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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. so that's why my pocketwatch is playing up!
  2. They used them in the mineral collecting world...
  3. and if you don't find anything, there's always the coin shop near the minster!
  4. I bet York's a good place to go, especially around the castle walls. What with all the Viking and medieval stuff they've found there over the years.
  5. Of course Victorian coins allow us to make mention of the beauty that is the Gothic Florin.
  6. I'm usually of the old skool, quite ardently anti-cleaning, cleaned coins, i won't touch em. Although i do realise for dug up coins and coins over a certain age like ancients it's a whole different ball game, then i'm a bit more understanding and liberal. My advice is, if cleaning is non-essential (i.e you know what the coin is and you can see the date and everything) then leave it well alone. You should only risk cleaning a coin if it is encrusted and you can't identify it until you've 'curated' it.
  7. Hey i had to specialise eventually because my collection had no focus to it, but what i can say is the James II sixpences are going to be the problem all 7 of them. There's something nice about farthings, i did once seriously consider them myself, i just like the size of the things. But copper could never fascinate me quite the same, it's the lack of lustre they develop i think. Ah you're a type collector then! World coins are interesting some countries moreso than others. but you just can't help feeling that you've just opened up a whole tidal wave... it's a vast area out there. But intereting nonetheless, i had some late 19th early 20th century Spanish 50 cent coins loitering about somewhere, very smart coins, very sixpencey.
  8. Sylvester

    Premium for full lustre?

    i'd already typed US and i couldn't be bothered to go back, so i got inventive...
  9. Sylvester

    Premium for full lustre?

    Well i think full lustre coins would sell at a slight premium. Unless of course they were dated 1672 or something and then there'd be one hell of a premium. But i don't know where you'd find the prices for these. The USians distinguish between red and brown (the first having lustre, the second without) in their catalogues, about time we followed suit i think.
  10. Sylvester

    Your dream coin?

  11. I'm in love... And my am i struggling to raise the funds for this beaut. but i'm working on it, i've got a down payment on it already... (+ a 10% discount)
  12. Sylvester

    Your dream coin?

    hey i found a 1658 shilling for sale... http://www.historyincoins.com/xxx-1-3-4-21.jpg
  13. Sylvester

    Who wants what thread!

    i prefer the Madge Kitchener variant...
  14. Sylvester

    Who wants what thread!

    i like farthings, i once considered collecting them myself, but sadly i tend to only like the full lustre ones. But i do have a nice run of BU Sixpences; 1936-1939, 1942-1950, 1953-1959, 1962, 1964-1970 One day i'll get round to completing that lot, not at the top of the agenda at the moment though. I did try shillings but i got fed up of all the bloody English and Scottish varients. Then i tried Brass threepences and got annoyed at all the rounded corner, sharp corner varities and how dealers don't list which is which.
  15. Sylvester

    Who wants what thread!

    I need these sixpences... 1677, 1678/7, 1679, 1681, 1682, 1682/1, 1683, 1684, 1686, 1686/8 (yes 8!), 1687 concave shields, 1687/6 concave shields, 1687 convex shields, 1687 concave and convex shields, 1687/6 concave and convex shields, 1688, 1693 upside down 3 and 1694. Then i'm done, for now...
  16. Sylvester


    Ah well i don't think anyone at Uni actually knows, it's not something i broadcast simply from a security point of view, i've only got to tell someone who tells someone elsewho knows the address and knows when no-ones in and, bye bye collection. So i keep stum.
  17. Sylvester


    Was five hundred and odd, but running at 10% off i've managed to get it down to £470, and as part of that £105 of it was a part trade with my cleaned die flawed 1693 sixpence... But for a coin with that eye appeal i think it's worth it, it'll always be a seller, unlike my other ex-1693 which i couldn't get shut of.
  18. That's it, i can never remeber it off of the top of my head! I'm just used to the MAG. BRI. FRA. ET. HIB. REX. The German titles throw me sometimes...
  19. That legends no right for a real one, it should be M B F ET H R L B D S R I A TH ET E Or letters to that effect, that's off of the top of my head.
  20. Sylvester

    Let see where this goes....

    Yep i agree. I think smoking is going to be the first thing on the list, as the Republic of Ireland is banning smoking in all pubs/clubs/bars/resturants after the 29th of this month, or something along those levels, with a 3000 euro fine for anyone caught breaking it. Alright it's not quite the same as a whipping but hey it's a start.
  21. Sylvester

    Let see where this goes....

    There's a simple soloution to all that, make all the bottles and everything out of the same material and limit the number of colours, or have them all transparent, like a cola bottle.
  22. Sylvester

    Most valuable coin you own.....

    Wow i don't think i ever did anything like that! I remember doing simulaneous equations, and algebra which i quite liked to be honest, although i hated maths as a rule. Mental arithmatic was by far the worst, i can't do sums in my head without writing them down. And i hated trigonometry. I was very happy that i ended up on intermediate rather than higher, and as such i was very lucky to miss geometry too! phew... I also hated physics.
  23. No, a Briton is a citizen of Britain, just as an American is a citizen of America, Frenchman is a citizen of France, Azerbaijani is a citizen of Azerbaijan. I keep wanting to say a Britain as well, i don't like the term Briton it cujours up images of a bunch of Boudicans running around in toga like things. (you know what i mean) Then there's Canadian and Canada, surely Canadia would have been better!
  24. Well it should be 1926 otherwise we've got problems...