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Bronze & Copper Collector

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About Bronze & Copper Collector

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  • Birthday 07/31/1952

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    New York City
  • Interests
    Bronze & Copper Pennies, Half Pennies, & Farthings

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  1. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Copper Half Penny Collection plus on EBAY

    I just REDUCED the prices on MOST items. ALL REASONABLE offers considered. PLEASE have another look. Thank you, Gary
  2. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Picture of Jupiter

    Well Done!!!
  3. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1826 NO LINE on Saltire, INVERTED die alignment

    Thanks Rob, I'll check when I get home to see if the marks match. And will post an image for comparison. Best Regards, Gary
  4. Hi all, As you may have seen, I have started to dispose of my copper penny collection. As I was listing the 1826 varieties, I noticed that the better condition of my two 1826 NO LINE on the saltire had an inverted die alignment as opposed to the normal die alignment ( coin alignment as in US coinage, as opposed to medal alignment as used in the UK). Like the 1841 half penny inverted die alignment. Is anyone familiar with this variety??? Thanks, Gary
  5. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Copper Half Penny Collection plus on EBAY

    My Ebay Listings I am getting an error message when trying to start a new topic, so I'll just try to add to this one. Circumstances have unfortunately forced me to start listing, on eBay, the bulk of my copper penny collection. I will continue to list the coins as time permits. I have attempted to price the items fairly based upon recent sales records. I also have an assortment of other various items listed as well. I can't do anything about the VAT, but I know that eBay insists on shipping each AUCTION lot separately. I do not know if the same applies to "Buy It Now" sales. Obviously, this does not apply to domestic USA sales. That being said, I am open to all reasonable offers, and am willing to combine individual lots into larger combined lots in order to expedite the shipping process. I find eBay International shipping provides a safer, more secure, and more economical shipping option for me. Please feel free to make an offer or contact me if there is anything of interest to you.  Thank you, Gary My Ebay Listings
  6. Bronze & Copper Collector

    More Pennies

    Email Received.. Thank you
  7. Bronze & Copper Collector

    More Pennies

    That would be great appreciated. If you can include the PDF downloads of the catalog I would appreciate it too. I was only able to download the first part. I got an error message on parts 2 & 3. Thanks all.
  8. Bronze & Copper Collector

    More Pennies

    Does anyone know if there is any way that I can get a copy of the catalog along with the prices realized? Can it be ordered from Sovereign Rarities? Thanks, Gary
  9. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    We have another winner here. Check out 1860 Great Britain Halfpenny KM 726 Rare Date 1/2 Penny on eBay!
  10. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Mint Damage ?

    My little experience leads me to believe that that determination would depend upon who is submitting the coin.
  11. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Possibly a modern commemorative??? LOL!!
  12. Bronze & Copper Collector

    All Forums Not Appearing

    Situation seems to have been resolved. I don't know if I fixed it by poking around, or if it was a browser issue that was resolved. In either case it seems to be working. Thanks all.
  13. Bronze & Copper Collector

    All Forums Not Appearing

    For some reason I was logged out of the forum and had to sign in again. I wasvable to sign in again after changing my password, but the members only forum and the predecimal forum are not showing. I'm using Firefox for Android. Any ideas? Thanks, Gary
  14. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Just a guess, but possibly an Irish Evasion copper
  15. Bronze & Copper Collector

    "Penny Overs" 1865 Penny 5 over 3

    I would tend to agree. I have only owned 5 or 6 half penny overdates, but at least 3 dozen (probably more) penny overdates. There are also many more offerings of the penny overrated as opposed to the half penny overdate.