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  1. coingirl

    Coin album sleeves

    I emailed the person on ebay and this is the response: "Hi there my suppliers have rung me back and told me the leaves are vinyl and will contain pvc but again added they have never had complaints" So I guess they're no good?
  2. coingirl

    Coin album sleeves

    OMG! I'm so embarrassed because it looks 100% like a cow now I've looked at it properly! I just glanced at it and it looked like the nose of a dalmation or something! Blonde moment Oooops!!!
  3. It's a 1920's 10c Straits settlement coin, but in the '2008 standard catalogue of world coins 1901-2000' there are two different types but with identical designs. I'm not desperate for an answer, I just wondered, because I always come across different variaties in books and wonder how you tell them apart! Even with the GB coins I have no idea what half the things mean. For instance: modified effigy or higher tide? If I have a coin and I'm not sure which one it is, or just hope it's the more valuable one!
  4. If you have two coins listed and they are both the same design, same year and same ruler etc.. but the only difference is that one is silver and one is copper-nickel, how do you tell which one your buying? If you only have the one coin - i.e. you don't have them both side-by-side to compare, then how would you know if you had the silver one or the copper-nickel one?
  5. coingirl

    Coin album sleeves

    It's probably the cute dog photo that does it
  6. coingirl

    Coin album sleeves

    Thanks Chris, I've just spotted the coins for sale on pre-decimal - thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I will have a think about the SAFE coin sleeves as I may need quite a few if I was to change over... Wow I didn't realise you'd contributed to so many coin books! I have the collectors coins GB in front of me, so it's a little surreal to speak to the person who writes it - well on the web anyway. I hope I know as much as you in a few years or decades!
  7. coingirl

    Coin album sleeves

    Hi, I'm new to coin collecting and I've been using these coin sleeves to keep my coins. I've recently read about PVC leaving coins sticky, and in fact my coins do now feel sticky, however a friend (non-coin collector) seemed to think they banned PVC in the 90's. Please can someone tell me whether these are made with PVC and whether they're coin proof? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Coin-Album-leaves-63...id=p3911.c0.m14 Does anyone have any better suggestion if they're not? I need something cheap that holds a lot of coins. I tried the OPTIMA range but they're so small and expensive. I don't collect expensive coins, I just collect lots of coins from different countries including pre-decimal British coins. Also where can I buy coins other than ebay? I want a 1/2 cent from Malaya but can't find one anywhere, including internation/US ebay. Thanks in advance