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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. Sylvester

    Edward? Groat

    That's the name i was looking for, tressure and cusps. Tressures are the arches in this case 9 of them, and the cusps are where they meet.
  2. Sylvester

    Edward? Groat

    i can't see any mention of the lis... But they might be part of the 9 arches going around rather than part of the bust, and from what i can see the lis turn up in some funny places on those arches... i forget what the proper name is. It also happens on the gold coinage too.
  3. Sylvester

    Edward? Groat

    oh you'd already replied... i'm looking for the lis bit, there's three of them.
  4. Sylvester

    Edward? Groat

    I reckon E44D-070, or S.2000, I think it's what Spinks refers to as a coronet rather than a crown, Coincraft just says crown. I'm not sure on this one though, i'll see what you think.
  5. Sylvester

    Edward? Groat

    I think it's Edward IV, i can't see and Edward III with those crosses that look a bit like Pat Evans' earings...
  6. Sylvester

    General news stuff

    From an investment point of view it is a very sensible thing to do, cos the market is not going to subside on them (well not that much), and with each one he acquires and doesn't sell it'll slowly dry up the market and the prices will go up. I dare say some collectors have more than he does. If they do he better hope they don't drop them all on the market at the same time as the prices will drop... (although that means he'll consequently be able buy more at a time his investment will have depreciated).
  7. Sylvester

    General news stuff

    Is he trying to monopolise the market on the things?
  8. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    And when you've done i've got one for everyone else on here to identify... cos i haven't identified it yet. And Spinks is very hard to use when trying to ascribe hammered coins to a class/type, it's a doddle with Coincraft.
  9. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Ah right... what that means is the coin will have just one of those mintmarks not all of them. If it happened to be a muled example (which yours is not), it could be possible to have up to two of them one on the obverse and one on the reverse. More often than not though there's just the one, so yours will just be anchors. Another coin might have a rose (33) on both sides (or was that a pansy?) I hope that makes sense?
  10. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Then it is definately a groat, incidentally so is my avatar.
  11. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    I think Spink are getting lazy with the hammered section. Right i've just had a look try 2199A Which is class IIId. It's basically the same as class IIIc but the letters on the former are plainer. Anchor exists on the plainer letters variant which yours is.
  12. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Gradewise... now this is my failing on hammered Tom will shame me probably for getting this wrong. But top grade is VF, it's not that cos the hair is worn and there is some overall wear... but it's better than VG, i'd say it was AF-F, but grading hammered is a bit of a foreign language to me. Although in all honesty i get far more enjoyment out of owning hammered coins than i do milled. I'm slowly moving towards hammered, very slowly.
  13. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Oh that's better, yep that's an anchor alright. No it's not a penny or a halfpenny they look nothing like JMD. It could have been a halfgroat but it doesn't look right for one of those, i'm pretty sure it's a groat. What kind of size is it?
  14. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    London mint, anchor mintmark, minted between 1485-1509. Coincraft reference number is H74D-040, Valued at £38 in VG and £75 in F. Thanks for the pic of the reverse cos it helped me ascribe it to a mint and a mintmark (hence the sceptical bit, cos i wasn't sure about the obverse one), the reverse one is much clearer. (Although they can be muled) Now i don't find Spinks/Seaby catalogue as easy to use at all with hammered... but i figure the Seaby reference is... S.2199 Class IIIc to them. (Or it was in 1993). Tom's the guy you need for this.
  15. Sylvester


    nope round i'm afraid. But the ones on my 1882 key wound silver one are on a square pivot, unfortunately for you that one works and i wear it with my suit vice wrist watch which then has the day off!
  16. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Mintmark looks to be an anchor, hard to tell though it's the only one that comes close.
  17. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    I still need to see the other side... call me a sceptic.
  18. Sylvester

    Henry VII Groat?

    Can i see a picture of the other side please before i say anything?
  19. Sylvester


    So you guys might have noticed i've been posting on here alot more recently.
  20. Sylvester


    I don't go out in the sun much... too much pollen, too much squinting because of the sun... = headache, and it gets too hot (i'm a shade person). I don't like summer so roll on Autumn!
  21. Sylvester


    I had my gold watch cleaned like that... it still doesn't seem to have solved the problem of it not working... I think it needs to go to the breakers for spares. Pity cos it was a nice Victorian one.
  22. Sylvester


    And all the new issue news is about stupisd hideous commems anyhow that i'd rather just not know about.
  23. Sylvester

    General news stuff

    Wow that is a beaut! It just goes to show how much i really don't give copper coins the time of day, i never realised what a nice design it actually was, and it looks alot better in a grey metal. If halfpennies were silver i'd collect them too!
  24. Sylvester

    York Coin Fair

    i dunno... i doubt i'll have the cash.
  25. Sylvester

    Whats rarer?

    Probably a silky shine?