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Bronze & Copper Collector

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Everything posted by Bronze & Copper Collector

  1. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Thanks Rob... That's my point... There does not appear to be any reason for its existence except as a product of idle time.... Probably made MANY years ago, but I can't think of a reason why it might be from the mint.... Which is why I was looking for suggestions why it might possibly be from the mint.....
  2. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1861 Variable dies

    I wouldn't even know where to begin..... With just the basic 5 obverses (not counting the rare obverse 4 central cut fishtail) and the 3 reverses, there are 13 known basic die combinations (not counting the rarer sub-varieties) each of which have several different date widths (I won't even get into minor die variants on the obverse from the use of known different dies of the same type).. Bernie is the expert on the subtle nuances of the known variants....
  3. I've found the F-69 to be the more common of the reverse I's.... I've had only 2 F-76's.. the Freeman example and the specimen that I currently have..... I've sold 3 or 4 F-69's, have one in my collection, and have seen 3 or 4 others sold on ebay (one just this past week- not the one I sold, this was just listed as an 1874-H ).... These totals do not include specimens already in other collections or sold elsewhere.... So I would probably guess at least 15-18 F-69's known at a minimum....
  4. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1874H Penny

    Obverse 6, Reverse D F-29
  5. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1874H Penny

    It's 6 + H. Still scarce and worth quite a bit in that condition. Correct... 6 & H
  6. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Information, ideas, suggestions

    Other side
  7. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Test Token?

    Other side
  8. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    h***i's bid, with one second to spare, has to have been a previously laid snipe. He couldn't possibly have had time to make a manual over bid with just 3 seconds to spare. Bet he's cursing that other late very high bid edit: Well done New specimen now in my collection, previous specimen now on ebay.... (along with some other rarities and scarcities), including an F-8 Mule,
  9. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    WOT? ROFL = Rolling on Floor Laughing
  10. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    penny's for sale ...... Post cost as follows ( Please read carefully ) UK £1.50 + 50p per extra penny Europe £150.00 +£75.00 per extra penny Rest of world £600 + £300 per extra penny 100 new penny's available have fun. A few points to clarify here. Penny should have an upper case P as it's a proper noun. The cost of shipping Penny around the UK is remarkably cheap. The costs to Europe of the rest of the world is roughly the cost of one bum on one seat in a plane. Presumably Penny is a normal person, though I suspect with a 100 examples of her available it might be construed as people trafficking (or an advert for a brothel) ROFL!!!!!
  11. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Here's a good one.... Talk about excessive shipping rates... ebay item # 330509932583 At least it's "signed for" for your protection.....
  12. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    No colon dots after F:D. Peck 1623a, Gouby 1860 Type T. Took me ages to realise though. And for completion Satin 19, Not listed by Freeman Gouby has it at R9 4 known (now 5!) Fair £100, Fine £250, VF £600, EF £1000+ David Population count not accurate... I have 2, sold a 3rd, this will be a 4th.... Plus a few others in various collections..... Probably at least 10.....
  13. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    If you bid 25 Euros it did not get through as I bid €22 and the next bid was €253!!!! Mein Gott! For three distinctly sub-average buns? Read again... RARE VARIETY
  14. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    It was a member of this forum........and I know who I got outbid as well but not suprisingly! Forgot you guys looked on the german ebay too! I confess... 'Twas I .... so much for hiding the bidders ID... LOL!!! I sold an inferior specimen for $195 a few months ago.... This specimen will replace an example that I currently have.... I will know for sure once it arrives......
  15. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Was anyone watching these Pennies?

    Some very nice coins there.... With a nice response and decent prices realized...
  16. Bronze & Copper Collector

    James Workman Penny sale

    Never seen nor heard of that dot on trident 1922 before David Here's my 1922 Dot....
  17. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1861 Penny, but which one?

    Looks like a reverse G, obverse 6 - Freeman 33
  18. Bronze & Copper Collector

    2 x different dies on F38 Penny

    What Badger is referring to, is that in the early years of the bronze coinage, you can actually see SLIGHT differences in the actual die itself... not die varieties or changes in design, but SLIGHT physical differences within the same die type..... mostly inconsequential to the average collector, but sometimes invaluable for tracing die usage between certain years... Primarily 1860 and 1861, and when the coins were actually struck... I believe Paul Holland wrote an article regarding this matter.... (Paul, if you read this, please chime in and correct me or expand upon this)
  19. Bronze & Copper Collector

    2 x different dies on F38 Penny

    According to Satin, there are 2 die pairings for the F-38.... I have had both, but just saved the better specimen for my collection....
  20. Bronze & Copper Collector

    1933 Penny tin foil impression

    Probably is genuine, as I know the previous owner of the coin did make foil impressions of the 1933 and other coins, both for himself and some other collectors... Key word is probably.... Provenance should be confirmed to establish authenticity......
  21. Not 100% sure, but it looks like a Freeman obverse 1* (can't really tell if it is a Gouby A or B obverse) with a Freeman B reverse
  22. Bronze & Copper Collector

    My Pennies and Freemans numbers

    Contact information is on his home page... Michael Gouby Coins Home page (() Telephone National: 020 7727 1518 International: +4420 7727 1518 Email: michael@michael-coins.co.uk His email address: michael@michael-coins.co.uk
  23. Bronze & Copper Collector

    My Pennies and Freemans numbers

    Be aware however, that there have been MANY new discoveries since Freeman was published, and they are not included in the catalog.... This applies to ALL denominations.... The Michael Gouby work has taken the penny varieties to a new level.... His standard reference covers from 1860-1970, the new specialized edition just covers the Victorian years of bronze pennies from 1860-1901... Link to Michael Gouby's Book page He also has the Freeman Reprint for sale on the same page......
  24. Bronze & Copper Collector

    My Pennies and Freemans numbers

    Spink reprinted essentially reprinted the 1986 edition in 2006 with some updates by Michael Gouby.... their price is £35.00 .... Link to Spink page with description of book