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Everything posted by Rob

  1. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/098 - Copy_zpsvtgbw0aw.jpg
  2. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/097 - Copy_zpssdrgysjo.jpg
  3. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/122 - Copy_zps1e0m044m.jpg
  4. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/121 - Copy_zpsnmxrhz7s.jpg
  5. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/021 - Copy_zpsn6bn78it.jpg
  6. http://http://i935.photobucket.com/albums/ad192/RPCOINS/022 - Copy_zpsr3gqccfn.jpg
  7. You don't realise how many disappear if you only keep one example of each Freeman obverse and reverse for example. It's quite easy to lose 80 or 90% of a date run. Bronze halfpennies now only require 60-70 pieces or so. G3 patterns are down to a similar level, Victoria patterns are fewer, pre-1860 is quite simple too. After that it's just little hammered pieces which realistically are only a trayful.
  8. I have got rid of most of them and have only kept a basic core of a couple hundred pieces covering all possible designs, rulers etc
  9. Judging by the reporting of the primaries, it is everything to do with personalities. A bit short on substance IMO.
  10. Rob

    Salisbury/Wilton Mints - Publications?

    http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/wilts/vol6/pp51-53 You get the relocation of three moneyers from Wilton to Salisbury in 1003, Godwine, Goldus and Saewine. Salisbury is only recorded for Ethelred's last two types, Wilton for everything except his last two. When the mint reopened, the moneyers stayed at Salisbury. In July 1180, Winchester burnt down as a result of a major fire. The mint moved to Wilton which reopened temporarily, so you get dies of Winchester with the last letter of the mint signature overcut with an L, i.e WIN becomes WIL. e.g a short cross 1b die of the moneyer Rodbert exists in this form. It didn't close immediately following repairs to Winchester, but only produced coins of types 1a & 1b from the above moneyer and another called Osber
  11. Rob

    Victoria YH Sovereign

    What's the unrecorded bit? I can't see anything different to normal?
  12. Rob

    Salisbury/Wilton Mints - Publications?

    I don't think there is over and above the odd short article on a new type for the mint, or reference to the relocation to Salisbury when Wilton was sacked in 1003, or the temporary re-opening of Wilton following the fire at Winchester in 1180.
  13. Hear, hear. Even if we are on different sides of the debate.
  14. Probably. This country is only divided from Europe by the English Channel. In the case of slabs, the gulf is as wide as the Atlantic
  15. Rob

    LCA March

    If someone in the room bid it should be yours, but if someone put in a commission bid at the same max before you it should be theirs
  16. Rob

    LCA March

    Not the end of the world if I don't get it. From the thin pickings of the past couple years, sellers have now come out of the woodwork in droves. Lots of decent material about this year. Hopefully too much to keep prices inflated. You just have to look at what's in DNW & Spink and what has just been through LCA and the US to see an improvement in supply.