester

    Edward VIII 3d

    No i know exactly what i'm thinking of; This one! http://www.tclayton.demon.co.uk/pics/e83d.html (When ever anyone say Edward VIII threepence i automatically think of that one, if i were given the chance to own any either that's the one i'd pick!). That is the one my grandfather claimed to have seen.
  21. Sometimes i get myself muddled up a bit. Hopefully though my spelling and Grammar should be acceptable for the most part. I do afterall have a A-Level in English Language. Unfortunately i don't have an A-Level in typing and thus i often miss letters out or put extra letters where they should not be.
  22. But i have style with that sadness so therefore i'll get away with it!
  23. Sylvester


    Are you definately sure it's 1808? If so i wanna see a picture if you can post one, (sure it's not a worn 6?). 1808s do exist indeed but only of the pennies at 34mm in diameter. Actually using the s with 1808 was a bit of a liberty since only 1 is known.