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predecimal.comPredecimal.com. One of the most popular websites on British pre-decimal coins, with hundreds of coins for sale, advice for beginners and interesting information.


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  1. Drew


    Linux is certainly safer than M$, but not immune. I have 2 Linux servers, and we are starting to see more exploits targeted at Linux. You may wish to look in to Clam AV. I believe it is available through the Ubuntu repository. We use a black list on most of our managed forums and it seems to help. Since we use phpBB and vbulletin, I am not that familiar with IPS, however http://community.invisionpower.com/resourc...html?record=185 may be a useful link Good luck with the Spammers
  2. Looking at this uncirculated coin http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/SE/SE3770-o.1.jpg http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/SE/SE3770-r.1.jpg I have a difficult time seenig the difference. But I am going out shopping for a larger magnifying glass this evening. It may just be my eyes
  3. Ah using KM-Tn5 I was able to get se3770 which lead me to this pictorial of British coinage http://www.wildwinds.com/coins/SE/SE3770.html which I see is sponsored by predecimal
  4. q The coin has not been cleaned for 34 years but prior to that I couldn't say. Your image brings up a question Was there more than one die? I've circled the differences between the coins, most notably the berries on the laurel and the ends of the laurel File was too large to up load so http://www.seascapeimages.com/coins/3shillingaa.jpg for a comparison of the coins
  5. Finally getting around to looking through some coins that Ive had for 34 years ( procrastination at it's best ) and there are a few coins on which I'm having trouble establishing a value. Ok I live in the States and coin collectors here seem to think the only coins that have value are US coins. No problems identifying liberty bust half dollars, large cents, half cents and the like - but a shilling what's that ?!? These are scans of a 3shilling (best one I have) For some reason they come out dark but the coin has a nice shiny but slightly tarnished patina so I've included a digital image, no detail but it provides a better idea of the nice coloring. I do realize that value estimates over the internet are difficult at best and do not substitute for an in person inspection but I seem to be a but short on air fare at the moment