Hi, Chris Thank you for your kind question. I was born in Mainz near Frankfurt, but now live in Weimar in Eastern Germany. I´m sure you are interested, how I came to your website. It was Gary Brettman, who gave me the hint, you know him. In the early 70s I spent every summer holiday in England - a teenager at that time - and I started to collect a few pennies. It was just after the decimalisation and I did'nt understand the old currency at all, but a few of these pennies were fascinating old. About three years ago I started again collecting pennies, and Gary answered patiently about 1000 questions - a few less perhaps - in a similiar perfect manner as Bob and Red Riley did in my first forum-question. Anyway, I'm glad Gary gave me the hint to your website, I bought your great catalogue last year and I'm working with it as a standard, although I own the Spink catalogue and the Peck (and others too). - I'm afraid, I have answered more questions than you have asked, haha. But German penny-collectors are as scarce as an 1849 penny (in fact even scarcer than a 1933 penny, I'm afraid), so it might have been of interest. Be sure, you will meet me more often in your forum and as regular buyer of your catalogue. See you soon Holger