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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. Sylvester

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    well if your's is a seventh then it ties with the 1933 penny, if there is only six and you've got the 6th one then they are rarer.
  2. Sylvester

    Question about German coins.

    wouldn't happen to be a character in Dracula by the same name would he?
  3. Sylvester

    Pocket pieces...

    Cool! Anyone else?
  4. Sylvester

    Pocket pieces...

    i've actually got a low grade gothic that i nearly press ganged into pocket piece service. Always nice ones they are! Is that a seated Liberty dime?
  5. Sylvester

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    That's that king Stephen penny, but it's very rare not extremely rare, or Was it Ex Rare? Can't remember but it's not as rare as a 1933 penny.
  6. Sylvester

    Pocket pieces...

    Some people carry them for luck, some like to have a conversation piece... some probably just like to impress the ladies, 'hey ma'am have you seen my William III five guinea piece!' I just like being able to carry around a piece of history with me. It worked out rather nice that, cos as it turned out we were talking about Charles II in history and i just thought, well at least one thing in this room is contemporary to all this, if only coins could talk hey... it'd be great in the exam! That an i always like to carry around a bit of silver, i have a Morgan Dollar just for the purpose. (it kinda makes up for all this modern fiat money... [that's money without intrinsic value] )
  7. Sylvester

    Do you have an extremely rare coin?

    I've had the pleasure of holding a Gothic Crown (but i wouldn't call that extremely rare). Otherwise nope not really.
  8. Sylvester

    Question about German coins.

    The first three really annoy me.
  9. Sylvester

    Question about German coins.

    every post you've done today is a bit off hand, no?
  10. Sylvester

    Question about German coins.

    what's up with you today Oli? Had a bad day?
  11. Sylvester


    perhaps he wants to remain a man of mystery...
  12. Sylvester

    getting green stuff off old pennies.

    i wonder what condition the zinc plated steel ones are in?
  13. Sylvester

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    today is a good day... i've pulled another dot to dot 1992 10p from circ, in better condition that all the others. Got another Machin penny. Arranging to buy a decent King John penny, (it has subtle rainbow toning) but a strong legend and decent portrait are the main reason why to buy it. And i'm needing the cash!
  14. Sylvester

    Bandwidth and picture usage.

    i've got about 2/- lying around, in decimal halfpennies.
  15. Right i've figured out how to fit hammered into the collection. So i've got the sixpence date set. Well i'm going for a type set, which will involve hammered coins. Having realised that i have a coin for every single monarch since Charles II, and quite a few other monarchs knocking about prior to the 17th century. I've decided to have a go at getting at least one coin from every monarch from Egbert through to Elizabeth II (Although it'll probably be William V by the time i'm finished). Although Egbert will cause problems, i can probably do it from his successor Æthelwulf through to now. Only monarchs missing will be Egbert, Æthelbald (who didn't have any coins), Edward the Martyr (although a cut halfpenny would solve that one), Empress Matilda, Edward V and Oliver Cromwell (although a contemporary pattern/copy would suffice). For Edward VIII i have a modern pattern. (not a Maklouf one either).
  16. I can't fight it much longer, the lure of hammerd coins is getting to me, i think i've caught the inspirational bug in an area that held little interest for me a year or so ago. But i like medieval (and early modern) history, and that's half the attraction to the area. Pennies are a particularly attracting prospect, as are quarter nobles. The latter are affordable, but i'd have to sacrafice the sixpence set, and needless to say i won't be doing that. The sixpences of 1674-1694 are still keeping my interests so i will continue collecting those. The later ones upto 1758 i will get as and when i can, but it won't be a goal. Anything else is on the backburner, or dumped entirely. Don't think i'll try and finish the 20th century sixpence date set off now, but i'll hang onto them for now.
  17. Sylvester

    Question about German coins.

    A list would be great!
  18. Sylvester

    'Todays Top Ten Posters'

    Are you getting annoyed Oli?
  19. Sylvester

    New 2 Pence

    you're onto something there Oli. The reason we don't get toning like that is because we store them more sensibly!
  20. Correct again Oli, it's got nice eye appeal (not often i say that about a cleaned coin). Get it in a proper protective coin envelope and that would make a nice pocket piece.
  21. Sorry about the oldy worldy English in the title Oli. Or should i say curated, (i actually quite like it, cos the details are clearly visable, unlike the one i've got which was a hoard find and is very grubby).
  22. Sylvester

    New 2 Pence

    i like Liberty nickels (see post above) And this one is a bust something or other, dollar? half?
  23. Now you might think the Gothic Florin Chris sold me would be my fave modern milled coin, it is a beauty, but my fave's gotta be this one... I've had this a while.
  24. Sylvester

    New 2 Pence

    I like blue toning (i hate Magenta as a rule, but gothic crowns can look alright with it). I kinda like this blue...
  25. Sylvester

    New 2 Pence

    i like this kinda toning...