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About alan

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  • Birthday 03/06/1937

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    Coins...Especially Bun Pennies

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Nordle11


      I sent you my email in a PM Alan ;) 

    3. alan


      Thank you .  I hope it works as I am very interested to know if another exists.

    4. Nordle11


      Hi Alan, email received OK, I've posted the picture in this thread - CLICK HERE

      Hopefully someone will respond if they've seen another or not.

  2. alan

    Full set of pennies

    It would be the complete set as it is for the F14,providing it is a reasonable coin.
  3. alan

    Full set of pennies

    I have the set from 1860 to 1894 in conditions from fine to unc,but the only one that has evaded me is the F14,and this is why I am prepared to do an exchange.The rare pennies in the set I am getting rid of are ,I would say fair with good dates.The poorest being the 1869 which is clear date only.
  4. alan

    Full set of pennies

    Over the years I have collected all the dates of pennies from 1797.These include 1827,1849,1843 and 1856.I dont realy want to sell them,but would like to exchange them for a Freeman 14 penny(LCW below foot).They are in albums.I cannot take photos but if anyone is interested,I can give further details.
  5. Sorry but as stated earlier,I am no good at taking pictures and dont know how to scan......getting on a bit.
  6. any other differences.I have had one for many years.It is very worn and is probably an 1876H with the H worn off.This is why I enquired if there were All 1876 pennies were produced by the Heaton mint so all have an 'H' below the date. If you have an 1876 without the H, you might like to post a picture. Most likely it has simply worn off or been removed. Sorry,no good at taking pictures.Just thought there may have been some other differences.Thanks. Not to labour the point, but as far as we know there is no such thing as an 1876 penny not produced by the Heaton mint. Are you suggesting that you have one, or just wondering what one might look like should such a thing exist? If you do have one we would be very interested to learn more. If you don't; then that's fine.
  7. All 1876 pennies were produced by the Heaton mint so all have an 'H' below the date. If you have an 1876 without the H, you might like to post a picture. Most likely it has simply worn off or been removed. Sorry,no good at taking pictures.Just thought there may have been some other differences.Thanks. Not to labour the point, but as far as we know there is no such thing as an 1876 penny not produced by the Heaton mint. Are you suggesting that you have one, or just wondering what one might look like should such a thing exist? If you do have one we would be very interested to learn more. If you don't; then that's fine.
  8. All 1876 pennies were produced by the Heaton mint so all have an 'H' below the date. If you have an 1876 without the H, you might like to post a picture. Most likely it has simply worn off or been removed. Sorry,no good at taking pictures.Just thought there may have been some other differences.Thanks. Not to labour the point, but as far as we know there is no such thing as an 1876 penny not produced by the Heaton mint. Are you suggesting that you have one, or just wondering what one might look like should such a thing exist? If you do have one we would be very interested to learn more. If you don't; then that's fine.
  9. All 1876 pennies were produced by the Heaton mint so all have an 'H' below the date. If you have an 1876 without the H, you might like to post a picture. Most likely it has simply worn off or been removed. Sorry,no good at taking pictures.Just thought there may have been some other differences.Thanks.
  10. Dear All, Can anyone please tell me if the are differences between the 1876H and 1876 pennies,appart from the H?
  11. Already above my means. Thank you/
  12. Very rough,but have made a bid.
  13. I am a Bun Penny man, but over the years I have collected the odd penny and thought it interesting if I could get the lot. Alan, "London Coins" latest Auction List just came out, and it has a low cost 1849 Penny in the list. It is item # 1672. It has a suggested value of 50-75 pounds. The condition is Fair, but it has a clear date. I thought you might want to check it out. Bob, Already above £100 but am watching it.Thank you. Alan
  14. I am a Bun Penny man, but over the years I have collected the odd penny and thought it interesting if I could get the lot.
  15. I appreciate what you say about cost, but just as a matter of interest, one of the members here, RLC35, has one for sale on his website. The link to the coin itself, is here Thank you for the offer,but it is way beyond my means.