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Everything posted by Rob

  1. You have a master with 18 on it used to make the die, then the last two figures of the date are added later for individual dies
  2. What is interesting however, is that although the R is overcut on both dies, the 2 styles of R are reversed in relief. That provides a good id for which die is involved. Date also attached to compare teeth position relative to numerals.
  3. It's an 1858 over 6. I thought it might be from the same dies as mine, but isn't though. I know there are at least 2 8 over 6 dies. Here's mine.
  4. Rob

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    I would beg to differ. The reverse is probably average for a Tealby, but the coin flipped in the strike and has a reverse cross on the obverse. No bust detail whatsoever is below par - even for a Tealby! You usually see at least something of the bust, even if you can't identify the type.
  5. Rob

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    Sorry, should be one of three, as I eliminated Allen 277.
  6. Rob

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    The mint reading NICOL for Lincoln as seen on other issues isn't recorded by Allen, so it's likely that the moneyer is NICOL(E), which would be supported by the initial cross at 6 o'clock. He is recorded as working at Gloucester, Ipswich and Norwich. For Gloucester, it isn't Allen 277, but could be 276 (not illustrated). For Ipswich, all the legends showing the end of the name terminate in an E, so given it looks like the stop of a colon after L, would eliminate Ipswich if the signature is consistent. Norwich could be 663 or 664, but the Allen image is flat in all the parts where yours is struck up and vice versa. It isn't Norwich 665-668 In summary, it looks like one of 3 possibilities. Allen 276 at Gloucester and Norwich 663 or 664. The first two are bust A1 and the last A2, but some detail would have been useful! Sorry, can't do better.
  7. Rob

    William I Penny, 1074-1077

    I don't have a 2 stars penny yet. I'm waiting for one to appear from a scarce/rare mint that is still on my list of wants. I wanted Stewartby's Stafford, but fell a couple bids short. Nice coin that one. If you want a William I, the cheapest option is a PAXS. Thanks to the discovery of 6500 or so at Beaworth in Hampshire in 1833, the previously rarest type was transformed into the commonest type overnight. 95 % of all PAXS pennies are from this hoard. See example below. A bit double struck on the obverse, but presentable.
  8. Recut characters have limited appeal. There are always going to be a small number of collectors of any denomination that collect almost to the individual die level, but for the majority of collectors, the variety interest tends to be limited to overdates (not just recut with the same digit), legend error correction, or substantive design differences. I don't think I'm sticking my neck out in saying that the majority of collectors of any denomination are simply looking to complete a date run. A good indicator of popularity is whether a reference volume has been written documenting the varieties, because until one appears, most people will ignore subtle differences. Once it is written down, everyone wants to find the variety or thinks they have it. Tail wagging the dog, or maybe the other way round.
  9. Rob


    I guess people use social media, which is ok for a single response, but a chocolate teapot as a source of coherently assembled opinions that are organised along the thread topic. I presume the internet has so much info available that many people feel they have all the info they need. What is obvious is the lack of visitors asking questions, which seems counterintuitive given the significant increase in collectors of modern coins. At any coin fair you will see a reasonable number of kids going round the tables. I presume they get all their info from social media. Whilst you can reasonably expect the majority of collectors to be middle aged and up, the vast majority of collectors do have access to the internet, so why they don't interact with others is beyond me. A parallel problem to that of forums is happening to many numismatic societies. The South Manchester decided last meeting to only have one meeting a month compared to 2 a month in autumn and spring. The reason - numbers have dropped off such that there is no longer a critical mass of members to fill the schedule with talks. There is a near total absence of younger people coming through. At the last meeting, I was the spring chicken, and I get a state pension.
  10. Rob

