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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Agreed, but he isn't trying to value it, just get as much as he can. And if someone bites..........
  2. Rob

    Sabine Schmitz

    Never heard of her.
  3. Rob

    1611 James I Shilling Mullet over Bell

    Same obverse die as mine.
  4. Rob

    New UNC Coins

    I wonder if they were restruck to produce another coinage? The RM has always done all sorts of non-currency strikes, which also offers a solution to the low numbers seen. And if you really want to speculate - how about the 1981 10ps being used as blanks for the uncirculated sets. Mintage of large 10ps for the period 1982 to 1992 is just over 1.9m. Add in another 955k or so for the proofs and you are left with approx. 0.5m. Does either total or both added together more accurately reflect the observed rarity?
  5. Rob

    New to collecting - my story so far

    The 1916 reverse surface doesn't look particularly natural to me. It may the coin has been over-dipped. It obviously has wear, so you would expect to see a little more toning rather than the uniformly flat surfaces. The 1887 is nowhere near VF. Somebody should be shot.
  6. That was fun, wasn't it. 12 hours and 2 minutes start to finish for 576 lots. There was some fairly ambitious bidding today. I thought I had done well in the morning session (which started at 10:00 and finished at 17:50) to make underbidder on one lot, albeit at nearly 3x book. When some things were going for up to 10x estimate and few lots reflected the book price, the overall results were always going to be good. Greg Edmund's comment that after half the lots in the morning, the lower estimate had been reached, was a good indicator of things to come. The afternoon session was halfway to lower estimate after 3 lots. On the plus side, I did manage to get 2 lots.
  7. Rob

    Henry III Double Struck Penny

    I think it has rotated nearly 180 degrees between strikes because you have HENRICV starting at 6:30 and NRICVSREX starting just past 12 o'clock. N & R are ligated and I'd say pellet in oval eyes, but still 3c. I'm not 100% sure about the mint, but it does look like it could end in OFER - which would be York. ION is everywhere which is unhelpful..
  8. Rob

    Possible Fake 1905 Halfcrown

    That's all wrong.
  9. Rob

    New to collecting - my story so far

    Fine, gVF but looks cleaned, aVF, nVF, VF and nVF. Don't worry about the grade if you like it - just don't pay too much without the necessary knowledge. Once you are up to speed it is possible to justify paying over the odds. At the end of the day, collecting is a selfish thing. It's all me me me.
  10. Probably having difficulty understanding the numbers, so he's used copy and paste from somewhere. He can't spell Leicester, so a lack of numeracy would merely be an extension of this.
  11. The Circular was online in the archive section until about 2011-12 when the previously very dysfunctional site was taken down and replaced by something a little less unpredictable. 15/6d for an 1857 penny was a lot in 1895 when the regular pieces were going for 9d up to 2/-. I see it was priced at about the same level as a Fine 1860
  12. I acquired mine for 350 when Stone sold up, which was ok given he paid 500 for it in Nicholson. Happy days
  13. It purports to be a Carlisle short cross penny, but is obviously a modern copy as the mint signature is CARL which doesn't exist, the valid readings being CAR, CARD, CARDI or CARDV. Alain or Alein strikes in classes 1b, 1c, 3 & 4b at Carlisle, but exactly which class it is trying to be is impossible to say with so much being wrong. A class 1c is attached to give an idea what it is imitating.
  14. It's a difficult one. We all know the market is a bit hot at the moment, but it wasn't always the same, and there are always some pieces that slip under the radar. We also have our own view on what a particular coin is worth - is the estimate low, high or just right? Say you are Spink and have to put an estimate on the lot. You have an annual tome with prices which should provide a good guide to the expected outcome at auction and DNW etc will almost certainly be in the same ballpark, but that can never account for two individuals determined to buy the coin and we've all been there. The recent monopoly of on-line auctions has also ensured that buying is now relatively concentrated on a small number of outlets, with a larger number of buyers taking part. This has to partly responsible for the uplift in prices. But is not always the case, as conversely, many lots in the Bates sale for example went for peanuts and a lot less than he paid. Estimates will also reflect the reserve required by the vendor. If a vendor insists on a high reserve, the estimate must reflect that. If there is no reserve then it can be set at any level and will almost certainly be at one which is guaranteed to sell, the admin of dealing with unsold lots not having great appeal to the auction house. Spink used to buy in unsold lots at a percentage of estimate and list them in the Circular, but that obviously no longer happens. Unsolds therefore have to be returned to the vendor, or included in a subsequent sale. The anarchy penny from Tutbury that was the subject of a thread on this forum was listed a few times with DNW and eventually sold for about 60% of the original estimate. i.e. the vendor wanted too much. I suppose the only thing that matters is the price you would be willing to pay, because the estimate is irrelevant to the final outcome, whatever the level. And that means doing your homework if you want to pay something in line with the current market.
  15. Rob

    Edward iv

    Holed, corroded and split/cracked makes 165 a tad optimistic. £50-60 maybe.
  16. Blue is a popular colour. I always assumed the light blue dot on the back of this slab was the colour they ordered.
  17. Rob

    Steep slabbing premiums

    No they're not - they're as variable as they ever were. We just highlight the obvious outliers as we encounter them. There's plenty more where that came from.
  18. If someone is stupid enough to pay them to do so, then yes. They would only be satifying a demand in the market to confirm that what you have is genuine tat of the highest quality. Nothing finer - or so they say..... I reckon, if you looked around, you could find an even bigger load of b*****ks somewhere. Edit to say - found some. I wonder if they will grade as premium quality? https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F3%2F37%2FCriadillas_de_Choto-_Madrid.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FTesticles_as_food&tbnid=NSrnzvae4TXETM&vet=12ahUKEwi596OP_tfuAhUJ-4UKHRr7A8cQMygAegUIARCYAQ..i&docid=fieVeu65fqJ6RM&w=2592&h=3888&q=bulls testicles images&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwi596OP_tfuAhUJ-4UKHRr7A8cQMygAegUIARCYAQ
  19. How does that sit with the requirement that slabs should be sealed to stop access to the coin? Is it an MS70 vending machine? Put some money in the slot and you get a graded drink? I'm going for them being 'Poor'. Not sure about 'Have a Coke' - LSD may be more appropriate...................
  20. Rob

    Steep slabbing premiums

    Looking at Heritage, the new owner is now actively seeking offers of $1287 or more - so only 30% more than a price that was already 4 or 5 times higher than you'd expect to pay. I can appreciate conditional rarity for type and this is the only 65 etc, but silly old me always assumed it compared the coins and not the labels.
  21. I wonder why it's a 69? Maybe there's a trace of bottleopener on the rim? If so, the TPG was definitely on the ball to notice that.
  22. Rob

    1872 Queen victoria shilling

    There's nothing wrong with it. Die clashes happened all the time.