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Everything posted by Russ777

  1. I am interested in a shield 20p 2008 (dated) that stood out from the rest. It looks matt compared to all the others in a bag of uncirculated coins. It as if the top layer of metal is missing as there is no silver sheen and it has a flecked appearance when you look close up and also a general dull and pick tinge. Very noticeable either close up or against any normal coin. What could cause this apperance I am not an expert on moden coins, so where could I get it authenticated if it was worthwhile? Are the coins sprayed with a final silver metal coat as this appears to be lacking it. I am certain it is not tampered with as came in a whole bag of uncirculated coins.... Is anyone familiar with the manufacturing process as to the metals used would it be cupro nickel. Also interesting is the fact the two 00 of 2008 are linked by a line in the middle definitely looks etched not scratched rather like a pair of spectacles!!! If anyone can shed some light on this? Could this be significant if a metal finishing error by the mint???
  2. So do people think ther is a process missing here as it looks a different colout all over and a matt look to it? Any ideas?
  3. Heres the pics possible error one darker one: Thanks for looking! Note 2008 joined by line on possible error one! I notice noone has replied yet. Yes to say you can get the pictures to look larger (first couple) if you click on them....
  4. Heres the pics possible error one darker one: Thanks for looking! Note 2008 joined by line on possible error one!
  5. Just thought I would share a recent discovery which might even rarer than the recent Mule discovery on the 2008 coin. I have recently found a normal 2008 shield coin with a number 1 above MD. I contacted the mint and they informed me this indicates the very first coin produced in the batch!!!!! So not an error but very interesting. The rarity will depend on the exact number minted... But even if 750 millions are produced (very high) then at the lowest size batch of 100,000 that is only 7500 coins!!!! for the 2008 one. I wonder if they will do this on the 2009 also???? Of course some batches will average out more than 100,000 Also this made me think somewhere will be the Mule error with the number 1! What a rarity that will be the first number produced in the error batch unless someone has already swiped it before circulation!!!! This will surely become a classic rare coin with a very high value. Someone will be lucky to find that one!!!! Thoughts please?? Any ideas of value for the number 1 in each batch and the Number 1 mule (sadly do not have it!)
  6. Russ777

    New 20p mule

    The Chair of South Manchester Numismatic Society, of which I'm Secretary, contactd the Royal Mint on this one. They replied saying that it affected a whole batch and the figures are between 100,000 and 200,000 coins. Geoff one has just sold on Ebay for£138. I have two 20p with 1 above hm will be putting them on with the mule no date fiverboy Looks like the trend for the timebeing then is not downwards £138 being the highest achieved yet but might not last long as soon as the serious collectors have them..... Yes the ones with 1 above them are interesting too, I think it means die 1 the first ever batch of 20ps produced.... so is just as rare as the mule and interesting as the first of anything produced is always collected.. One sold on Ebay for £200 to a collector. There is another for sale £150.00
  7. Hi I am in UK and we are also finding it hard to track them down. There was a time when I saw quite a few in th change a couple weeks ago. Then its petered out. I wonder if people are just collecting them. I'm in England and did like you suggested went to the bank for 20ps and asked if they had any new ones they found 2 2008 shield design put them in the bag and said you might get lucky. When I got home all the rest apart from one were the old 20ps.... Apparently they only get the new design when they order more from the Roydal Mint so my guess is there are plenty more in the vaults of the royal mint which will flood as soon. But we might find the 2008 or 2009 shield design!!!!
  8. Was looking at another 20p puzzle design coin I had and noticed another possible variety? There seems to be a guide line after the word TWENTY of TWENTY PENCE I have checked the coin on the Royal Mail site and it does not have this line. Does anyone know what this is. Part of the manufacturing process??? Another variety, or simply a scratch??? I do not see it currently reported! It seems a very striking place for the line does anyone have the same thing. I also notice the 2009 one doe not have the line. I noticed it when comparing to the mule I had. Two varieties in one day would seem unlikely, any ideas??? Thanks Russ777
  9. Very interesting flaw coin. If you look the tail is also adjoined at the top compared to the normal coin as has not been cast cleanly as well as the line and the filled in dot! Few blobs in grill also. Could be unique like this anyone else find one like this??? I think I am going to make a study of these coins...
  10. Realise it is a busy time of year but does anyone have any updates on the scarcity of the mule error yet? The one on Ebay went for £100 which is quite astomsishing given we do not know exactly how many there are!!! Please post here if you find any more of these mules. Just recently I have found it difficult to get hold of the 2008 new shield design coin. Went to the bacnk and all they seemed to have was the old 20ps... As regards the other coin with the mispunched hole and the line after TWENTY the Royal Mint has asked to see the coin so they can decide how this may have happened so could be something interesting. Will get back to you on this!!! Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone Russ777
  11. I'll take a look Mark and thanks to all those who have registered. I think you'll agree its quite fun and easy to use, it may take a couple of months to get flowing once more members join and start selling and buying but please bear with me. Regards, Hus Looks excellent will be joining soon!!!
  12. As an upadate also notice a couple other flaws with the 'normal coin' There are a few blobs on the grilled part of the design another scratch off the Fur elise and one of the holes along the bottom in the middle near the MD signature opposite the other Twenty error line has not been punched properly and is filled in. Could this be a new previously unreported flaw?: Regards Russ777 No responses yet so I guess people are still looking for the Mule 20p thoughts on this please I am looking to sell?? Might do an ebay.... how common could this be and out of interest how might it occur???
  13. This refers to the 2008 puzzle design only
  14. Russ777

    new 20p coin

    Hi this is the first Uk mule for 25 years. So not common over all that time last one was the 2p error. However the royal mint are saying a small number are affected and one one batch is involved which is still fairly exciting even if not a handful!!! I can see one selling on Ebay for £100 with about a day to go. I also have found one which is why I stumbled here. not sure whether to sell now as there could be a huge amount a batch varies from 100,000 to 200,000. I am trying to see if the whole batch was struck. Stilll interesting valuable or not. Very few errors of this magnitude get past the Royal mints tight quality control procedures!
  15. Russ777

    New 20p mule

    I think £30 still looks a good buy if you can get one....Spread over the whole country there may not be such a huge amount. It could still be only a small part of that batch which was struck with that error. Can anyone say why they are syaing a ' small amount [/i'] in the Royal Mint's statement about the error??? Here is a pic error one (mule) to left normal 2008 coin to right Hope this is of interest to everyone.
  16. Russ777

    New 20p mule

    Hi I am glad I found this site. I am pleased to say I found one my desk yesterday by chance noticing the error. So far I have counted the ones that I have seen reported on the web and it is about 5 so far including mine. One was sold on ebay for £2.20 earlier this month (wish I had been there). Now news is getting out one is being sold with 2 normal coins for comparison current price £100!!!! with 2 days left to go. This is potentially very exciting, if indeed only a relatively small amount has got through as reported by the Royal mint. However I don't know whether to sell now as there could be many thousands if already about 5 have been reported.. It was a relief though to hear they are not fakes. When the Royal mint reports there are not many how many could that be. Is it a case of how long is a piece of string??? Is it just a few seconds on the production line or hours when thousands and thousands are churned out??? It interesting though as their standards are normally so high. May post pics of mine later if I have time... Russ777