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About freewheels

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  • Birthday 06/08/1953

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    San Francisco CA USA
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    Coins and trails.

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  1. Hi Thanks, for these thoughts, rather what I had expected! I had noticed CNG, but Stephen Album, although local, seems to not have any current auctions, but I will follow up with a phone call. Thanks again1
  2. I have amassed a small to moderate UK collection in the last 55 years with a few rarities, some high grade scarcities. I would categorize most of my collection as 2nd tier with only a few items capable of 4 figures. Maybe 15% slabbed. Mostly milled post 1660 with a few hammered sixpences and shillings. I actually got on Heritage's mailing list but quickly realized they are a TPG centric auctioneer. Does anyone have a good referral for a US auction house that is able to specialize in coins of the UK? I welcome any input!
  3. Can somebody please provide a good picture of a high grade High Tide 1897 Penny please?
  4. Hi, I have an 1861 sovereign with a F over ? in DEF. Spinks has F/V as a variety but Marsh doesn't, thoughts please.
  5. Hi There, Wanted to get forum members opinion on the rarity (i.e. lack of availability and cost) of the following coins, that seem quite unavailable with an R2 or lower rarity rating: 1682 sixpence sixpence (not the over date), no examples on London Coins auction prices realized in 15 years. 1680 sixpence, 2 examples in 15 years from same source. 1735 Half Crown, handful of examples from same source in last 15 years and only rated scarce in ESC and Bull? Ok I know London coins isn't the reference guide but it seems very hard to locate any of these coins? Also while we are here, any other 17th/18th century coins in same boat?
  6. How about the 1731 plumes? Mine is lower grade AF/F but has the double struck G and T mentioned in the only example sold by London coins in 2017. Anyone have this coin without those errors or is that the default? freewheels.
  7. Hi Forum, I have been interested in Charles 2 sixpences for many years. It seems to me that 1680 and 1682 are the keys. I own a 1680 in NVF but have been unable to find any 1682's. There is one 1682/1 on London coins sales in the last 10 years (which I don't participate in as not UK based but look at for reference) and have seen 1 more 1682/1 somewhere else. Anybody care to weigh in on the unaltered date?
  8. Hi Forum, I have been interested in Charles 2 sixpences for many years. It seems to me that 1680 and 1682 are the keys. I own a 1680 in NVF but have been unable to find any 1682's. There is one 1682/1 on London coins sales in the last 10 years (which I don't participate in as not UK based but look at for reference) and have seen 1 more 1682/1 somewhere else. Anybody care to weigh in on the unaltered date?
  9. Hi There, I recently came across this shilling with a clear over-date. I'm calling it 6 over 8 because it looks to me like the 8 is struck over the 6. It is obviously not in the best of conditions and has the clear obverse strike-through on the reverse. Unfortunately, I tried to rotate but still comes across upside down. Curious if anyone has ever met one of these... Michael.
  10. Re Azda's 1701 halfcrown. IMHO, NEF British AU 53.
  11. freewheels

    CGS v LCGS

    Who would you suggest? Maurice Bull?? Email him with pictures?
  12. freewheels

    CGS v LCGS

    Hi, I'm going to try that Photoscape, sounds like I can get better coin pictures that way Also any comments on my TPG comments. I am not a big slabber and generally unexcited by the concept, however I think this crown needs to be attributed correctly and so to that point?: Do you think LCGS, NGC or PCGS???
  13. freewheels

    CGS v LCGS

    Thanks Michael -Roo and Nonmortus! These images show the cloak frosting and obverse letter frosting clearly as well as both of the extra curls! I think the coin is an example of Rayner ESC 20A, Bull ESC 350 but also shows additional frosting since ESC 20A is only described as cloak frosting.. Possible wreath and tie frosting. Note also position of ties that are possibly not consistent with image in Bull; however 11 harp strings are consistent. I don't think there is any reverse frosting but I'm not sure as not an expert (obviously). I really need to know to photograph/scan my coins better! My concern with NGC or PCGS is that they will slab as ESC 20 (VF or EF details for example, because of obverse hairlines) and miss the point... I live in California, how do I submit to LCGS, the membership thing and all that and if I can submit a letter with my observations so that they don't overlook stuff that you think would be obvious to professional graders but isn't always...it has happened to me and others and can they deal with hairlines??? I really do appreciate everyone's input!! Freewheels.
  14. freewheels

    CGS v LCGS

    obverse with frosted wreath ties and letteringand the jr extra curls to neck and bottom of bust..
  15. freewheels

    CGS v LCGS

    I have a 1662 crown (no rose) that has some unusual frosted areas as well as the JR curl and extra neck curl, I think ESC 20A but more frosting; should I submit to LCGS rather than PCGS because this will need too be researched in Bull and maybe other sources because there is more frosting over more parts of the coin and ties are different to photo given of ESC 20A?? Also complicated by hairlines on the obverse; nonetheless I think an interesting and probably rare coin in a decent state of preservation despite the hairlines.