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Everything posted by Cerbera100

  1. Maybe Sluff just isnt deemed worthy of newly minted coins... Although - I was the first person in Coin News to get a 2008 shield back coin...
  2. The problem with that of course is that you then have to go into the bank and pay back in about £748 of loose change... As little as that?! Nah - it would be a case of replace anything I took out, and then they can just stick it on their big scales out the back and it'll be fine!
  3. That's a beauty. Indeed it is! And for my money, OS...
  4. Cerbera100

    1927 Proof Set and Proof Crown

    Infintely better pix <Dammit - where is the 'doffing-ones-cap' smilie when I need it?!Oh well, the old ways are the best...> Why thank'ee squire!
  5. If it is, its very localised! I (in Slough) have seen all of two (swimming and badminton) in circulation - but a friend in Reading has virtually completed the set! I'm half tempted to go to the bank and get a £500 bag to see what I can find! Get a £250 bag of 20p whilst I'm at it - see if I cant find any more of my die-cracks!
  6. Cerbera100

    1927 Proof Set and Proof Crown

    And finally, some daylight pics! 1927 Rev 1927 Obv 1928 Rev 1928 Obv Oh, and the set is gone... sorry!
  7. I think it would have to be in bigger chunks than that! Ahh Chris - you missed a trick there! A pound a week is fine for the next millenia! And Peck - I dont think they'll take Totnes pounds in Deutschland!
  8. Done! In some parts of the world, that would constitute a contract! Lovely coin though...
  9. I reckon Tom's 'a few here, a few there' route is the best way if you can't get them from change... £2 for a presi pack is robbery! Although, if you get the aquatics one in the pack, check to see if the swimmer is drowning!
  10. Cerbera100

    Best looking portraits on coins?

    Good old olympic junk!
  11. Genius! Question... what do they qualify as 'student'?! Does it have to be a university person? A-levels? KS1?! Waiting list for nursery?! Next question - how quick can I adopt one?! Can it be like a sponsorship programme? send them 5 beer tokens a month and get the occasional picture and Christmas card...
  12. Cerbera100

    1882 one penny

    Sorry, my mind reading abilities have gone a bit rusty. Perhaps Derren Brown might help? My thoughts exactly! After I'd spent 5mins working out what was meant...!
  13. Cerbera100

    1927 Proof Set and Proof Crown

    No offence taken at all... Thats what you get for a 5min bodge job on a Friday evening before going out for dinner! I'll get some proper shots in the (hopefully!) daylight when I get home this evening. I didnt realise that the crown was only in the set... thats a whole lot of broken up sets around then!
  14. Cerbera100

    1927 Proof Set and Proof Crown

    I may be wrong, but did they not strike more crowns than sets? Either way, its a 6-coin proof set, and a separate crown on its own which incidently, I'l upgrading to aUnc! There is also a VF/aEF 1928 crown up for grabs! Pics below... 1927 Obv 1927 Rev 1928 Obv 1928 Rev Set without flash Set with flash Set crown Set crown and 3d Set 2/6 and 6d Set florin and shilling Set case
  15. Cerbera100

    Best looking portraits on coins?

    Is it even Silver?!
  16. Cerbera100

    clean up

    Sweet Mary mother of Jesus! For the first time since I graduated, I glad of my Chemistry degree! Everything from acid baths to re-plating! And on the subject of verigris - two lines... "Rub with a fine cloth which has been treated with copper soap. Copper soap can be obtained from drugstores." ============================== Having now googled 'copper soap', all I'm coming up with is a fungicide... I wonder if that is what they mean?!
  17. Yep, brasso and brillo pads all the way!
  18. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    The numpties that bought them for £300 are the ones suffering. I don't understand anyone who trys to sell one for more than £75.I think they will drop to £15-£20. Unlikely when people are still selling (or more importantly buying) at £100+... the price won't drop until the numpties realise they are not a long-term investment. Not eBay, but ouchy!
  19. Cerbera100

    clean up

    hmm... we'll see!
  20. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yeah, the poor bugger who bought it from the LMO in the first place - and they only paid £30 for it!
  21. Cerbera100

    clean up

    The one I got was in 'Excellent' condition as well... the rest are only 'good', and one of those is nearly a ton!
  22. Cerbera100

    1887 SIXPENCE R over V

    DNW March if you're interested!
  23. Cerbera100

    Coin tickets - pencil or archival quality ink?

    Possibly overkill - but the felt will be fine! Just make sure that you don't use anything pointy to get the coins out of the hole - or that the hole is big enough to get your (gloved) fingers into! Managed to get a nice scratch on one coin by using a piece of card to lift it - didnt notice the card had a staple in it! Fortunately, only a 1970 proof penny - but served as a sharp reminder!
  24. Cerbera100

    clean up

    Already done - got a copy for £10.80 inc postage off amazon!
  25. Cerbera100

    Coin tickets - pencil or archival quality ink?

    To get around this completely, I have labelled each tray and cell and have a database with that reference for it. I then have a separate coindex whatsit with paper envelopes with the cell ref on with the appropriate tickets in... Possibly a touch cumbersome, but works for me!