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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    i'm not too far behind.
  2. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    The really high grades aren't a problem, neither are the really low grades, it's anything between GF and AEF i struggle with.
  3. Sylvester

    Dictionary additions.

    I have a feeling Chris left haymarking out on purpose though...
  4. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    i avoid Edward VII coins on that principle, i really just can't grade them. Either that or i grade them F, sometimes GF!
  5. Sylvester

    Dictionary additions.

    Lima, Vigo, EIC, WCC, Roses, Plumes, Roses and Plumes, Haymarking, Transposed Sceptres, Die number.
  6. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    Well i've never had one, (well the only Edward farthing i ever had was pretty low grade) i should imagine the lustre shines underneath the black surface, which is translucent.
  7. Sylvester

    Word association

    i dunno why but Ford Cortina's seem to kill every conversation.
  8. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    i like my copper/bronze bright full lustre without a spec of toning. This is probably the reason i don't collect copper, can you imagine if i collected bun head halfpennies? They'd all have to have full uninterupted lustre. Don't mind some toning on silver as long as it's not colourful, i.e i like grey. But you can't beat blast white coins.
  9. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    i must admit Oli i'm not fussed on the artificially darkened ones, i like the bright lustrous ones!
  10. Sylvester

    Farthing enquiry

    Right well (i'll let someone else supply the prices) but... The WW refers to the initials right at the bottom of Victoria's neck... you may, or may not see WW. If the WW is incuse it i'll look like someone has carved the WW in, basically the WW will be indented. If the WW is in relief or raised, it means it will stand out, the lettering around the edge of the coin is in relief, i.e it stands out above the field. Incuse is the opposite, it would be sunk into the field. w.w. means that dots are present in those places on the coin. TB i imagine stands for toothed borded, the obverse of George VI coins have a toothed border. RB should be the dotted border, like Elizabeth II coins, have a look at a penny out of your change to see what i mean. A mule is basically one side has the toothed, the other side has the dotted border. Black finish means the coin is darker than usual due to artificial toning done to prevent confusion with half sovereigns, bright is a coin that wasn't artificially darkened). A proof is a proof, and i believe this has been discussed before. (I think i got all that right, but having never collected farthings or actively read up on any copper/bronze coinage, i can only comment upon what i've seen whilst passing through those areas in coin catalogues).
  11. Sylvester


    oh if you sort them by year rather than by ID the William and George one's should appear also.
  12. Sylvester

    site for buying coins

    Except me who seems to dabble in most areas of British numismatics, ancients and Roman excluded.
  13. Sylvester

    Half sovereigns

    hey your welcome! glad to see i was in the ball park. Remember chaps guineas and half guineas go down a storm on Ebay!
  14. Sylvester

    site for buying coins

    and if anyone has been unfortunate enough to have to read my handwriting, you might also realise that i use the Æ (or the non caps version) every time there's an ae together. E.g Ærial photography, and ARCHÆOLOGY. (Even though you're not supposed to). just helps me remember to put ae, not ea.
  15. Sylvester

    site for buying coins

    i have used Æ before on here... just copied it out of word last time, i couldn't be bothered this time. But just for you, Æthelred II.
  16. i handle them by hand but only hold the edges.
  17. Sylvester

    site for buying coins

    No EM coins either... No Stephen, and worst of all not one AEthelred coin!
  18. Sylvester

    Help needed

    Sly, You sound like Yoda from Star Wars. intentional it was.
  19. Sylvester

    Edward VIII

    I'll confess i'm a one finger typist. And i remember when i went to junior school they only had about 3 computers in the school, all had those great big foppy 5" disks!!! Ah the memories, also no internet, and in Y6 only one person in our year had a CD-Rom computer. That's ten years ago now, and ten years on most people (myself included), would be lost without one.
  20. Reincarnation? Hmm i dunno exactly, i might be inclined to think some might reincarnate, but i'm kinda hoping it's not what happens cos i don't want to be here when the world ends. In the words of Terry Pratchett, 'whatever you believe happens to you after death, is what happens'. So if you convince yourself you're going to Hell, you'd better watch out. If you've convinced yourself that your going to Hades, prepare to be bured with a coin for the oarsman.
  21. Sylvester

    Help needed

    Arlihgt tehn, ingroe my aobve psot! Grammar rearrange we should do, always nice to main verb at end put.
  22. ??? reincarnation Oli, some people believe when you die you are reborn. Not necessarily as a human being though, sometimes as another species, the classic example is the tree.
  23. Sylvester

    Help needed

    Correction: Our coins are alike, aren't they? hmm a person who's fussy about grammar, i'm going to have to pull you up too when you make a mistake, you will do, it's only a matter of time... (don't bother pulling mine up, you'll be here all day).
  24. Sylvester


    i'm currently saving up for a coin, Spink can wait.