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Richard2 last won the day on October 14 2018

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61 Good

About Richard2

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    West Sussex
  • Interests
    Metal Detecting , hammered coins, English coin weights

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  1. Richard2

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    It was a really interesting evening, Chris Comber gave a talk on Elizabeth pattern shillings as I said. He bought along several coins that were handed around for all to have a look at, none were in protective sleeves or anything. He trusted us all to handle them safely. There were even some gold coins of Elizabeth, amazing.I wish I had taken some pictures, will probably never have that opportunity to hold so many rare and beautiful coins again.
  2. Richard2

    Unusual Elizabeth I threepence

    Hi Coinery, Yes I did get to speak with him and showed him the coin . But from what I can remember he disregarded it as anything than just a ordinary 3d . It was quite dark in the room and it was just a quick look without a loupe so not really what I was hoping for as an answer. It didn’t feel right to tell him he was wrong and that he should take a better look, I’m not that brave😁.
  3. I was speaking with Rob Davis yesterday on the phone about buying replacement felt discs for a cabinet of mine and he mentioned that he is making the cabinets for the Royal Mint.
  4. Richard2

    Henry VI penny

    Thanks Rob
  5. Richard2

    Henry VI penny

    Hi, I found this coin a couple of weeks back but have only just recently spotted that it reads Henrics and not Henricus. So far I haven’t been able to find any parallels and was hoping you guys might be able to help, thanks. Richard
  6. Richard2

    On the way back to the car

    Thanks Dave, I was going on the fact that it ends ANGLIE , I can clearly see the E. Withers only shows Henry IV types 3a and 4 ending so . All Henry vi halfpennys in withers end ANGL.. What do you think?
  7. Richard2

    On the way back to the car

    Couple of hours out detecting this morning until it started to rain really heavy, on the way back to the car a quiet signal had me digging my last hole. Out pops a little hammered covered in sticky mud. Thought I should just put it in my tin and wait till I’m home to see who it was. Henry IV halfpenny I’m pretty sure, withers type 4. Can anyone confirm, many thanks
  8. Richard2

    Henry VI penny

    Coin sold for £160, I think my mate, who’s coin it was, is well pleased. The other coin I had in the sale,a Edward IV halfgroat Dublin mint sold for a very healthy £1600
  9. Richard2

    Henry VI penny

    Afternoon all, just an update on the Henry VI penny . its up for auction in this months DNW sale on 15th Nov . Lot 934. No picture of it in the printed catalogue but think its on line. As davetmoneyer said an unknown die pairing. "the exact variety apparently unpublished and presumably extremely rare" is their words. £80-£100 Fingers crossed
  10. Some months back I bought a stamp album from my local coin and collectors club on one of their bring and buy nights, I’m not into stamps anymore but it was what was inside that persuaded me to part with £3 to buy it . Somebody in the past had used it to collect together a load of newspaper cuttings and stick them inside. Many were about coins or hoards found by farmers ,workmen and joe public. The one I like most is the farmer who found the Mildenhall treasure
  11. Richard2

    Edward IV York mint penny

    Just googled it and yes your right , thanks mate. Don’t know how I missed it
  12. Richard2

    Edward IV York mint penny

    Thanks Stu , haven’t got my book handy at the mo but did they mint penny’s at York with rose on breast? I seem to recall when looking yesterday I couldnt find one, could be totally wrong though
  13. Richard2

    Edward IV York mint penny

    Afternoon guys, can anyone throw some light on this penny I dug at the weekend. I think I can make out a rose on the Kings breast, does anyone else see a rose or something else? The obverse at the crown area seems to be double struck and there appears to be something to the right of his head, which I suppose could be a result of the double strike. Also the mm looks vaugley like a rose. With these marks I can’t pin it down to a specific type. Can you help. Thanks Richard
  14. Richard2

    John short cross penny
