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Bronze & Copper Collector

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Everything posted by Bronze & Copper Collector

  1. Bronze & Copper Collector

    First farthings and now pennies

    I never saw the collection, but am aware of the quality of the coins that he sought........ PS: The quality of the Colin Adams collection was excellent ( I have his F-21), and this is excellent too.... I'm not sure how extensive it is, although I know it covers quite a bit.....
  2. Bronze & Copper Collector

    First farthings and now pennies

    It's a SUPERB COLLECTION, with some GREAT RARITIES..... Including a 1933
  3. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Here's another GEM..... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mMakeTrack=trueLink
  4. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    Safer than actually living in the 12th century and collecting contemporary coinage......... LOL!!
  5. A small fish in a big pond, but I had to take note of my 100th post..... so long as I don't strain my arm, patting myself on the back.... LOL!!!!
  6. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Not a big deal, but I had to take note of my 100th post

    She should for crying out loud, think about it, her image is on more coins than any other person in history. True, but it hasn't ALWAYS been a FLATTERING portrait
  7. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Not a big deal, but I had to take note of my 100th post

    Not to mention his dog.... But let's not get into a political discussion..... It can get very messy... LOL!!!! Talk about mangling the English language!!!!!!!!
  8. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Not a big deal, but I had to take note of my 100th post

    Not really, even though I have more respect for her than our current president.......
  9. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Not a big deal, but I had to take note of my 100th post

    Congrats, many happy returns! Thanks
  10. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    You're holding HISTORY in your hands......
  11. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    You can never top the old classics......
  12. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Not to mention part of the date... It's a Veiled Head.. has to be between 1895 and 1901... UNLESS it's a VERY RARE AND UNDISCOVERED PATTERN!!!!!
  13. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    No modern coinage is included... Farthing collection from 1672-1956 Half Penny Collection from 1672-1970 Penny Collection from 1797-1970
  14. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    I'm with you, but the keeness to aquire is not backed by the necessary modern coinage! No modern coinage is included... Farthing collection from 1672-1956 Half Penny Collection from 1672-1970 Penny Collection from 1797-1970
  15. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    54 here, collecting since 1960... started with US coins, penny folders.... expanded a bit to some other US series... about 1970 or so, I started collecting Great Britain..... sold off everything but the copper and bronze.... had a complete shilling and sixpence set, but applied the proceeds to what interested me most....... collection really expanded in the last 8 years or so, with more time to spend on it and the internet opening the world...... PS: I've NEVER been considered NORMAL..... LOL!!!
  16. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Die errors and die numbers

    Michael Gouby authored an EXCELLENT book which he refers to on his website..... And is deovted to just the BRONZE PENNIES.... Michael Freeman's book, last published in 1985, with a reprint reported to be in the works, is the accepted authority on BRONZE coinage Peck is the accepted work on Copper, Bronze, and Tin.... There is also the SATIN reference (by John Jerrams), which covers BRONZE PENNIES from 1860-1865 NONE of these as ABSOLUTELY COMPLETE, as there are just too many minor varieties to be catalogued..... Most of the minor variants have no significant premium, although there ARE several EXTREMELY RARE varieties that do command an EXTREME PREMIUM..... and of course there are those that fall between.... I specialize primarily in BRONZE pennies and half-pennies, although I also collect farthings and the same denominations in Copper also...... Please feel free to contact me, if I can be of any assistance...... PM me and I'll give you my email address, and you can send me any images that you need to.... Best of Luck.....
  17. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Can you help?

    HI Alan, Thanks for quoting me.... but did you also want to leave a message??? If so, it never got posted along with the quote....
  18. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Can you help?

    I have one in a complete whitman classic album (1860-1901).... I'd like to sell it as a set.... The F-14 has had someones initials scratched into the surface, but would otherwise have vf/ef details.... I'm looking for $900 for the set.... I can email you more details and images if you're interested... but I would need you email address.... Why not JOIN this forum, and we can PM each other the information.... This is an EXCELLENT forum, with many helpful users ready to assist each other.....
  19. In 1908 there were 3 Obverse dies & 2 Reverse dies, used in 4 combinations... Obv. 1 I of IND to tooth; I of IMP to gap Obv. 1* I of IND to gap; (BRITT) : to tooth Obv. 2 I of IND to tooth; I of IMP to tooth Rev. c E of PENNY to tooth Rev. d E of PENNY to gap F-164 Obverse 1, Reverse C F-164A Obverse 1*, Reverse C (the RARE one) F-165 Obverse 2, Reverse C F-166 Obverse 2, Reverse D See attached scans.....
  20. Bronze & Copper Collector

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Being Ridiculously Optimistic (otherwise known as "Fantasyland") and it has to have cost a lot to list them too....
  21. The only 3 that I have ANY CONFIDENCE in are: PCGS, NGC, and ANACS...... They at least attempt to be consistent... Also, all to often, I have seen counterfeit or altered coins being certified with the other companies.... Mis-attributed coins, especially WORLD coins, happens to all, although moreso to the non big 3 firms....
  22. If this piece were counterfeit, it is likely contemporary, and collectible thus. I have Scottish counterfeits from the time and they are more interesting than the authentic coins. Contemporary counterfeits are highly collectible, but I don't think that this is one of them. And, even if Contemporary Counterfeits ARE collectable, they are CERTAINLY NOT as valuable as a genuine one........
  23. An excellent example of a GB coin that is widely conterfeited, and could certainly benefit from certification....
  24. Again, I'll say that I'm not a fan of the micrograding frenzy here in the USA... However, here in the USA, there are many fakes that can be made with the addition or removal of a mint mark... Some have fooled even the experts.... modern technology has improved the capabilities of both the coiner and the counterfeiter.... It is there that I feel that the MAJOR (not the fly-by-night) services provide an important commodity..... Admittedly, this is NOT so vital a point with GB coinage, where a firm knowledge of die combinations can easily prove an altered coin as false, but it is important with many US coins and series....