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Everything posted by Sylvester

  1. i must admit my ignorance here... I knew that they made Britannia Coins, but i had no idea that they changed the design every year! Do they change it for the gold ones too? I'm afraid i rarely get to delve far out of the 17th century these days... the Charles II and James II coins just keep pulling me back in, i'll never get free.
  2. Sylvester

    Colonial coins

    I was just about to say that! I agree Stalin was far more evil than Hitler...
  3. you know more about them than i do!
  4. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    well i could try and explain it myself, but it'd take me all week... So see here for the info... (it's near the bottom) http://www.tclayton.demon.co.uk/dec5.html#10p see here for the pics... http://www.tclayton.demon.co.uk/pics/dec10.html#var I've even managed to find a few of the BA type, which accounts for much less than 1% of the total 1992 mintage, so there's about 10,000,000 of them out there, as opposed to a few hundred million of the other varities.
  5. Sylvester

    Colonial coins

    Erm i think lettuce and cabbage just pipped him to the post.
  6. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    I dunno about that, but i'm really suprised they don't explain what it is fully in the yearbook.Here are the Coin Yearbook prices for all 1992 20ps... nor do they get into the technicalities of 1992 10p die variations.
  7. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    Probably... Although i bet the proofs got made in Wales. When did London mint shut?
  8. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    ah well they've changed the date on the 2p's.
  9. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    wouldn't surprise me if they don't shrink the 20p coin. They've no real reason to, but it wouldn't surprise me. Afterall they'd make more of a profit with smaller ones! Then again i also smell the euro on the horizon, and it stinks.
  10. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    That's exactly what i was thinking... there's a change (pun intended!) coming.
  11. Here's a question. I'm just currently in the process of buying a very nice 1684 tin farthing. (the portrait and what not is crisp and of a very high grade), but the edges show considerable corrosion, and the copper plug is a big green. But with this series if it ani't one thing it's another. Now i'm just wondering how's the best way to store this? I don't usually allow any coins with verdigris on them into the coin cabinate as i'm worried about it spreading, however small the chances may be despite the fact they are not in physical contact with each other. Question is will it be safe in there? And will it help to prevent further tin corrosion?
  12. i'll take 10 then. I think i'll pay cash this time, PM me your address again cos i deleted the last PM with it in by accident. I'll get it off to you swiftly.
  13. It was £189, but i managed to haggle it down to £179, post free. I just kept pointing out the lack of date... Can't be bad, at coincraft prices it's £300 in VF, this coin can't be far off that, for the series there's quite a bit of detail left on that coin. But with tin you find the catalogue prices are only a rough guide, people are usually willing to go over anyhow.
  14. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    Is it just me or are the new issues getting introduce earlier and earlier? I mean i usually wasn't accustomed to seeing them till september, august at the earliest. Now we've got em in february, and some denominations are being minted in staggering numbers (1p-5p), are they trying to get ahead so that they can have a lay off in a few years time, while they tinker about with some of the other coins? Or are we really in dire need of so much change?
  15. It's that rub your nose in it patriotism i don't like. It's one thing to love your country, but it's quite another to constantly state your better than everyone else. I mean take these world disaster films they make, you know the kind, commet is going to hit the earth, it's going to hit New York and it's going to end the world. Very true it would, but all way through you just keep getting quotes like , 'the American people won't like it', 'the American's', 'God i love America', 'Ain't America wonderful', 'lets save the world' (by that they mean America), and they always want to kiss the President's ass in these films. And there's Stars and Stripes everywhere you look. Considering they are trying to prevent the end of the world, you'd think other nations might get mentioned and join in on the action, you know team work without the US doing it all themselves, where was United Nations throughout all this? If you ask me it's as if the rest of the world doesn't exist to them. Now if the commet was going to hit Beijing it wouldn't be the end of the world, because afterall it's not America, they ain't affected thus they ain't bothered. So i try to avoid all these very Partriotic films they produce, full of their own self importance... cos they make me feel sick.
  16. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    Shiny new ones, i've got one 2003 in change THIS year, last year i didn't even get that. Got a nice 2004 2p peice three weeks ago though.
  17. well i'll be getting it sometime at the end of next week, i posted the cheque yesterday, it'll get to him by monday/tuesday, then he has to get it out of the safe deposit box at the bank, that'll take two days he said, then it'll take a few days to arrive, so i'm looking at Friday/Saturday, perhps the following monday? Anyhoo i'll get back to you on this! What the prices of these holders then?
  18. Chris... Those coin capsules you've got for sale, which one would be best for tin farthings? Wouldn't want them to be too small now... but likewise i don't want the darn thing rattling around inside. Hopefully i can then deposit the capsule in one of the coin trays in my cabinate. Just tried it with a capsule that fits a US quarter, and that fits in the cabinate.
  19. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    I dunno about that? I guess there'd be no way of telling? hmm? ????????? and for good measure ?
  20. Sylvester

    What got you into coin collecting

    50p's are definately the least encountered. I very rarely find any commems in circ. The 10p's come and go, some times you get a few, sometimes none. The 5p's are by far the most encountered, are they going to bother minting any in 2004? The mintage last year was phenominal... you begin to wonder whether they've made up the demand for them. Also there's lots of new £1 coins out and about, usually i didn't find many, about 6 a year, now i'm finding about one a week. £2 coins are a nightmare, for exactly the same resons you stated above! (Although i did find an absolute beaut , very few bagmarks... i kept that one!)
  21. But we did! If someone gave you a 10/- note when I was a kid then you were rich. It was worth four half-crowns! Jumpers for goal-posts... Geoff didn't one of the british islands issue 50p notes as direct replacements for 10/- notes?
  22. now this one is a beauty but i couldn't afford this one...
  23. the actual details of the coin are pretty superb considering, most of the issue comes out looking like little black discs with blisters all over them, but as you can see the edge of the coin has some fair corrosion going on. Hopefully by regulating the environment i can stop it progressing further.
  24. got a picture of said farthing...
  25. they like their flag a bit too much for my liking... Far too patriotic...