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Everything posted by Cerbera100

  1. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Really?! I've picked up three in the last year for less than £500 each - in the leather cases! I doubt even Coincraft would go as far as £1100! DNW's last one (June 10 lot 1269) went for as little as £330+premium - albeit with a tatty cardboard case... Spink's had one in March '10 (lot 314) sold for £460+premium... Bonhams - six sold in last 18months, all less than £600 inc premium...
  2. Cerbera100

    new two pound coin

    Ahh right... so its got a big + sign on the rev... thats rather unimaginative isnt it?!
  3. Cerbera100

    new two pound coin

    Yes - the nightingale one is rather lovely! If I'm honest, I dont even know what the 2011 one is supposed to be commemorating! Let me think... 2011... eleven years since the millennium?! 143 years since some one did something?! 4.1billions years since the earth was formed?!
  4. Cerbera100

    Removal of lacquer

    It probably is - but then, did the sender write on the outside "CONTAINS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE LIQUID"?! Probably not! With regard to toluene, its great stuff - I used to make it in the lab at uni when we were bored! I hadnt thought of using it as an 'assorted grot' remover though... where did I put that litre bottle I acquired?!
  5. Cerbera100

    new two pound coin

    Not seen one yet... that I know of!
  6. Cerbera100

    I would value members' grading opinions

    Jedi knight not you are. Bloody good job. You're weird. Thats rich coming from a coin collector!
  7. look at price of these coins going though ebay if you have any for sale for 30 quid contact me,these coin are real Collectors items and should not be rubished,same if you have any 1971 double headed half pence coins for 30 quid .keep them and enjoy them that's what is's all about. Many here would disagree - and would probably refer to them as ridiculously overhyped items that were minted in (as they now estimate) hundreds of thousands. They've probably not even now descended to their true level. On the other hand they may have, but I'm not about to wait around and find out. The sheer numbers that have appeared on eBay shows how non-rare they truly are. Worth pulling from change of course, but not IMO worth paying good money for. O let's see shall i, have a coin from my pocket, what a silly coin it is, what shall i do with it,i think i will throw it away,ye wat ever. I think the point that Peck was making is that these undated mules have been massively over-hyped on eBay, in the press and by certain less-than-scrupulous coin merchants. At no point in the next 500 years will these coins be worth the several hundred pounds that some people originally paid for them, and you'll be lucky to get much more than your money back on £50 in the same time-frame! I have bolded the pertinent phrase in Peck's post - the part which you seem to have completely ignored! Of course if the lady in Tesco hands me one in my change I'm going to pull it out, and I might even consider a £15-20 punt on ebay but no more than that! As an aside - you say about silly coins lets throw them away... a friend of mine has an almost phobia-esque reaction to 5p coins and actually does throw them away... to the point where he got us barred from a pub in Exeter when he hit the landlord with one!
  8. Cerbera100


    DONT DROP THE 1933! That would be very expensive!
  9. How can you get lost from Maidenhead to London?! I mean, I know its only a little tiny road, but I think the M4 takes you right into Hammersmith!
  10. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    I didn't know the Fat Duck issued coins! I live not for from there - will have to see if I can get a tour of the facilities!
  11. Don't know of one, that's why I'm asking. In that case, forgive me! I thought you had one up your sleeve that you could dazzle us with! It does seem strange that a design that they had apparently consigned to the recycling bin appeared on the final item... One thing that has just occurred to me, has anyone seen/got a not-so-wavey one in a pres-pack? Possibly they saw the design on these and decided to do a quick redesign for the circulation issue? Though its a lot of effort for only a million pieces... Also, why is the cycling one only got an issue of less than half that of the rest?! (see here)
  12. Indeed - it suggests that two master dies had been made up... interesting that the 'withdrawn' one is in the 'specimen' folder; perhaps there was a mix up when the dies went for their 'specimen' finish treatment? Go on - you know you're dying to enlighten us!
  13. Cerbera100

    Beginners Luck

    It was Michael's idea! I got chatting to him at Coinex, and he mentioned that the idea of an apprentice/work experience person had been discussed and called me the following Monday morning. Being as I was recently graduated and working for peanuts at Norwich Union, I bit his hand off! As for easier exams, you should see them today! I dont remember bidding on that one although the words 'silver' and 'halfpenny' in a description would have tickled my fancy had I seen it! Aug 2006... just after I finished at Bolton Street... probably could have afforded £100 then as well! However, I assume this isnt what it went for?! Still, having recently purchased a 1983 Unc set with the 2p mule (unfortunately the seller did know what they had ), perhaps my budget limits aren't as tight as I thought they were!
  14. Cerbera100