    William 3rd Shilling

    PM sent
  11. Silver I presume, wt. 2.54g, the obverse appears to be a late 18th century George III bust or similar, with a trace of DEI GRA in front; the reverse with a central crown, S bottom right, legend ending in REX and possible date 40 or a symbol to the right of a final figure of date. Absolutely dire and fit for the bin, but it's bugging me. Ta.
  12. Not convinced about this one. I've got a 1929 proof halfpenny (ex Norweb 1895) and Colin had a proof penny (also ex Norweb 1891)
  13. Get yourself a copy of Coins of England as this gives the most comprehensive coverage from Celtic through to the modern day. It doesn't have to be the latest (2025) unless you want ballpark current prices. For id purposes, any copy from the last 15 years would be fine, but bear in mind they split the pre-decimal and decimal coins in 2015. Any copy 2014 or earlier has them combined. Go too early and the picture quality and quantity are somewhat lacking.
  14. Rob

    1954 penny

    Re the heavy flans, I think the only options are trials or struck on the wrong flans, i.e. a flan used for a colonial issue. The denomination specifications are stipulated in the proclamation document, so intentionally struck on a heavy flan for circulation shouldn't come into it.
  15. Rob

    1954 penny

    I think a study based on current survivors is a non-starter due to the lack of ability to accumulate from circulation. For a start, once I get over 20 kgs together, I scrap them. Obviously I look for easy to identify rarities and anything that looks sellable is set aside, but with the best will in the world, I'm not going to trawl through piles of washers trying to identify them individually. Therefore, most low grade Victorian and the vast majority of 20th century pennies for which there is little or no market in less than unc, get melted. I'm not alone in doing this. Every 10kgs scrapped is a thousand coins. I see hundreds of kgs going for scrap every year. FWIW I did 60 myself last year.
  16. Rob

    1954 penny

    Unless the rating in ESC is demonstrably accurate, they should all be taken with a pinch of salt. Obviously things that are clearly common (C-C3) isn't the problem, but at the R7 end of the scale there are numerous discrepancies, e.g. Roman I 1825 shillings (R7, I think not), or 1723 C/SS shillings which are given R5 both of which are clearly complete bs.
  17. There was a printed catalogue of the pennies only. They might still have some copies if you ask.
  18. Rob

    1954 penny

    I can help update your list. The F245 cost £6 plus postage from me in May 2020
  19. Rob

    1826 NO LINE on Saltire, INVERTED die alignment

    To expand, here's another. From my notes. 1826 inverted die pennies with plain saltire (P1422 var) can be identified by a rim lump in front of the truncation tip by the stop on the obv and similar lumps by AR: and after DEF: on the reverse. My example is 18.77g. They are all forgeries as they all appear to have identical “circulation” marks on the neck. The die axis is about 160 degrees and not 180.
  20. Rob

    1826 NO LINE on Saltire, INVERTED die alignment

    Do the marks on it match the attached? Die axis isn't accurately inverted.
  21. It's a function of the buoyancy of auction sales in the current climate. Everybody and their dog are jumping on the auction bandwagon because people are paying silly money for average material, so it's a one way ticket to riches for the auction houses. You routinely see lots selling for multiples of similar items in dealers' trays. The volume of material means that auctions would take forever if lotted singly. This volume coupled with indiscriminate buying is also contributing to the sloppy cataloguing IMO.
  22. Where is all this written on the actual site rather than a third party discussion board? Ebay don't provide a search bar in Help to improve obfuscation. Nowhere can I see new rules, just the existing ones.
  23. If in doubt, leave it out. Simples. They've stopped sending out catalogues ('to do their bit for the environment'). In response, I for my part am also doing my bit for the environment by not spending a day going through each lot one at a time (processing power takes a lot of resources too). Now I just look at the thumbnails and see if the coin is potentially of interest. I know I missed plenty in the last sale, but I'm afraid there are only 24 hours in a day (still, despite technological advances). As for Thursday's sale, quite a few lots were self eliminating due to not knowing what I was bidding on. Sloppy cataloguing in recent times means trust nothing written unless you can verify it yourself, with various examples of incorrect descriptions and provenances that simply aren't true. All they had to do was consult the catalogues in question, look at the images and save writing bs. They are not alone.
  24. Rob

    Groat Hammered, date unknown

    Henry VI Pinecone-Mascle halfpenny of Calais. 1431-2