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Everything posted by Cerbera100

  1. Cerbera100

    clean up

    Absolutely! I've heard various methods mentioned (olive oil, sulphur and vaseline, actone etc) but no real direction as to how to go about it! Thanks Peter - the verd is on the rev, but the obv is lovely - which is why I bought it. As soon as I release it from solitary confinement, I'll get some pics up. I've always thought Acetone would be a bit harsh on copper... Orbital sander on the other hand - why didnt I think of that?! That'll get rid of the verdigris in a flash!
  2. Cerbera100

    clean up

    On the subject of olive oil soaking, I have a dump farthing that has been 'sent down' for a couple of months already due to some verdigris... Three questions... Firstly, how long should it be left for? Second, will the verdigris just fall off or will I need to gently remove it? Third, warm slightly soapy water and a bit of kitchen roll to de-oil it?!
  3. Cerbera100

    Handling Coins

    If we're being serious... Virgin = first squeeze of the olives; extra virgin = first bit of the first squeeze. If we're not (which is more likely!)... think of it as a 7 year old rather than a 14 year old!
  4. Cerbera100

    ID please

    Yes of course! <hangs head in shame>
  5. Cerbera100

    ID please

    Liz 1 penny? Could be a three-farthing, but cant see a rose... any chance of a pic of the obverse with the crown at the top?! Sorry to be a pain!
  6. Cerbera100

    Anybody got snow?

    Silly soft stuff...! Peaked at about 2inches in Sluff at about midnight on saturday night, then was melting faster than it was falling. Went for a run sunday morning, and still not much. B@stard slush this morning though - thank god it didnt drop below zero last night!
  7. Cerbera100

    ID please

    Yay, I was right! - just not brave enough to have a punt at the initial mark!
  8. Cerbera100

    ID please

    Fate... I was sat here browsing the forum, and I came across your thread - seconds after I've just opened my trusty copy of North V2! Ok - Can pretty much rule out Ed II and III... and it being Durham limits the choice further! So, with a bit of digging (and not being able to make out the initial/mint mark or abbreviation marks) I'm going with either Vb, VIIIb or Xb. I may get shot down, but I think my reasoning is sound!
  9. As the usual coin was a penny, so cartwheel pennies (or possibly twopences) or later, not much chance of a rarity methinks. Personally, I plan on having a 1933 penny on one eye, and an Unc 1869 penny on the other... Now, where's that lottery ticket got to?!
  10. Is there not some form a legislation against desecrating graves?!
  11. Surely only the RM issue sovs and their multiples...?
  12. Knowing the RM, about three trillion pounds...! And a few months later, a certain dealer in the locality of the BM will be charging ten trillion pounds! ---------------------- Sorry, just re-read your post - I thought you mean a diamond jubilee whatsit set... 80th birthday set in gold? Never heard of it...
  13. Cerbera100

    opions please

    Initial reaction (get it ) - WV, but could be HV...
  14. Cerbera100

    Copy of Peck available

    Less than 4hrs - I like that! Im presuming Mr Garry had it?!
  15. I apparently have a spare copy of Peck 2nd Ed, which due to restricted shelf-space I am looking to move on to a new home! Pictures to follow, but clean copy with no (that I've noticed!) annotations and intact dust jacket (this slightly tatty). Not really sure how much this should fetch, but have seen examples online (including on a forum-members site!) in excess of £100! As such, PM me with your best offer and I'll let you know!
  16. Cerbera100

    1992 20p small head/large head

    If you are referring to the 2008 shield-reverse with the 'extra 1', in my opinion this is a die crack... I have four examples showing the growth of the crack - however I can see why the early one can be thought of as a 1. I'll pop some pics up tomorrow!
  17. I tend to agree, however I wouldn't be without my Peck (or North for that matter from a silver perspective), and I dont really collect bronze (or hammered silver) as a main-line! Both a touch on the expensive side certainly, but worth their weight in gold when it comes to identifying that random piece that your friend/colleague has just shown you! So much easier than Spink (or dare I say it - CCGB!) for picking out the specifics! From these, a rather odd looking small bronze piece became a James I Lennox type 3c Farthing token, mintmark Star BMC 86 or 87 and North 2135! All in about 5mins of browsing!
  18. Cerbera100

    Not a sale but a swap

    Sorry - Guides are only 10-14 now... think they re-jigged everything a couple for years ago (about the same time that they did Scouts) - over 14 and they are just called 'seniors' Hopefully that will make life easier for you in future!
  19. Cerbera100

    Flubadub ...

    There's no rhyme or reason to any of it. I'm pretty sure that their quotes computer software is little more than a fixed number plus a random number. Nope - no fixed number involved at any stage! Just a spotty teenager being paid minimum wage on a weekly contract tapping the details in to the magic-maker... There is a field called 'competitive quote' (ie - a quote received from another insurer) - pop £0 in there, and the premium drops about 80%! A guy in my department got done for fraud for putting all his friends' policies through at virtually free! Good old Norwich Union!
  20. Apologies - yes, I probably should have mentioned that Coinery is now the proud owner of this one!
  21. Cerbera100

    Not a sale but a swap

    I, for one, collect decimal as well as all the other English milled, so I would be happy to go in for swaps. I actually only have 13 of the 2011 olympic 50ps, so I'd be looking for any of the missing ones. I don't have any spare olympics at the moment, but I can offer up a Girl Guides of 2010 and a 2008 Britannia. And before anybody groans about the britannia, be aware that it was quite a low mintage, prior to the new design and is, therefore, more difficult to find. Yes please Is that legal? Assuming they're 16+, perfectly legal Unless they didn't consent of course, but who's going to believe a girl guide's word over a numismatist? Oops this is getting into very shady waters... Isn't a girl guide under 16 by definition?! If so, even if they are openly gagging for it, you still get done for statutory!
  22. I completely agree with Peck - though must add... thats some good pic skills for a newbie! Normally they are taken from about 2miles away and horribly blurred!
  23. Cerbera100

    1893/2 penny

    Dear Ebay police, this letter is to tell you that accumulator, ColinG and Azda are all the same person and are shill bidding on a penny coin owned by Rob. Right, now their taken care of - £5. Dear Gollum, Unfortunately, whilst it states in our official rules that people bidding under different usernames is forbidden, we dont actually give a flying duck as at the end of the day, the higher the price, the more we make on our scandalous charges - especially on PayPal! As such, I'm afraid that the bid stands at £45.01 with Azda. However, this sounds "A* UbEr-RAR, Specil Edtion All Coletors MUST HAVE - Way beter than AUNC+++++!" so I'll bid £45.015 Yours, eBay Police