    Mmmm .. thank you. Unfortunately I don't see anything about British coins on the site linked, which makes me wonder if this isn't just spam. While there are some that might be interested in slabbed US coins and bullion here, most aren't. But in case you actually are a real person and representative of this company jaden, I'll say 'welcome' and feel free to join in the coin chat. Oh, and the website linked? It needs a quick search function that you can just type in a term, or name of a coin you're interested in, in my opinion. Tom He's posted here as well... looks like a spam to me!
  15. 35% profit for the House... bang on Mr Webb's target!
  16. Yep, a couple of months ago - went straight in the 'keepers' pot!
  17. Cerbera100


    Have fun with that
  18. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    Yep, £2.95 per coin - individually packed
  19. Cerbera100

    Beginners Luck

    Me three... oh wait - 60s?! Umm... more like early naughties I was given a 2002 Unc set for a birthday present (in retrospect - 18th... hadn't realised that before - too busy enjoying the couple of bottles of vodka I also got I guess!) It was mentioned in passing 'ooo that might be worth something one day' which tweaked my imagination. Sadly, I dont think it will ever be worth much more than the £3.88 in contains, but the comment did push me to reveal the whole predecimal world! I was captivated by the artistry of the viccy silver in particular, as well as anything earlier than that. I subsequently had the opportunity to do 6months(!) work experience at DNW under the wing of Michael Sharp and PPM - during which I handled the Bamford Collection, most of the Mass Collection and the James Hall Collection... All I can say is WOW! The medals side was quite fun as well! As for now, I pretty much collect anything that takes my fancy, with a leaning towards oddities, mis-stikes and errors!
  20. Cerbera100

    Crown coins

    I'm lead to believe that the face-value exchange extends to the sov (and half, double and quin)... though quite who in their right mind would accept £5 for 40g of 22ct gold, I dont know! Given that - I did have an argument with a pawnbroker once who tried to convince me that my sov (and guinea) were only 9ct! On the Churchill front, I did once (ok twice ) manage to get a fivers worth of change for one... is that mean of me?!
  21. Cerbera100

    Hello everyone

    To put it into context, the new decimal half penny had had its final issue just before I was born!
  22. Cerbera100

    Hello everyone

    I sincerely apologise! All the emails (officially at least!) come to me - although it is via a POP3 server to my work emails, so possibly some cracks there... I shall have to investigate! Do you know when you emailed? To answer your points in turn... 1 - given that my personal average monthly spend on coins this has has been less than £2, I dont think we qualify as elite! 2 - active membership is about 30, so not small - email part addressed above 3 - possibly - though that would be me - also addressed above! 4 - minimum membership requirement is to have an example of at least two of the below: 1954 penny 1933 penny Charles I Oxford Triple Unite Edward III Double Leopard Gold Coenwulf penny Ok, so I'm joking about point 4! Membership is £14 for the year (optional additional £2 supplement for tea/coffee/biscuits - cheapest cuppa in the country!). Send me a PM (click on the down arrow next to your name in the top right of the screen, then messenger then compose new) and I'll send you any further details that you need!
  23. Cerbera100

    Ebay's Worst Offerings

    At least she's not said dated 1933... I wonder if they chose a '66 for any particular reason?!
  24. Cerbera100

    Defining a collector

    A well respected gent if ever there were one - a former chairman and current president of Reading Coin Club too! And no, it isnt me!
  25. Cerbera100

    Hello everyone

    Hi there! Sorry for being a little late to the party, but welcome and good luck with your collecting! Collecting for the artistry is as good a reason as any, and frankly, we all collect for some obscure reason or other! You won't find anyone knocking you here! You mention that you are in Newbury... If you are interested, a couple of members and I attend Reading Coin Club... I realise its not that close, but we meet monthly, have talks on various topics, and have numerous 'dealer' tables (including a few 10p buckets!) The club website is in my signature (below), so either drop me an email via that (I get the contactus... emails) or send me a PM (personal message!) here and I'll give you full details! Oh and our next meeting is on 9th Jan!