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Everything posted by Rob

  1. Rob

    Help With Shilling

    Sharp E1/1 im. Bell.
  2. No I would have bid on line. The only other thing I was remotely interested in was the 3a1 halfcrown. mm. bell which appeared to be over a portcullis. Presumably this was a residue of the previous incarnation of the die as a type 2 halfcrown as there is no portcullis 3a1 to my knowledge. An interesting oddity, but not a must have coin.
  3. I was contemplating that one too, but in the end decided not to bother as I only need a basic type. And this and the next lot were a bit too bright for my liking with no toning. I like my toning.
  4. I have angels both pierced and intact but sadly, none for sale at the moment.
  5. Get yourself one. They are still affordable. Get a holed one used as a touchpiece and the price drops by a half or more. I like them.
  6. Rob

    I B A N Swift Etc

    Banking as a whole would benefit from transparent pricing. If people paid for the services they used instead of having the cross subsidies as now which offers free banking at random, the systemic risk should be easier to manage with fewer exceptionals on the horizon. There would be less scope for profit and therefore bonuses (which will satisfy the left), and no need to employ unnecessary staff on account of automation (which will satisfy the city). Profits would be dictated by the efficiency of the system used in relation to a capped charge.
  7. Rob

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At the risk of opening a very large can of worms, here we go again on the variabilities of slabbing the same coin on different occasions. Many coins, maybe even a majority would come back a different grade following resubmission. I have had several coins that were graded differently. Someone posted a line of 5 resubmissions of the same coin which came back 67-69. Just accept and move on. Considering the coin alone and paying little or no attention to the number will stand you in good stead.
  8. It will come as a surprise to our Peck that I too respected his views and his resolve. There aren't many you can say that about.
  9. Rob

    Two Old Coins (Possibly Fakes?))

    You might struggle giving them away, because the recipient would have to find a use for them. Not easy given selling them on eBay would be counter-productive for the hobby..
  10. If I was a cynic, I would say the die setter at Llantrisant has a knowledge of mules and is throwing out the odd pairs for a laugh. Too many errors have crept in of late. I would say the die se...... If they would stop producing this crap, they wouldn't make so many mistakes.
  11. Rob

    1983 2 Pence Mule

    Ended, relisted and now ended again on the grounds there was an error in the listing........... like it was dodgy?
  12. No. £2000-2500 for a brockage. Bun penny brockages are not that rare. I agree with a figure in the upper hundreds, but not thousands.
  13. I thought about the Alfred too. The estimates are a joke as is the norm nowadays. £1200-1500 for a coin about EF against Spink book at £2750 in VF. There isn't much in this sale for me.
  14. If it's a half guinea it ought to weigh closer to 3g. That suggests it isn't gold.
  15. Don't know because eBay is a total lottery. Is the bull head D/T in DEI? You should check it out.
  16. Rob

    Unlisted Variety

    It looks reasonably stop free. There might be a trace of a blocked stop between ET & HIB. We shouldn't be surprised about a reverse with no stops as most denominations have at least one die without stops recorded, and even when noted for an issue you may well find it is only given for one year - that is until an example turns up dated for the preceding or subsequent year. Coincraft only prices it marginally higher than the regular reverse, so I suspect it wouldn't generate too much interest unless in an unambiguous higher grade.
  17. Yes - CCGB 2014 gives : VF £65 EF £300 VF £70 EF £250 VF £80 EF £300 which I think are more realistic than Spink tbh. Other way round I think. An EF 1823 second reverse for £300 for example would be nice if you could find one at that price. Don't know about the prices for low grade pieces as I haven't been looking.
  18. Rob

    Unlisted Variety

    Could do with a bigger picture to confirm whether it is weak stops or not. I wouldn't get too fixated on whether the variety is in Spink or not as there is only a limited amount of space to play with. It is listed in Coincraft (W3CR-080). No one reference will ever have all the varieties listed, because as soon as one publishes such a list, someone will come along with another variety that isn't listed. Think in terms of Blackadder 3 and Dr Johnson
  19. It looks like a T, but the grade isn't the best. Attached is what Spink had to say about Adams 346. I think the jury is out until a good well struck example is available.
  20. A bit more realistically than the prices above. If you have any of the above coins available in the grades and prices above I will take the lot. Spink gives 1817 bull head £90 VF, £450 EF 1821 £95 VF, £400 EF 1823 (2nd rev) £100, £475
  21. In that case the 2/- ought to pre-date the siege that started in the autumn, i.e June, July or August/early-Sept. It should be possible to confirm this by comparing punch wear for the letters given the same dies are involved. It would also imply the dies used are the first ones made at Pontefract. The question really is, who would be that important? Charles is locked up, Prince Charles is in France, Rupert and Maurice are in exile on the continent. There aren't a large number of important Royalists about. In the overall scheme of things, Langdale was one of Charles' most important commanders, running the show in the north of England.
  22. Not so sure about presentation pieces. Why would an emergency siege issue have presentation pieces? It is allegedly money of necessity, not an ego trip.
  23. Rob

    1983 2 Pence Mule

    The two previous sales show 3 small brighter marks before the N, up from the tail of the 2 and before the C. That isn't seen on the latest listing. If taken out and replaced, what's to say it isn't a mule of the wrong sort i.e. a 1983 obverse milled out and a NEW PENCE reverse dropped in (or vice-versa)? I notice that no feedback was left for either of the two previous listings.
  24. Rob

    Starting From Zero

    It helps the balance of a collection to be in similar grades though. There's nothing worse than a row of BU pieces with a black sheep in the middle. Having said that, sometimes the best known is only Fine or VF at which point you have to either accept it or move on. If a coin is simply rare in a certain grade, you are better off waiting.